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Korben234 said about Team Loki
Has anyone else seen the new Thor movie trailer? It has Loki in it! Sooooooooo excited! Posted over a year ago
tijgerin6 commented…
Yes, I saw it! I want to see Thor 2 sooo much!! over a year ago
Korben234 commented…
Me too! over a year ago
Glambert2 commented…
same can't wait for november to come around:) over a year ago
emerald_32 commented…
Watched it. Goddamit, Loki, why u so funny and SEXY?!!!! over a year ago
Korben234 said about LokiLuver13
Hi! I just wanted to let veryone know that loki is mine! Posted over a year ago
KaulitZfan commented…
no hes mine ! im hes wife over a year ago
tijgerin6 gave me props for my images
Thanks for adding me! :)
And thank you for joining my club Team Loki!! And you have a cute picture ^^ Posted over a year ago
Korben234 commented…
Thanks! I like your picture too! over a year ago
Korben234 commented…
P.S. In case you haven't guessed, I am totally obsessed with Loki, so it was no big deal! >w< over a year ago
Korben234 said about Team Loki
You know, Loki is Marvel and Marvel is owned by Disney, so technically that makes Loki a Disney Prince! Posted over a year ago
tijgerin6 commented…
Awesome! over a year ago
Korben234 commented…
I know, right? So strange... over a year ago
Korben234 said about Team Loki
That was all from memory. But the thing is, it's true. The pilgrims came to America to be free, but the first thing they did when they got there was make a bunch of rules! In what realm does that make sense? I, for one, would be perfectly willing to be ruled by Loki. After all, it is what I was made for. Posted over a year ago
Korben234 said about Team Loki
"Kneel before me. I said KNEEL! Is not this simpler? Is this not your natural state? It is the unspoken truth of humanity. That you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble for power, for identity. You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel." Posted over a year ago
I got signed copies!!! Posted over a year ago
roxydevilangel commented…
i read the whole book series and i literally started crying because i didn't want them to be over i need more over a year ago
Korben234 said about Novi Stars
Who has gotten the new Stellar Skinz dolls? Posted over a year ago
koolkat909 commented…
my mom is gonna get me one for my 14th bday over a year ago
Korben234 commented…
Cool! It stinks that my birthday passed before they came out… :( over a year ago