My Wall

wokerabbit said …
HEY ANGEL! Okay it’s Em again, I keep forgetting these damn profile passwords- this one I won’t thought! I would really love to come in contact with you again, I’m going to pop you a private message with my email and all (it’s SkippX101)- all my love, and hope to hear from you sokn❤️❤️ Posted over a year ago
SkippX111 commented…
Okay never mind the last one also got deleted, message me on this (It’s Em) over a year ago
Flopsy101 said …
Hey Hun'.... This is SkippX101 (Emi) I had to create a new account because I forgot my old password... anyways just thought to try and reach out to you 5 years later, and see where you are in life... love Em xx Posted over a year ago
cattoy10 commented…
HEY EMIIIIII :D :D :D I just wrote you a letter but I don't know, if you got it, but ohmygodddddd I can't believe this :D I'm sorry, but I'm really surprised and excited because I've really missed you (too much of a pussy to actually write or do something), but holy shit, the fact that you wrote is amazing! Sorry for my sailor's mouth and sorry for not responding earlier (I don't really check my mail, sorry about that) and now I'm apologizing for everything and I'm sorry about that as well, but holy fuck, I missed you more than I thought I did. I hope you see this soon, cuz I'm about to explode from happiness. I should stop my rant before it gets out of control (already did, Hanna, already did...) and just wait for a reply. I've missed you, boo. over a year ago
Right now, a little over a year later, I look at this club: all the pictures, wall posts, comments, everything! And I just go like, "What was I THINKING!?"
I read my comments and I don't recognize myself. "I'm pretty viloent."? "Most people are afraid of me"? Those don't sound anything like me. I mean, yes, I still like all the commando stuff and do dream of joining the military one day, but I'm not violent. *rest is in the comment section* Posted over a year ago
cattoy10 commented…
*the rest* Most say I'm too lovable to be afraid of. And that's true. I'm caring and polite and a lot of other good things. I won't deny that I do love recless action, adrenalin and adventure and always carry a pocket knife, but I'm not one to cause mayhem nor destruction nor any of the things named earlier. I'm a shy, sweet girl. I may dream of such things as being a commanding officer, being a little psychotic and having a dark and mysterious past, but that's just not me.*reading some old comments again* "I can't go to some places because of my dark and mysterious past"? Seriously? What past? I was barely 14 at that time. I mean, yes, I was trying to make myself interesting, but that just isn't me. I'm more of a Private kind of person who dreams of being like Skipper. I've even got the brittish accent to go with. Anyways, even though my current post is rather pointless, I felt the need to write it. over a year ago
cattoy10 commented…
And I am hoping that anyone who reads this won't think less of me, because I'm not the person who I claimed to be. over a year ago
peacebaby7 commented…
*become active over a year ago
peacebaby7 gave me props for my images
Put ♥ this ♥ on ♥ anyone's ♥ wall ♥ who ♥made ♥ you ♥ smile ♥ somewhere ♥ sometime ♥ in ♥ your ♥ life. ♥ ♥It ♥ may ♥ surprise ♥ you ♥but ♥ check ♥ out ♥ how ♥ many ♥ come ♥ back. ♥ Thanks ♥ a ♥ lot ♥ for ♥ making ♥ me♥ smile! ♥ Put ♥ this ♥ back ♥ on ♥ my ♥ wall ♥ if ♥ I ♥ ever ♥ made ♥ you ♥ smile ♥
Happy to know you Posted over a year ago
peacebaby7 gave me props for my images
_(_.^._)__YOU ARE SO__(_.^._)
___(¯`v´¯)_____ _______(¯`v´¯)
____________(_.^._)" Posted over a year ago
cattoy10 commented…
Awwww, so sweet :3 Thank you. You too! I love your articles over a year ago
peacebaby7 commented…
You're welcome. :3 And thanks so much! :D over a year ago
big smile
peacebaby7 gave me props for my images
•BFF! •******* give this 2 yöur best friends Posted over a year ago
big smile
27Kowalski gave me props for my images
♥ KNOW ♥

*hugs* Posted over a year ago
Heyyyyyy, haven't posted on the wall for a while now......Anyways i saw a beautiful ring at a store costing 8€ (I'm from Europe) and guess what, it had Rico playing with a striped beach-ball on it. It brough a smile to my face. Not such a big fan anymore to waste my money on it, (I mean srysly, 8€!!!) but i was just glad, that there are so many fans out in the world. It really looked awesome and who knows, maybe i'll buy it :D I tried to take pics, but i've got a really shitty camera x3 Posted over a year ago
cattoy10 commented…
There aren't many PoM things you can buy from the stores here in Estonia so if you want something, you'll just have to make it yourself :D over a year ago
peacebaby7 commented…
OMG, if I saw something like that, my mom would never hear the end of it. XD over a year ago
skipper12a commented…
Wish I was that lucky... I wish that was one of my Christmas presents this year... ^_^ over a year ago
big smile
peacebaby7 gave me props for my images
♥ KNOW ♥ Posted over a year ago
big smile
farahfauzi gave me props for my images
For you and every fanguin!
Ps: your drawing is awesome! There the props. :-) Posted over a year ago