My Wall

yasamanmj said …
hi buddy... nice to meet you. im one of the biggest fan of mm.... Posted over a year ago
M169 said about Duncan and Courtney
I know most of you must not remeber me, but if you do I want to apoligize for not holing up any DxC promises, you see, fanpop runs EXTREMELY slow on my computer, and you have to have the patience of a GOD to even sign in.
Also, I fell in love with another couple from another TV show, it's my first "shipping" (Meaning the two charachters on the show are not romantically involved) and I'm kinda obsessed. It might be my Yoai phase or something.

Sorry to Rebel, Lollipop97, d anyone else Posted over a year ago
DandC4evacute commented…
omg, omg, OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! M169! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
trentgwenfan1 commented…
OMG i remember you!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
tylaycia commented…
i miss u so much over a year ago
M169 said about Celebrity Deathmatch
Marilyn manson always won.....i love that guy XD Posted over a year ago
trentgwenfan1 said …
Sent an angel to watch over you last night, but it came back. I asked why:...the angel said:"angel dont watch over angels!"Twenty angels are in your world,Ten of them are sleeping,nine are playing, One is reading this message. Send this to ten friends. As soon as you get five replies, Someone you love will quietly surprise you...^_^ Posted over a year ago
big smile
xoRebelxLoveox gave me props for my answers

Congrats Em!! You survived middle school! Just wait till you hit high school........ xD Posted over a year ago
M169 commented…
:D I heard we have a new fanpopper thats a guy. It's SilentSyphony right? Is he nice? over a year ago
xoRebelxLoveox commented…
Yeah, he just joined a few days ago. He seems pretty cool. =) over a year ago
M169 commented…
Hm. Do you know anything about him? over a year ago
M169 said about Duncan and Courtney
Hey whats up guys? I havn't been on here in a while, but as soon as school ends, im on here for 3 months with no school work to focus on :D Posted over a year ago
PrincessVandal commented…
Yay! :) over a year ago
DandC4evacute commented…
:) over a year ago
fly210 commented…
:D!!!!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
DandC4evacute said …
where are you? Posted over a year ago
M169 commented…
What do you mean? over a year ago
DandC4evacute commented…
i havn't seen you around in like, FOREVER! over a year ago
DandC4evacute commented…
aw bye over a year ago
reneemonique gave me props for my images
Hello Emily! How are you, this fine Saturday? Me is so sleep it's unbelievable. :3
I know!!!! I got a message from someone in the middle of a Mass in Lourdes, France the other day, or something? Is it; I Am Among No One? I started freaking out, and hit this youth dude in a black hoodie and the fell over. xD Talk about miracles. Ah, dear!
Can't freaking WAITTTTTT!!!! Posted over a year ago
M169 said about Marilyn Manson
DID YOU GUYS SEE MM'S TEASER SONG???? (Its a piece to a song on his new abum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
evanescence_ commented…
kinda scared me first..but ITS AWESOME!!!! CANT WAIT CANT WAIT CANT FUCKING WAAIIIIIIIT!! over a year ago
M169 said about Marilyn Manson
Woo! I'm finnaly a dedcated fn here! (it's about time lol) Posted over a year ago