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drewjoana gave me props for my videos
Hi girl!
How are you!!!!??? Long time no see(:

hugs, Joana Posted over a year ago
abcjkl gave me props for my pop quiz questions
hi! thanks for the add back and nice to meet you!

would you like to join my club?

link Posted over a year ago
PrueFever gave me props for my comments
Any chance I could get you to vote and maybe leave a comment in this Disney Poll I made here:


I'm trying to get as many Fanpoppers to vote and comment and your vote could really help a lot :) I'd really appreciate it as every little vote counts :) Posted over a year ago
That finale was literally the worst thing I have ever seen in my entire life. Kuvira deserved better....Korra and Kuvira being paralleled..... please stop comparing my fave to my least fave, and random Korrasami thrown at us at the end with a doting Asami..... no thank you. Thank God this series is over. Utterly ridiculous. Posted over a year ago
TDI_A_WT_ROTI commented…
Really? I loved the fight scenes, the character development was still unreal compared to what it has been, there were some shocking moments (Hiroshi dying), and KORRASAMI FTW! But yeah, I was also hoping for a Masami ending (is that how you say it?) Kuvira finally realizing her mistakes was very shocking, since all of the past villains haven't even come close to learning anything. Kuvira is truly one of the greatest villains in the series, and I'm happy that she lived. over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Maybe it's because Nick wouldn't allow homosexuality and after they got booted off air Nick loosened it's grip on the writing? I don't know. over a year ago
bakes2389 commented…
I don't buy anything Bryke says. Nickelodeon was one of the first networks to air the show, 6teen, which has one episode that features two men kissing. So..... Nick has already shown that it "allows" homosexuality on their network. And if they loosened their grip, then LoK could have featured MORE Korrasami then. Whatever Bryke is saying, they are full of shit. They tacked on Korrasami as an afterthought at the end to avoid criticism for their shitty series as a whole. That's just what I'm seeing. And then their posts calling all their critics "homophobes" is a load of bullshit that just shits on their fans. I'm not a fan of any couple because they are all set up terribly, but I think they could have done more for Korrasami to be better representation for them and the LGBT community. over a year ago
That new episode was actually good for a change. Kuvira is a beast and takes no prisoners. I love her. I will say though that Team Avatar & the rest are kind of dumb not to expect Kuvira earlier... that's just some common sense there. But yeah, I also love how Asami's weapons & her factory/company was blown up. Looks like she needs to start over AGAIN. This show should be called the shit on Asami show I s2g. But hopefully they all lived & Asami isn't sidelined. Also woo for Iroh and Tahno back. Posted over a year ago
xDark_Angelx commented…
I'm especially wondering where the hell Asami was during the investigation. I'm assuming she's still in the building, which is even more worrying because she didn't know about the explosion... ahh, this cliffhanger is going to drive me nuts over a year ago
wolfmaster3000 commented…
yes Korra is Darker then the orginall avatar but it's still keeping to that theme of "Characters get hurt but don't die" we just assume they die off screen but as for Mature viewers like Us those unsettle deaths are thrown in. over a year ago
bakes2389 commented…
Just saw the finale..... -__- they all are okay, and then when they are injured, we don't see them anymore, and then certain characters who are seriously injured make a miraculous full recovery. This is why I don't like LoK. over a year ago
Alchemistlover gave me props for my comments
Hey not sure if your caught up but who's your fave Ahs freakshow character? No one else I know on here's watching this season XD and I personally really like it. Posted over a year ago
bakes2389 commented…
Hey! Thanks for the prop! I'm actually marathoning 7 episodes tomorrow to get caught up! School has been keeping me so busy lol. As of the first episode, I really liked Jimmy, Jessica Lange's character, and of course Sarah Paulson's characters. xD We need to discuss this show!!! over a year ago
Alchemistlover commented…
I adore Jimmy (Evan peters is bae quite frankly), Ethel, Dott and Paul (the British guy with the dormer arms) I like many this season actually hell I even like Dandy he's insane though. You'll love it as it goes on I'd love to discuss anytime! over a year ago
