My Wall

Dark-Blood gave me props for my videos
hey girl long time no chat how the hell r u? Posted over a year ago
Dark-Blood commented…
im deleting ppl form my fans list who r never on or never talk so i guess this is bye.. no love lost u didnt like me anyway over a year ago
SapphireFox16 gave me props for my videos
thanks for the add back :) Posted over a year ago
humphrey21 gave me props for my links
… National Prop Day!!!! A holiday I made up!!! :). Posted over a year ago
sentinelwolf gave me props for my images
Might as well not be a party-pooper here, and visit, all life has its up's n down's, all in all, never been happier, I realize I have a great friend in you, the most shocking revelation I have in my life... is that as old of a 'dinosaur' that I am, with all the crap I've been through, I really want to thank you, for the best friendships I've had here, and for being hard, and tough on me, you were not acting a 'BI*&H' to be mean, but to keep me and my pity-party, and my emo brain and thoughts Posted over a year ago
sentinelwolf commented…
.... from killing me, you know the fact, *you r yur own worst enemy* , you have it, as do i, most everyone else has same issue, seems to b a part of life, and, the whole point of this visit, other than to say hi, n wish you the best, is that as old as i am, all ive seen n been through, untill i was with "Gothic Cherry"/DarkBlood, i see.... that i NEVER had felt,heard,or known real love, theres love.. then, theres "the 1 real true, once in a lifetime" love. over a year ago
sentinelwolf commented…
........... I found not only that, but have it both ways, all i give, i get back, in ways i never knew b 4, and same with her, both of us, are like you, mis understood, and hurt, by all, ive found the one i will grow old "er...errrrr errrrrrrrrr" with, and die with, my wife, will not leave my side in life, or if n when i depart.. will grieve herself away, n follow me to the other side. you stood by me, i stood up for you, in the trollwars, and ass-alpha-butt, we have been friends, and fought like te devil was in us, yet, we are still here, over a year ago
sentinelwolf commented…
we did, end point.. if we found each other, and on here, long distance.. and made it, made it work.. fairy tails do come true, you.. will find the right one, to be with ... hang in there... look for the unexpected... give up.. it then.. will find you,.. if it hasnt yet.. wait, it will!!!!!!!! anything is possible... takes time, and alot of hell.. it is out there.. youll see! over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
thanx 4 adding me :) Posted over a year ago
LillyLover62 commented…
Hahah thank you for adding me :) over a year ago
Dark-Blood gave me props for my videos
hi Zoey! its me Brittany brian and I was wondering how the weather is where u r:) its hot here but the cool ocean water on brian and my feet cool us off :)

☜☠☞HAPPILY MARRIED, TO MY HUSBAND SENTINELWOLF☜☠☞Am loyal & Happy.☜☠☞ Posted over a year ago
LillyLover62 commented…
Hahah well hit and humid I only have a pool though glad to hear you two are doing well =) over a year ago
Dark-Blood commented…
oh doing great! happy and silly im just waking uo lol over a year ago
Dark-Blood gave me props for my images
hi thank u for the ad back nd a happy new year for u lol if u would like to join mine and sentinelwolfs club id love to have to u there to comment and post lol heres the link
link Posted over a year ago
Dark-Blood gave me props for my images
hi im cherry just wanted to fan u and say hi form me and sentinelwolf and a merry christmas form us both and btw im his wife Posted over a year ago
LillyLover62 commented…
i know its late but merry christmas to you to, and congradulations hehe i guess it must have been a really ong time ive ben away things are so different. well thank you for the fan i fanned you back =P over a year ago
sentinelwolf gave me props for my images
helloooooo^^ Zoey, LL62^^
☆★☆Showin BFF^^ℒℴѵℯ☆★☆
hope your doing great!! (◕‿- )
(►.◄) ☜☠☞ WOLVES ROCK ☜☠☞ (►.◄)
☆STEALTH ALPHA PEACEKEEPER☆ Posted over a year ago
LillyLover62 commented…
hahaha thats really cool how you did all those symbols xD over a year ago
garth21 said …
hey there! its me garth217 how are ya! well i heard you like new books! you should read mine ima publish soon if i can its called white beast on fp, it has a wolfs eye on the club hope you can fan, and comment on it^^ Posted over a year ago
LillyLover62 commented…
thank you! i'll be sure to keep my eye out! =) over a year ago
LillyLover62 commented…
no no brian i destroyed it all you have to admit that, im a emoional driven physco derailed train outa hell,im just hard to deal with, and those who choose to be my friend take a big step, i can be a hand full and a ticking time bomb of stress for others, ill never forget i romise but it was me who runed things, but we will always be friends and i will never forget the times we had, i promise you over a year ago
sentinelwolf commented…
well, you, despite your innate way of being a big dern pain in the tail, are worth it, admit it, share blame, if i survive, your still stuck with me,.. *nips your ear.. runs like the wind* heehee over a year ago