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Jacob: I once loved your mother, Ness. I was convinced to take her away from your father. But then your mom wanted to be with your dad, so when you were born, I just settled for you, Bella 2.0.

Nessie: F*ck you, Jacob. We're through. *dashes from the room*

Bella: Jacob, why can't you just shut the hell up for once? I mean, cripes, she's my daughter! I'll have you eaten by Edward at once!

Posted over a year ago
tessa8 commented…
that be funny if edward did that to jacob i think jacob is hot and edward is cute over a year ago
morgaroni commented…
LOL! over a year ago
Imagine Bella, Jacob and Nessie reminiscing:

Picture this:

Jacob: Hey, Ness. Wanna know something really cool? I kissed your mother once.

Nessie: Is that true, Mommy?

Bella: Er, yes, dear. But that was a long, long time ago.

Posted over a year ago
tessa8 commented…
u cany imagine that that happen in for real but that was in new moon i think over a year ago