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NakedBarbie said about Damon & Bonnie
Hello bamily! It's been a while since I've been here cause I'm a mother now, therefore I'm a lot busier these days but I miss you, my darlings. I know I'm hella late with this but I'm glad Bamon has been getting media attention lately, like the wetpaint article and Kat publicly saying (again) that she ships Bamon! She's a proud Bamon shipper like us lol. I really do hope 2014 will be the year Bamon makes major progress! Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
CONGRATS my darlin'!!! A beautiful mum might I say too. We missed you too! So positive and heart inspiring. How's motherhood treating our girl? I'm right with you on hoping 14 will be our year, glory knows, we've waited longer than any other ship known to this fandom to get it. lol. HUGE LOVE to you and the bubby (raised in a Bamon home, is off to the right start!) <3 baby kisses <3 over a year ago
elena1 commented…
Congratulation over a year ago
NakedBarbie said about Damon & Bonnie
I just saw an interview with Kat where she said Bonnie's feelings for Jeremy continue to grow. I was really hoping the writers would start to move away from that romance but I guess they're just fixated with the idea of not letting Bonnie explore other options the way Elena and Caroline can. I'm not going to stop watching the show for good but I think I need to take a break from TVD because I haven't been happy with Bonnie's treatment or the show in general for a long time now. Posted over a year ago
Ds_Redbird23 commented…
Me and you both hun over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Co-signed with glee. AMEN. It's wild because CarolineD and Jp said Beremy were friendship. I happily axed the show, but can't quit our bamily if I tried. Amen to your statement taking a break. Episode 7, apparently they find out about her death. *sigh* Never mind! We'll keep each other healthy happy company, and just rock on till then. Let the ratings fall. over a year ago
Wahinetoa gave me props for my links
OMGosh, Naked.. that is the most sweetest and beautiful thing anyone has ever said to me *blushing* Right back at you bb, when our ship gets everything thrown at it, it's your hand and our Bamilys, in mine that makes it possible to fight on. We're a tenacious, riotous lovely bunch of lasses. Individuals like yourself that bring the backbone heart to keep doing what we're doing, and it's that heart - that makes me love ya more. LOVE YOU NAKED!!! Posted over a year ago
NakedBarbie said about Damon & Bonnie
Hey bamily. Whatever happened to that petition? Did anybody ever send it to Kat, Ian or Julie? I think we should send it to someone tvd related since DE kept begging & sending the writers death threats & that apparently worked in their favor lol. I'm not implying that we should threaten or harass the writers; we're classier than that lol but we should start being persistant and active with the writer because the KC and DE have constantly done that & look how far it's gotten them. Posted over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
Btw did y'all hear DE is getting a bathtub scene??? I heard it's related to sex or supposed to be a romantic scene or whatever but I hope it's nowhere CLOSE TO OUR BOOK BATHTUB SCENE. JP has used a book bamon scene for DE in the past but c'mon the bathtub scene is off limits!! I don't think I could get over that lol. Sorry for the rant , bamily lol. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
link over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
^^ jp can give every bamon/stelena scene to this ship, but like always, you cannot force truth into a relationship that is - at it's very base - is a lie. *chuckles-sirebond-chuckle* We already know this, so I'm just gonna sit back and laugh my toosh off at her desperation to make it work, and implode rightfully. lol @ tvd. over a year ago
Nevermind5555 gave me props for my images
Aaliyah, Tupac & Stelena?! <3 I like Clois so much too, but I'm also Clana fan;) Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa gave me props for my comments
You are AWESOME, and I LOVE YOU, and NEVER STOP BEING OUTSPOKEN. Not yellin', just being so proud of you, and cheering loudly because.. words &You have an infinite gleeful sound. Always singing your praises bb. <3 Posted over a year ago
NakedBarbie said about Damon & Bonnie
I have a question for my fellow Bamonators. I know this topic has been discussed before but I'm just curious to know if ya'll think another reason Bamon isn't happening is due to racial issues. Do you think Bamon would be cannon on the show if Bonnie was portrayed by a white actress? Do you think that would've made a big difference? I think there's a lot of reasons the writers are shying away from Bamon & I hate to say it but I think "race" is one of those reasons. I also think that could play a Posted over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
factor in why Bonnie doesn't get as many love interests as Elena & Caroline. It's as if Bonnie is not supposed to be seen as attractive, desirable or love interest material. I guess the writers see Elena & Caroline (white characters) as beautiful & desirable since so many men in MF are drawn to them, even borederline obsessive over them. Bonnie on the other hand...Well, ya'll know how our favorite witch gets treated. I hate to bring up race but I can't help but wonder & speculate if she'd recieve better treatment by the writers & fandom if she were portrayed by a white actress. And don't even get me started on the racist comments that some of the hateful DE'rs (not all) make. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
This is a really GREAT question bb. I think it us a large part bias from JPs comments on not able to write from a non-white girl perspective, or some lame excuse like that. I mean, wth, We are EVERY woman.. colour changes some situations but not the strength, heart and intelligence it takes to overcome, outwit and surpass them. More than racial it's Julie pandering to her own writing bias, letting only the three consume the show and other characters prop them up, rather than give them a SL of their own. By 'them over a year ago
Miss_Diaries commented…
yes...totally agree. One girl asked me in my school which fanfics i read about TVD. I answered honestly "Damon, Bonnie or Stefan, Bonnie". Being a dullena fan, her reaction was: "EWW". I couldn't help but think it was cause she is dark skinned that she is not accepted like when people mention steroline (stef/caroline) no one saids anything. But hear "Damon/Bonnie" in a sentence the whole world attacks. Like why can't people see a white male character with darkskinned female character? why judge by color or race? Im latino and i accept all races/background over a year ago
NakedBarbie said about Damon & Bonnie
Ian & Nina won a TCA again (sigh) I'm not hating on them but they win every year while Paul & Kat hardly get any recognition. Paul & Kat are great actors & very hard working people. I'm not implying that Ian & Nina aren't talented because they definitely are but I'm almost 100% certain they win awards based on popularity & not for their talent. As talented as Kat & Paul are, they aren't as recognized for their work because many teens & young adults are blinded by what's mainstream--Nian & delena Posted over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
The sad thing is that this happens every year!The most popular people win instead of the most talented or skilled. Hopefully Kat & Paul will win OSCARS someday. Most (not all) teens are too shallow to vote talent over mainstream/popularity. Sorry guys. Rant over! lol. over a year ago
ftlovex commented…
would you like to know something that is going to make you all feel better :D TCA is rigged ;) they admitted to it and someone caught it and it spreading like wildfire on tumblr ;) over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Paul Wesley appreciation: link over a year ago
Wahinetoa gave me props for my comments
Just wanted to give HUGE BAMON LOVE for your replies recently on the board. There is something inherently wise and beautiful about it and you make everyone happy being around you. ♡♡♡♡ = nakedbarbie. Xoxoxo Posted over a year ago
NakedBarbie said about Damon & Bonnie
I'm glad Aliciaa18 mentioned the petition. I think we should definitely send it to Kat, Ian or both. I think Kat would really appreciate it since she's team Bamon & openly spoke on how much she loves Bamon fans & our passion! Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Well said bb! ♡♡ over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
thats right! and Ian is team Bamon as well! dont try to say otherwise lol <3 over a year ago
Aliciaa18 commented…
yeah we should choose a day to tweet the link to Kat and Ian during the whole day with #wewantbamonintvd :-) over a year ago