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Princetonluv12b has not joined any clubs yet

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I had a dream about u and I was living it because I was kissing you Posted over a year ago
rayboo commented…
i like your commment over a year ago
amyangel789 commented…
princeton when you first c ame out i was inpressed im ur number 1 girl :) i have ur posters every were plus every concert yuh have i always come foreal all i want you to do is wright me back luv you for ever and im 100% mindless dont forget me over a year ago
Missprinceton1 commented…
I have only been to 1 MB concert i am definently going to another one to se PRINCETON I got lots of posters of u on my wall im your #1 girl and you are my #1 man I LOVE U soooo much and in the song mrs right im the girl that ur singing about so sweet traveling all across the world just to see me you missed australia in ur song just sayin BYE over a year ago