My Wall

balto-the-king said …
Hi it's been a while Posted over a year ago
shadow-omega gave me props for my images
hey Aleu *laughs a little smiling* um how's it going? *looks at u* Posted over a year ago
TheRealAleu1 commented…
im doing well how r u *smiles* over a year ago
shadow-omega commented…
I've been alright *smiles stills* over a year ago
TheRealHumphrey said …
hey Aleu hows everything going with you Posted over a year ago
TheRealAleu1 commented…
everything is great and im sorry about whats going on with u and ur mate over a year ago
TheRealHumphrey commented…
thanks i hope everything turns around for the bettere over a year ago
TheRealHumphrey commented…
do u like foot massages Aleu? over a year ago
LoneWOLF2272 said …
Lol ur a man killer all these males after.u its funny reading ur wall hahaha. Have fun XD Posted over a year ago
Slydog900 said …
I am Here to be with you and I am not going anywhere. If you promise to be on more often? Then I will stay with you and maybe marry you? That is how much I love you. Posted over a year ago
Slydog900 commented…
ops I got carried away again. What is wrong with me? I think I need some help. I need some help to change. over a year ago
TheRealAleu1 commented…
thats sweet sly and of course ill try and be on more often over a year ago
Slydog900 commented…
I'm going on every single day and wait for you to reply to me. I will be happy to be your mate for life. I will be on your side forever and ever and always will. over a year ago
big smile
lonewolf8547 gave me props for my videos
Hey Aleu! how are the pups hun? Posted over a year ago
TheRealAleu1 commented…
awe hey Alex *hugs you* we are great! thanks for helping out over a year ago
lonewolf8547 commented…
*hugs back* thats great hun. any luck finding a new mate? over a year ago
TheRealAleu1 commented…
i guess its probably for the best then over a year ago
umar4692307493 said …
whats up Posted over a year ago
TheRealAleu1 commented…
heyy over a year ago
TheOneTruekate gave me props for my images
Hiya! How are you? *smiles* btw thank you for adding Posted over a year ago
TheOneTruekate commented…
I totally just realized you commented on my wall, lol. You can reply to which ever one XD over a year ago
TheRealAleu1 commented…
I'm great and yea I did lol over a year ago
TheRealAleu1 said about Zootopia
this move looks soooo cute! i cant wait to see it! Posted over a year ago
Slydog900 said …
I guess I was wondering if you are okay with that I'm going to be reunited with my mate .Please don't cry or get mad at me for doing this. But I do understand that you are a nice girl who is looking for someone who can help you to take care of the pups. I am so sorry to say that I have decided that I am going to be honest with you and I am mates with someone else who needs me more than ever. I'm sure you can still see me anytime at least. Posted over a year ago
TheRealAleu1 commented…
I understand am i not mad, a little disappointed but its ok. Im just sorry i wasnt on enough but i have my family to deal with so sometimes it gets hard but i guess its whatever as long as ur happy over a year ago
Slydog900 commented…
I still feel sorry for you even i am with someone else. can we do one last time before I go back to her? over a year ago