My Wall

big smile
para-scence gave me props for my comments
Thank you so much!! That made my day! I'm so glad that you like my writing! I haven't really posted my stories on here in a long time, but thank you so much for remembering the stories I have posted. If you want, I post my stuff on a different website now, called Wattpad. Here's my profile page: link Again, thank you soo much!! I hope you have a great week!! ♥♥ Posted over a year ago
Albina21 said …
HI THERE! I'M NOT SHOUTING, I'M JUST WRITING IN CAPS. :D I KNOW, I'M SILLY! ;D !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
jessie-j gave me props for my pop quiz questions
Thanks for the add Posted over a year ago
McGbr23 said about Alphas
I read the last book in The Alphas series-and the edning was kind of lame.I mean-a t.v series?Really-thats just my opinion.The CLique was better(: Posted over a year ago
duncylovescourt commented…
yeah, i like the clique better over a year ago
Percysclique commented…
I liked them both. I thought Alpha's was better though. And I thought the ending was awful. The reality series thing was so random. That was probably the worst ending to any series I have ever read. I felt so weird reading it. I kept waiting for something Alpha like to happen. It didn't really flow with the other books. I mean I get suprising the readers, but that was taking it way to far. I still don't feel like I've read the ending of the series because it made no sense at all. over a year ago
lolfan88 commented…
They make Alphas and TV show but not the Clique WTF!! over a year ago
McGbr23 said about The Glee Project
Samuel AND Damien BOTH WON :D
Alex and Lindsey got a 2 episode ark due to their acting :3 Posted over a year ago
HelloKitty3720 commented…
I know so cool over a year ago
jazzys-baby said …
Hey ho^^
Wanna join jayrathbonegirl's new spot? It's called "Hurt" and is really fucking worth it to join. I mean, Jackson Rathbone shirtless *swoon*
Do me a favor and join this club, 'kay?
All my love, hun :* Posted over a year ago
McGbr23 commented…
Cool Beans :3 over a year ago
galou_2010 gave me props for my comments
Fanks for addin meh! But how come? ;D Posted over a year ago
McGbr23 commented…
I like addig people.Its fun :3 over a year ago
McGbr23 said about James Patterson
Loved the Maximum Ride series. [: Posted over a year ago
julienfan23 commented…
Same here!! I love fang!! over a year ago
renesmeetruefan commented…
i like angel over a year ago
stargirl5 commented…
hey u like angel?... then join my club called angel from maximum ride fan clud I made PLEASE!!!! over a year ago
McGbr23 said about Books to Read
I recommend the book Sarahs Key by Tatiana De Rosnay.
It was gut wrenching and even after I read it -it stayed with me.I ended up doing more and more research on the Vel'De Hiev roundup.
It was an amazing book.Rosnay really knows how to pull a reader into the characters shoes. Posted over a year ago
McGbr23 said about Movies
I cannot wait for Sarah's Key to come out.
I loved the book.Tatiana De Rosnay is an amazing author.Im sure the movie will be amazing. Posted over a year ago