My Wall

OliveTheAbove21 said …
I don't know if you got my email a few days ago but if you didn't, this is just a brief repeat of that. I'm not going to be using fanpop anymore cuz I keep getting this warning about this being an attack site and it's really freaking annoying and I don't want to deal with it every time so we shall be communicating via email from now on. Posted over a year ago
OliveTheAbove21 said …
Pretty piss poor afterlife then. I was expecting the moose to take over and maple syrup to flood the streets. Maybe next year... Posted over a year ago
OliveTheAbove21 said …
Yes, happy belated end of the world. I feel like that's redundant to say though. :D Posted over a year ago
OliveTheAbove21 said …
The tv tuner just knows what's most important in your life I guess. School work? As if! xD
Well I asked for one for christmas so we'll see if I get one. And if not, I'll buy one and hopefully it'll work.
I can't remember but do you celebrate christmas? If so, have you finished your shopping by now? I still need to get something for my brother. He's impossible to buy for and almost always returns the item so that I really don't put effort into it anymore but I still have to get something. :/ Posted over a year ago
OliveTheAbove21 commented…
Have you seen this? link over a year ago
OliveTheAbove21 said …
There are some inexpensive ones but the problem is that my computer isn't likely to work well with them. Apparently my processor speed isn't nearly fast enough. This makes no sense to me cuz I have a pretty new laptop so you'd think it would qualify for minimum requirements for things. I'd have the same problem with the more expensive ones too. So basically, I can get one and see if it works regardless of what the experts say but I'm not expecting much. Posted over a year ago
OliveTheAbove21 commented…
But since you have a really old/crappy computer and your tuner works fine, maybe there's a chance one will work properly for me. over a year ago
OliveTheAbove21 said …
Woe is meeeee!
Okay I'll stop saying that now, I'm starting to annoy myself.
I guess I'll have to actually do more research now. It's not really that hard cuz I always go for the cheapest/cheaper things. xD
I'm not even sure I need one. See I want to be able to record episodes of Murdoch Mysteries when it comes back on again in January cuz I want to be able to make gifs from it and I need a hard copy of the file. Normally I'd just download it but the site I use is still down. Posted over a year ago
OliveTheAbove21 commented…
And I've never found anywhere else to download it. So I wonder if I can just record it via a DVD player and then access the file on my laptop? Experiment time! over a year ago
OliveTheAbove21 said …
No, no you misunderstood me. Your problem is that you have an Xbox. You should try a better system. :D
I know, right? Woe is me!
The great and powerful Sarahmon (bet you thought I forgot about that) can't help me? Woe is me! xD Posted over a year ago
OliveTheAbove21 said …
Lol, lol, lol! I think I have seen that before but it's still hilarious! You speak the truth Gollum! MTV sucks!
Not every game. That sort of thing normally never happens to me. No, my PS3 is great (except for when the entire harddrive got corrupted and I had to reset it to default and lost all of my data and many illegally obtained movies that I hadn't backed up anywhere else). Yeah my life is so complicated. :D
I think the problem is your XBOX. Posted over a year ago
OliveTheAbove21 commented…
Thanks for the info but I think they only sell that over there. Not getting any hits at the usual places I look for electronics. :/ over a year ago
OliveTheAbove21 said …
I'll take your word for the video. I'm afraid to watch another one.
Oh yeah...I'm not too bright sometimes...
Middle earth doesn't have internet connection, that's how I know. Then again, if you were an elf, you could just be using magic to connect. Hmm...
Oh so it's really glitchy then? I can't stand games that constantly freeze on me. I had a terrible experience with Fallout 3 and I hope to never play such a buggy game again or I'm liable to break my controller. Posted over a year ago
OliveTheAbove21 commented…
Hey you said you use a tv tuner right? And you like yours? What brand is it? I'm kind of interested in getting one myself but a lot of the reviews aren't that great. over a year ago
OliveTheAbove21 said …
I'll say one thing, it takes a confident man to do that. xD
How many times are we talking about? More or less than five?
It isn't bad at all! It's really clever. My only complaint is that I have trouble following what Sherlock says half the time cuz he talks so quickly. You'd definitely need subtitles if you try to watch this.
Only if you lived in Middle Earth and weren't a human. ;)
Right, I forgot about that already. Also, you can't totally hate the game if you made it your icon. Posted over a year ago