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wolfies gave me props for my images
Nice picture Posted over a year ago
Panda97 said about Alpha and Omega
Anyone on Chatzy or TinyChat? Posted over a year ago
ben14delas commented…
I am on chazty. over a year ago
Neostorm commented…
And now, this is finally finished. Well, i suppose. over a year ago
Panda97 commented…
This is getting old, you are back to the amateur corrections in yet another attempt to start a new argument. Which will just be a sign that you have lost and that you are, yet again, trying to change what the conversation is about to try and win a different argument because, let face it, you haven't had a valid point yet. I don't want to argue any more, you can comment a gain like a little child on a playground trying to convince himself he is correct but it won't work. I'm done any further comments from you would show how petty you really are. over a year ago
Panda97 said about Tikanni's pack
Hey Posted over a year ago
MarkyGreenJay commented…
Hi over a year ago
Tikanni commented…
hello over a year ago
Tikanni commented…
Ok take care sis over a year ago
Panda97 said about Alpha and Omega
So whats everyone up to, anyone want to chat? Posted over a year ago
Neostorm commented…
Sure, inbox me. over a year ago
ben14delas commented…
Hey panda what's up buddy:) over a year ago
dovesjacob4ever commented…
In my woods :) over a year ago
Panda97 said about Alpha and Omega
Hey guys, Im new to Fanpop :D whats it like? Posted over a year ago
dovesjacob4ever commented…
Most times good, welcome to the pack, and as long as you don't run into trolls you'll be all right:) over a year ago
ben14delas commented…
Hello and welcome :) over a year ago
ben14delas commented…
true:) over a year ago