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I was such a bittersweet ending, but in a good way. Mike is finally his own person, but at the cost of his other personalities individuality it was so heartwarming that Mike couldn't bring himself to destroy his other personas, but they where okay with it, what I enjoyed most of all is how Mike saw Mal off basically accepting that they were the same but didn't need him anymore. a great ending to a great villain. Posted over a year ago
But let me tell you something interesting that a lot of you may have missed, in episode 3 Duncan protected Gwen from a leech, and Courtney wasn't even around to see it. Posted over a year ago
bakes2389 commented…
Very was one of Duncan's great moves as a bf. And see how he was lovey dovey with Gwen right there? Why now is he up on Courtney's ass? Damn writers and the lack of continuity. over a year ago
iDxG101 commented…
I know right,he can't just suddenly feel something for Courtney out of no where,and Duncan's not supposed to be that desprate,I swear their changing the character's personalities! over a year ago
bakes2389 commented…
The writers really screwed up.......really really screwed up. over a year ago
iDxG101 commented…
yup! over a year ago
Half of Gwen's character is redeemed. now she needs to do is work on making amends with Courtney, and since Gwen already took the biggest leap in development, its Courtney turn, and she better forgive her. Posted over a year ago
TeamWildFire commented…
It makes me so infuriated on how so DxG much fans consider this horrible writing, remember what happened with Trent and his nine obsession...shudder...IT MADE NO SENSE TO DO THAT WHATSOEVER!!, this is nothing new since Duncan loved Courtney first, what else were they expecting? a good reason to demonize and hate Courtney throughout the season while Duncan and Gwen looked good in everyones eyes. over a year ago
bakes2389 commented…
Are you seriously going to nitpick at what I've said? I'm sorry, maybe I didn't explain myself clearer in the first post: Everyone on the show has only blamed Gwen. Courtney only blames Gwen and is only holding a grudge against her. Chris is keeping the drama by only referring to Gwen as the bad boyfriend stealer. Heather and Jo continued to call Gwen the new Heather, but never said boo to Duncan. The only people that were nice to Gwen were Sierra and Al, and Al was just using Gwen. over a year ago
bakes2389 commented…
This is a pattern of no one saying anything to Duncan, even though he's the one that physically stomped on the heart of his ex gf..... TD writing is just sooooo awful. over a year ago
Oh god I'm actually crying, this may be one of the most heartwarming episodes ever... Courtney and Scott ? I LOVE IT!! Posted over a year ago
Otaku_Girl4890 commented…
I know right. I hope upcoming episodes are more like this, and less like the first 3 episodes. over a year ago
PuppiesXD commented…
Wow! Aww! I hope Courtney will focus on Scott instead of Gwen, I actually want Courtney to go far, I want to see Courtney and Scott be a couple :D I hope they don't get eliminated early, I want them to become a couple before they get eliminated. over a year ago
PuppiesXD commented…
Yea, This is actually my favorite episode in this season so far over a year ago
bakes2389 commented…
I love it too! They are so adorable!!! (I've heard some good rumors about I hope they're true!) over a year ago
I actually like the idea of Alegwendro :) Posted over a year ago
Seighart commented…
I do too. over a year ago
TeamWildFire commented…
Oh yeah I can totally see those two getting together, sorry Heather you had your chance. over a year ago
Otaku_Girl4890 commented…
Lol I meant Alegwendro XD AleGwenly lol! over a year ago
Can't wait to see this club develop. Posted over a year ago
bakes2389 commented…
Couldn't agree more! I really want this ship to blossom.....I think Scott's got a thing for Courtney. Did you see the new preview!? over a year ago
Well so much for a Lightning and Courtney relationship being canon...oh well we can still dream right? Posted over a year ago
bakes2389 commented…
They'll always be canon in my heart <3 Anyone for a CourtneyxScott relationship? over a year ago
Otaku_Girl4890 commented…
^I am. ScottxCourtney sounds so adorable the way I potray it in my head <3 over a year ago
bakes2389 commented…
I do too! <3 Or Al.....I do like CourtneyxAl in a weird way.... even though I like Aleheather. Scottney is an adorable name :3 over a year ago
OK props to Gwen for apologizing after all this, But why does she have to sound so insincere... Posted over a year ago
Seighart commented…
OK for once I'm giving her one more chance. over a year ago
Otaku_Girl4890 commented…
She does a little but for the most part she sounds sweet. So I am confident her and Courtney make up :) over a year ago
laura199627 commented…
For me, it kinda sounded honest, and sweet. over a year ago
bakes2389 commented…
I don't think she sounded insincere; I think Gwen's writing is a little choppy. They keep making Gwen say: "Duncan wasn't taken at the time." So I feel like Gwen's apology is jiving with her lines.......the writers are screwing up though. over a year ago
Are you ready fans total drama starts today!! Posted over a year ago
zinnina1 commented…
im doing my homework so earky over a year ago
sarafina123321 commented…
i just wish i could see it today but i have to wait to its com on youtube over a year ago
Otaku_Girl4890 commented…
^I would normaly have to do the same. But lucky for me my family travels a lot. And we are in America right now :D over a year ago
PuppiesXD gave me props for my comments
Here's a prop cookie for TDAS! Enjoy your cookie! It has extra drama in it! Posted over a year ago