My Wall

Mongoose09 gave me props for my images
Your icon. lmao! So true! Posted over a year ago
thejokersgirl13 gave me props for my images
Oh my goodness, I love your icon. :D Severus Snape is wonderful! Posted over a year ago
hettycool gave me props for my pop quiz questions
Hi Plz join my twilight cast and character spot here is the link
Plz join and add as much as u can :) Posted over a year ago
Misguided_Angel commented…
Sure! over a year ago
Im gonna go crazy if I cant find new fanfiction! Posted over a year ago
LadyNottingham commented…
I'm writing two stories, they should be posted on in a few weeks. I have already the titles, one is entitled "The Blood Compact", the other "The Missing Ingredient". Haven't finished them but if you wish, I may give you the plotline by PM. over a year ago
Misguided_Angel commented…
:D Please do! And PM me when you post them? I'd love to read1 over a year ago
LadyNottingham commented…
Sure thing ! I will post a link to on this spot and depending on the final number of chapters, maybe even post the story here. over a year ago
:D Im back guys! No more hospital for me. (for now). I feel like hell though. Posted over a year ago
snowwhite2 commented…
I hope you feel better soon!!! over a year ago
BlackHound commented…
Better out than in, I think. Glad you're back. :) over a year ago
Misguided_Angel commented…
:) thanks guys over a year ago
sephyma-jones commented…
thks god.. over a year ago
turturkeykey gave me props for my comments
so ... hi!!! Posted over a year ago
big smile
turturkeykey gave me props for my pop quiz questions
just want to say hi again Posted over a year ago
turturkeykey gave me props for my images
hi :) Posted over a year ago
This in not MA guys, This is her brother Mark. Im just informing all of her online peeps. (50 websites?!) That she is in the hospital...I know some of you are her friends, and actually care, but most of you don't. So, if you don't, get over it. Posted over a year ago
LadyBrock commented…
Oh no! Hope it's noithing too serious and that she gets better soon. Please send her our best wishes over a year ago
Misguided_Angel commented…
*Mark* She should be better in a few days. And she thanks you over a year ago
BlackHound commented…
I wish her a speedy recovery. over a year ago
sephyma-jones commented…
god..... he gets better soon . over a year ago
SneakyFox48 gave me props for my answers
Yay for 2nd place! There are all your props! Posted over a year ago