My Wall

Emo_foxygirl gave me props for my polls
Hi Posted over a year ago
This is Dragon7382 wishing Mizore a Happy birthday. Her series may have ended, butmy feeling to her have not. Posted over a year ago
Mizoreamazing said …
Hey Dragon long time no see ^^ how are you? Posted over a year ago
dragon7382 commented…
Well, I'm always glad to talk to a friend. What brings this long awaited conversation? over a year ago
hey guys. I was on this meme website and on meme stuck out saying "If you were to meet your anime crush in real life, what would you say?" I went to the comments area and everyone said that they would propose to them. When I commented I said that I would give Mizore dating tips to help her relationship with Tsukune. Does that make me stupid for not fighting for her love even though I love her? Posted over a year ago
Liquid-Dice said …
We are friends on facebook now Posted over a year ago
Liquid-Dice said …
So hows life? Posted over a year ago
dragon7382 commented…
still waiting for your reply to my email over a year ago
Liquid-Dice commented…
Oh.... you wanted me to reply.... I get to that right now. over a year ago
Liquid-Dice said …
Do you have xbox live or psn? Posted over a year ago
dragon7382 commented…
not exactly. I have an Xbox but my account does not have live. However, My brother's account does have Xbox live, so my whole family uses his account. over a year ago
Liquid-Dice commented…
I could add his account to my friends list and whenever you're on we could play some games. Also do you have a steam account? over a year ago
dragon7382 commented…
no offence, but I don't use the Xbox unless I'm watching Netflix. If you want co-op game play, that's my brother. He plays C.O.D. and Guitar Hero hours at a time. Also, What the hell is a steam account over a year ago
Liquid-Dice commented…
nvm] over a year ago
Liquid-Dice said …
Which of the four chaos gods would you follow? I will not get mad if you don't choose Khorne. Links are info on them.
Nurgle: link
Khorne: link
Tzeentch: link
Slaanesh: link Posted over a year ago
dragon7382 commented…
well that's tuff. I respect the plotting and psychic powers of Tzeentch, the hate and bloodshed of Khorne, and the mortality of Nurgle. I don't know. I guess I lean more towards Khorne. over a year ago
Liquid-Dice commented…
Wise choice. over a year ago
dragon7382 commented…
yeah If I had to order them from like to dislike it would be Khorne, Tzeentch, then Nurgle. I wouldn't even bother with Slaanesh due to the fact I absolutely hate lust over a year ago
Liquid-Dice commented…
Thats the exact same order for me except the reason I would not choose slaanesh is because he is the enemy god of Khorne. over a year ago
Liquid-Dice said …
Whats up? Posted over a year ago
dragon7382 commented…
working on a battle strategy to kill or contain a monster of great size and power from killing the son of Lucifer and the son of Micheal to gain the necessary power to kill God and taking over creation. So... how are you? over a year ago
Liquid-Dice commented…
Well I'm still trying do become the greatest of Khorne's chosen, but before I can achieve that I will need enough power to crush whole galaxy's in the palm of my hand. I will have to wipe out races rendering them extinct and even if he calls for the doom of the human race, I will still answer his call. In shorter words: I am feeling good. How far are you with your plan? over a year ago
Liquid-Dice commented…
Added you on gmail over a year ago
Liquid-Dice gave me props for my comments
Thank you man, its good to know there is someone out there who still cares about the club. Also your motto is AWESOME :) Posted over a year ago
dragon7382 commented…
It's not so much the club I support. I just love Mizore, and I support almost all fan activities about her over a year ago