My Wall

jeremy73 said …
hope you are having a good day Posted over a year ago
el0508 gave me props for my videos
add me back please!! Posted over a year ago
goodekl said about Sam and Mercedes
#37 Here! Love the idea of these two together and I think it's about time Mercedes got some lovin Posted over a year ago
callstories commented…
Agreed! She's the coolest girl on the show. And Sam is the sweetest, not to mention hottest! over a year ago
orangelmp gave me props for my comments
HI WAT U DOIN Posted over a year ago
aceg said …
thanks for adding me back :) Posted over a year ago
goodekl commented…
no problem! over a year ago
big smile
goodekl said about Damon & Bonnie
Let's all give a big thanks to Papa for getting rid of the troll. He just sent me a pm saying that he got rid of "it". So Hurray for Papa and thanks so much!! Posted over a year ago
MissAllisonLove commented…
thank u papa over a year ago
veronicaaa commented…
gracias :D over a year ago
aceg commented…
Thank you Papa over a year ago
goodekl said about Damon & Bonnie
Good News!!!! Troll's account has been deleted!!! Let's celebrate!!!! Posted over a year ago
ApplePie88 commented…
YES!!! FINALLY! over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
OH MY GOODNESS!!!! About FREAKIN time!!! Please don't let us have to deal with this again!!! This was the WORST bullcrap EVER!!! I'm celebrating! We got the job done! GREAT job Bamonators, Delena's, Stelena's, Forwoods, Catts, TVD fans all around!!! AMAZING job!!! It wasn't EASY and we couldn't have done it without ALL of you!! :D over a year ago
goodekl said about Damon & Bonnie
Guys don't even bother responding to this moron! It's obvious that this waste of space gets off on our responses.
Just try to ignore Sir Shithead and hopefully it will be going to hell or away soon( which ever comes first) Posted over a year ago
goodekl commented…
repost!! over a year ago
FrenchGiirl commented…
I agree, please guy stop answering this person. The more you do that, the more they'll continue. over a year ago
Blairwaldorffan commented…
Agreed. over a year ago
aceg commented…
I second that over a year ago
goodekl said about Damon & Bonnie
Guys don't even bother responding to this moron! It's obvious that this waste of space gets off on our responses.
Just try to ignore Sir Shithead and hopefully it will be going to hell or away soon( which ever comes first) Posted over a year ago
goodekl said about Damon & Bonnie
Guys I contacted fanpop about this troll so hopefully this nutcase will be gone shortly.
Man, I've seen some crazy fans in my day, but this loon takes the cake Posted over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
The whole freakin BAKERY!!! I've never in my life!!! Having to go to my spot, and see this pornography?? DISGUSTING!!! Rude and sick in the HEAD!! Kids come on this site, and they have to look at this crap!!! Person is seriously a LUNATIC! over a year ago
goodekl commented…
Got that right!! Seriously, I don't what she's on, but she needs to stop and take some Prozac or something! over a year ago