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RandomLuver said about Waffles
Do you like waffles. Yeah I like waffles.
Do you like.... No me only wants my Waffles. (eats waffles) Posted over a year ago
RandomLuver said about Toy Story
Me and the rest off preforming arts are doing this as a play. I am Barbie. So exited. Hate who they picked as Ken Lolz. My friends are Big Baby and Fuzz (an alien) its goona be so cool. Last play before I leave. Posted over a year ago
alyss5 commented…
Cool I wish I was there that sound cool over a year ago
RandomLuver said about Kingdom Hearts
Orginization 13 all die unfairlly (sorry if I spelt it wrong) what did they do wrong anyway. Sora is not a hero cos heros arent hearltless murderers!!!! Posted over a year ago
Roxas1314 commented…
You are correct! over a year ago
Trainofdoom commented…
AXEL DIDNT NEED 2 DIE! over a year ago
xionhearts commented…
axels died oh thats sad i like roxas axel and xoin thats sad over a year ago
RandomLuver said about Lady Gaga
Lady gaga is my role model. She doesnt pretend to be whos she not. Life to her is about fun. She is SUCH an individual person and she represents fredom and individuality, Posted over a year ago
RandomLuver said about Poetry
I not myself
not anyone else.
I am the air you breathe.
Do you hear my voice Posted over a year ago
RandomLuver said about Poetry
Love is not took in the form of a hot boy or girl but when you heart missed a beat when you looked at them. When you truly wanted to be with them. A red blush flows to my cheeks, this is love. My heart was theirs from hello. They had rejected it. I realise this as I walk alone.
my heart was theirs they had had took it now it was gone. Emontionless Posted over a year ago
XMISSELLIEBX gave me props for my comments
I see you are a new member to fanpop well i hope you enjoy it.

With love from,XMISSELLIEBX Posted over a year ago
RandomLuver said about Poetry
Although we're all uniqe we share a soul
A soul is given to each of us as we personalize it and make it our own.
All the good and the bad make us who we are.
If you remember me in the future my soul will stay with you.
We are freinds yet to meet and I hope our paths shall entertwine somday. My spirt will live even if my body does not survive. My dreams my heart will ride the wind.
My soul is immortal Posted over a year ago
RandomLuver commented…
I know its not very good but over a year ago
Aw thats a realy wonderful poem love it xxxxxx over a year ago
RandomLuver commented…
It not that good over a year ago
Lots of people I know compare Vampire Diaries to twilight saying that its a copy of twilight. But if you look at when the the vampire diaries books come out they came out way before twilight. So there.
I LOVE THIS SHOW Posted over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
I know, it's REALLY annoying. I have to constantly defend the VD books from Twihards acussing L.J of copying Twilight, when the books came out WAY before Twilight was even heard of. VD rocks! over a year ago
Melisey commented…
To be honest I thought that too when I watched the pilot. But I am glad I was wrong. over a year ago
Melinda100 commented…
no it's not a copy of twilight over a year ago