My Wall

darange gave me props for my comments
heeey Posted over a year ago
Uh so hey. It's been a while...ish. I've just started talking with Blaze again and I guess I'm just sorry that this place went to ruin. I went away because things went a bit wrong in my life and I needed to fix it but then afterwards I just didn't come back and yeah. If anyone else from way back is still on here I'd really love to talk to you guys and see how everyone is going. Posted over a year ago
JasmineValdez commented…
Hi!! It's definitely not your fault, we all just started drifting separate unfortunately. I know I rather bluntly left and I'm sorry for that. Hope everything's going better for you now, I'd love to get in touch as well! over a year ago
Spikegilfer1997 said …
*Poke Poke* Posted over a year ago
Rogue475 gave me props for my pop quiz questions
Blarg! Posted over a year ago
Blaze_of_Ares gave me props for my polls
Merry Christmas Posted over a year ago
Blaze_of_Ares gave me props for my comments
I feel like we should make another Camp Half-Blood or Camp Jupiter Rp but they always end up dying. Would anyone be willing to start another Camp Jupiter one? Posted over a year ago
Blaze_of_Ares commented…
Before or after the Giant war? over a year ago
Nicolicious commented…
After, so we should wait until everyone's read BoO. over a year ago
ConnerandTravis commented…
Spoilers are okay with me tbh... I know somethings that happened like Solenglo and some other things because of Tumblr. So, if it's after, I really couldn't care less if it was over a year ago
Hey guys...
So I've been gone for about two months and the only explanation I can give is that I'm lazy. I discovered Glee, had about a million essays on ballads and then assignments on earthquakes and the damn periodic table, we got another dog and I've been preparing like crazy for World Challenge. I can assure you all that I've missed this place extremely and I need somebody to update me...on everything. I sincerely hope I won't be murdered for my extended hiatus. It was worse than Sherlock. Posted over a year ago
Blaze_of_Ares commented…
Well, nothing has happened really. over a year ago
Rogue475 commented…
I've got AP Biology and we are going over the chemical molecules made by elements and it's really confusing sometimes lol over a year ago
pink-bookworm commented…
Oh, what utter fun. Reasons I'm not taking science next year :P over a year ago
Blaze_of_Ares gave me props for my pop quiz questions
I was just reading through The Lost Hero again and come to the page where Leo names Festus; so naturally, since I'm doing a project on pregnancy, I read Festus as fetus for about half the book and wrote fetus as Festus until I realised my mistake. XD Posted over a year ago
Phoenix_Stone commented…
This is the best type of misunderstanding xD over a year ago
Nicolicious commented…
I'm sure my health teacher will question the eraser marks across my page. over a year ago