My Wall

BlindBandit92 gave me props for my comments
Hey Sam. It's been a long time. How are you? ^_^ Posted over a year ago
AkiraTaifu gave me props for my images
Hmm, your icon... I want to say it's Haru-kun from My little Monster but his hair is too dark. Maybe Rin Okumura from Blue Exorcist but, I think he had fangs.... I'm stumped! Please tell me. Posted over a year ago
big smile
jeanne-maron gave me props for my comments
btw. thanks for the recommendation,,,,its on the top of my list :) Posted over a year ago
jeanne-maron gave me props for my images
OMG from where is your avi pic from >////< Posted over a year ago
perryperry gave me props for my images
I love your icon! Sayaka <3 Posted over a year ago
Anonomon13 gave me props for my answers
Thx for participating! :) Posted over a year ago
BlindBandit92 said …
Oh I wanted to play Ace attorney and Assassin Creed. Lol my knack is not always finishing the animes I watch but I normally finish video games ironically. xD I've heard of Okami. What it's about? I may add that to my list of video games to acquire in the future. Posted over a year ago
BlindBandit92 said …
Wow that sucks. I am glad no one was hurt. Well I have been decently good. Got into a few more fandoms since we last talked and unfortunately got badgered quite a bit of times for stating my opinion. I recently started a tumblr so now I am derping on it every day. I know now why people find it so addicting. 8| Started playing a few new video games as well. Unfortunately got my butt handed to me several times. xD I see you like video games so do you play any other besides Zelda? Posted over a year ago
Shadowmarioking said …
Yeah, I guess it is. I mean, she is showing some loving affection for you, even if it took you away from the computer. |D Older bros are sometimes the best. IT'S FIXED?! Wow, didn't see that coming. I was so sure it'd be fu-I mean good job.
Believe me, nothing would make me happy than to go to San Diego. But that time will come when it needs to. LA no. Probably not the best place for me to go honestly. And off to the comments. Posted over a year ago
Shadowmarioking commented…
Not all homemade costumes have to be lame necessarily. Get a few props and a costume could be a hit, I know it. I've wanted to try homemade stuff before, but I don't really have the money or resources for that. Got any ideas on what you wanna be so far? :3c Perhaps I could help when the time comes~. over a year ago
Shadowmarioking commented…
Again Fanpop insists on glitch. DAFUCK, FANPOP. DO U LOVE ME OR NOT ANSWER ME DAMMIT. *sniff* ;n; I shed tears too. In front of my parents and bros. I NEVER, and I mean never cry in front of people. Ever. It was just so upsetting. ;-; I didn't even know it was possible to make the original song even more sad but I guess I was wrong. over a year ago
Shadowmarioking commented…
Yike, you spun a few times? D: That's bad. At least no one was injured, gotta be thankful for that. Yeah that would be natural to do. It makes sense why you wouldn't remember the color of the light. I have an idea of what is felt after being in a car accident, but man, that just sounds awful. D: At least you're okay though, and everyone else is fine, so that's all that really matters. over a year ago
BlindBandit92 gave me props for my comments
Yep it has been a while. I have been meaning to talk to you. I missed our talks and what not. And thanks. Homura is my favorite in the show. And yea Popeye is pretty badass. I miss watching those cartoons. So how have you been doing lately? Posted over a year ago