colton nadeau

Fanpopping since July 2011

  • Male, 26 years old
  • havelock, Canada
  • Favorite TV Show: saturday night live
    Favorite Musician: five finger death punch/disturbed
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if sally real dies in 255 dont forget her tell world Posted over a year ago
sonickisser commented…
ok over a year ago
Whirlwind586 commented…
Sal's dead? over a year ago
sorandom15 commented…
tials dosent have cancer he has aids jk over a year ago
join ever sonic and sally club you can Posted over a year ago
blackops1234 said about sonsally
things are lookin bad for sally after being gun down. in issue 225...WTF first of all if he goes with amy im done with sonic its like a continus loop of shit hitting the fan see dye no wait see alive now see breaks up with sonic then goes with faggot knan now she may be dead for sure the man who makes these comics is treading on very thin ice hes going to losse a lot of fans if this happens just let sonic and sally be together honestly Posted over a year ago
blackops1234 commented…
spelling mistakes sorry over a year ago
blackops1234 commented…
this loop i speak of is like playing zombies sooner or later we will lose over a year ago
CuteLexySonic1 commented…
How awful Sally needs to put some clothes on not even a sonic character she is to brown and gets all the attention just because she is princess doesn't mean Everything should be royal well it seems like it over a year ago