My Wall

OmegaKing said …
A flower may die
The sun may set
But a friend like you
I'll never forget.
Your name is precious,
it will never grow old,
it's engraved in my heart,
in letters of gold

Sent to all your family and friends, even me .If you get 3 back you'll get good news tonight.Pass this to more than 9 people you love, I hope I am one .^-^ Posted over a year ago
RadLilly said …
A flower may die
The sun may set
But a friend like you
I'll never forget.
Your name is precious,
it will never grow old,
it's engraved in my heart,
in letters of gold

Sent to all your family and friends, even me .If you get 3 back you'll get good news tonight.Pass this to more than 9 people you love, I hope I am one .^-^ Posted over a year ago
shadow-omega said …
Heyyyy Posted over a year ago
kateandme gave me props for my polls
Thanks for the add back :D Posted over a year ago
omg I love this movie!!!!!! It's me 2nd favorite XD Posted over a year ago
Il this isn't the club for this but Ya'll need to watch this! Is a pawesome movie. Pls let me know if u have id like to know yalls opinion on it! :) link Posted over a year ago
frostbite52 said …
Hey😊 Posted over a year ago
ClaireDawnWolf commented…
Hello over a year ago
JettTheWolf696 said …
WHat part of the south u from? :3 Posted over a year ago
ClaireDawnWolf commented…
Just the south :3 Not telling! Safety reasons :p over a year ago
Hey uh I have a question, not A&o related but this is really annoying. When I hear a black guy/girl call another black person the n word but no one gets mind, but when a white person does it the lose there shit. (I'm not trying to be offense of.) if a white person can't say it then y'all should say it either. It's stupid. Posted over a year ago
RadLilly commented…
Right? Most people do it for fun, and most people just use it as an offense or something. It is pretty stupid. .-. over a year ago
ClaireDawnWolf commented…
Omg I though I was about to get raged at for even mentioning me mentioning this lol. Thank goodness I'm not the only one who feels this way. Ikr? over a year ago
OmegaKing commented…
the masses are stupid the indivual is smart........though it seems even the indivual is losing that over a year ago
balto-the-king gave me props for my images
Your welcome 😁😁 Posted over a year ago
ClaireDawnWolf commented…
:p over a year ago