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noControl1199 gave me props for my comments

"The Fray" is Louis Tomlinson's favorite band. If you liked his cover of "Look After You", can you please please join his fan club?

He is a very talented musician and you might already know he is part of One Direction.

Please join his club here. I'd really appreciate it.


Thank You so much !! Posted over a year ago
Rainshadow999 gave me props for my links
Hi. Posted over a year ago
big smile
Sara-soso gave me props for my answers
heeeeeeey hw are you sweeety ??????? Posted over a year ago
abigiggle commented…
im great thanks, how are you? (sorry it took so long for me to reply!) x over a year ago
WemperorW gave me props for my images
Friends ? Posted over a year ago
abigiggle commented…
thanks! over a year ago
abigiggle commented…
and yeah totally friends :) over a year ago
jazzy1010101010 said …
idk Posted over a year ago
abigiggle said about Glee
who else is confused about why at the beginning of season 3 Mercedes was tired + felt ill and then they never said anything more of it even though apparently it was supposed to be a big storyline for her....hmmm? :s Posted over a year ago
gleekout commented…
because shes not Rachel , i guess :P over a year ago
gleekout commented…
look bact at season 1 : Rachel lost her voice --> we had one ep for that ^^ over a year ago
abigiggle commented…
i know, i reeeeally wanted a mercedes storyline! there also NEEDS to be more development on emma, brittany, tina and artie in season4!!! :D over a year ago
drewjoana gave me props for my videos
Hi please join the spot for surrane jones;)


Thank U <3 Posted over a year ago
abigiggle said about Will and Emma
wemma have finally done it haha ;)
LOVED her pamphlet!! Posted over a year ago
abigiggle said about Will and Emma
i want a wemma duet in the episode heart!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
abigiggle said about Glee
ok there r 2 things i dont get about santana after watching 'hold on to sixteen'
1. where is santana staying? cos in the last episode her nan kicked her out!!
2.and she's still a bitch!?! she said she was a bitch cos she was lying about her sexuality and that once everyone knows she's a lesbian she'll be nicer but she's not!!! :L Posted over a year ago
katiegleek commented…
i dont get that either over a year ago
ratava123 commented…
1. I don't think she lives with her grandmother since she has mentioned her parents before. And for 2. It's Santana, you really expect her to be totally nice? That goes against her nature! over a year ago
ForsakenMoon19 commented…
^It shouldn't because no one likes a bully, at least I don't! over a year ago