My Wall

Prussiasheart said …
Hello! Posted over a year ago
Spazola77 said about Hetalia: Prussia
I don't know how many of you noticed, but...
Prussia and Awesome have the same number of letters. Nuff said. Posted over a year ago
Spazola77 said …
Omg, so totally in love with Hetalia right now. Can't say my fave country just yet, but soon! Posted over a year ago
AlyssAybss commented…
I love America >.< over a year ago
Spazola77 said about Naruto
Okay, I have officially become a fangirl. I gots a crush of Gaara nao, plus I just cried after watching episode 132. ^-^
Posted over a year ago
big smile
1012jackson gave me props for my comments
Yeah she is. Thanks for actually believing me (and for the add) theres a girl here who doesnt believe me about it. She says im a liar (which im not). How did you find out? Posted over a year ago
Spazola77 commented…
You said it in a comment on a pick I did. The closest contact my family has ever had with Michael is that my mom met Rebbie at a hospital her church was volunteering at in Muskogee, Oklahoma. over a year ago
Spazola77 said about Michael Jackson
Guys, liberiangirlmj is having baby! Lets wish her luck on her wall! Posted over a year ago
flinn123jacko commented…
how old is LIBERIANGIRLMJ? over a year ago
Spazola77 commented…
like, 21. over a year ago
Spazola77 commented…
Wait, she has a diff username. its liberiangirl_12, i think. Lets pray 4 her, she actually lost her baby. :'( over a year ago
Spazola77 said …
Hehe, clicky-cicky! Tempting, no? Posted over a year ago
mkd said …
when i saw your comment on the ninjas spot it's not really called a katana a katana is just a type of sword Posted over a year ago
Spazola77 commented…
oh, okay! thx for lettin me kno. ^-^ over a year ago
Spazola77 said about Death Note
I just started watching this yersterday. On a scale of one to ten, ten being the highest, i give it ten. million. AND TWO. Posted over a year ago
droberson1104 gave me props for my answers
Hey!!! I was reading the forum on "How do you know that you are an OBSESSED MJ fan?" You said when a person's personality depends on whether s/he is a MJ fan or NOT. That is so hilarious!!! I've had that same thought. CRAZY right? We are soooo OBSESSED!!! Anyway, you made me laugh, thanks!!! Take care and here's your props. Enjoy you- MJ -obsessed- person- you!!! XD Posted over a year ago
Spazola77 commented…
Thx! I love and like everyone, but when I find out they don't like MJ that drops their like-level drastically. Unless I really really like them. over a year ago