Wow..... Asami literally was shit on once again in this new episode. The chance she is given to show her genius, and she isn't allowed to say one word. Tell us how you really feel about her Bryke. -___- This episode bugged me so much. Thank God there was some Kuvira highlights though.... that saved the episode for me. Posted over a year ago
WinterAmari commented…
Well it was focusing on the Bei Fong family >_< not Asami nor Korra Mako Tenzin etc so it focused on the others like everyone gets an episode where they play a bigger role , it can't be all Asami .... over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
But that's just the thing it's not all Asami, on fact she's barely there anymore. over a year ago
bakes2389 commented…
I know!!! Like wtf!?!?!?! I think it's funny too that Wu and Raiko have had bigger roles than Asami. Like come on!!! over a year ago
New episode: Um.... a little rushed & too spirit-y for my liking. I don't get how Korra can be spiritually connected one minute, and then not the next. And then she has to see Zaheer, who willingly helps her after wanting to destroy her, because of "common interests." How convenient.... And then Jinora, the most spiritually inclined, can't do anything useful in this episode? Mako being thrown in and why? He serves no purpose being present. And my favorite.... Asami being thrown in for 4 lines. Posted over a year ago
bakes2389 commented…
And also.... why the hell are Bo and Opal so annoying? We've got Bo using a ruse to get Opal to come to him, and then we've got Opal holding a grudge. I forgot.... Bo was the one who kidnapped her mother....not Kuvira. -__- And why are they going on a rescue mission? Why are they dragging Lin down with it too? Do they realize they are all going to get caught? They are morons. over a year ago
bakes2389 commented…
^^ The episode just fell flat for me. I was being super biased too! I totally agree though. I would have preferred more spotlight on Kuvira than Zaheer. over a year ago
bakes2389 commented…
@tsmith: I'm just super biased. I adore Asami and I hate that she always gets the short end of the stick with this show. Varrick is good on his own, but he, like Asami, needs his own show lol I think if I were Opal, I would try to be rational. I tend to be an overly rational person, so if my mother tried to go after Kuvira, I think I would have been like "no bitch no.... we do not do that now." lmao But I think I'd try to get a bigger crew for the rescue mission though.... going in with 3 other people is just asking for trouble. I'm just saying it's typical cliche bullshit with "we gotta save the family" thing. That's all. Been there.... done that. Didn't ATLA do a save the family type of mission too? Yep.... let's stop doing them! over a year ago
Remembrances was 22 minutes of my life that I can't get back. :/ Posted over a year ago
TDI_A_WT_ROTI commented…
Nickelodeon gets the blame for this one. Apparantely, the budget for Book 4 got it, almost an entire episode's worth. It was either this episode or fire half of the staff. But I agree, it was a boring filler. Waiting for Toph to strike >:) over a year ago
bakes2389 commented…
I actually read Bryan's message. He solely blamed Nick for the budget cut, yet he knew a year and a half in advance. I don't blame Nick for being business savvy. I blame Bryke for poor writing quality, poor business decisions, and not bothering to pursue other options. I just don't get how that episode even got the "ok" to air. It was horrible. over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
^^ Pretty much. I've never liked Nick all that much. I think it was good of them not to cut half the crew. over a year ago
Jesus.... I just saw the clip for next week's episode. *eye roll* Mako teaching Wu how to fight because Mako is a "tough guy who can defend himself." -barf- And oh look.... forced Makorra bullshit. Seriously Bryke..... can you not write a book without these stupid ships? Or better yet, not write about your selective ship of glory? The more I watch Book 4, the more I want it to be done. I can't take how bad some of it is... Posted over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Was there any sign of Kuvira in said clip? over a year ago
bakes2389 commented…
Nope..... apparently the "villain" who should be a main focus isn't. We have four episodes left and we're wasting time with Wu and Mako. Typical Bryke. -__- over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Seems legit... over a year ago