My Wall

GogleyEyedQueen said about Adam Gontier
I don't know why people don't like you guys (3DG). I really don't. You're an inspiration, you're raw, and you care. You want us to feel like we're not alone. Like there are others out there like us. And because of your music and lyrics, we do. Love to all 4 of you. <3 Adam, Neil, Barry, Brad and families. Keep fightin' little James! Posted over a year ago
minflo4ever commented…
Adam Wade Gontier and 3DG rock my world! over a year ago
GogleyEyedQueen said about Adam Gontier
If this is actually Adam's fanpop, then I wanna say that you are an inspiration, man. You are an angel, and you have inspired me to never give in. Never back down. Because it's Never Too Late. Posted over a year ago
ncismpm gave me props for my comments
Thanks for adding me back , I love NCIS as well . Im good how are you Posted over a year ago
GogleyEyedQueen commented…
Sorry for takin so long to reply! xD I'm doin' good, thanks for asking. :D over a year ago
Damon_Rocks gave me props for my images
I Love Your Icon! I Loved That Movie! :) Posted over a year ago
GogleyEyedQueen commented…
lol i did too! i LUV adam sandler! :D over a year ago
big smile
Poseidon3 gave me props for my comments
Nice icon. Those eyes would be big on a cow xD Posted over a year ago
GogleyEyedQueen commented…
thanks man! :D over a year ago
GogleyEyedQueen said about Adam Sandler
Is it so wrong to love this guy? Posted over a year ago
candygal1 commented…
yes 1 he is married and 2 he has children over a year ago
hunterluvsadam commented…
haha nice candygal over a year ago
GogleyEyedQueen said about Avatar
LOL this movie rox. Posted over a year ago
relyt2000 commented…
correct over a year ago
GogleyEyedQueen said about NCIS
Heyyy Gibbs! Gibbs Slap Tony for me, will ya? Posted over a year ago
yamiXyugi commented…
I second that! over a year ago
abajusz2 commented…
Please!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
BestNCISFan3421 commented…
yea do it 50 times for me, please and tank you. lol. over a year ago
GogleyEyedQueen said …
Knoeble's just isn't fun anymore. :-/ Posted over a year ago
GogleyEyedQueen said about Ke$ha
<3 Take It Off! :D Posted over a year ago