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You pathetic people have nothing better to do than to fall into the Troller's trap and report them. Posted over a year ago
candylover246 commented…
Oh, no one's falling into any trap. If anything, you are. We laugh at you, since it's been pretty boring recently. What a sad little 'troll' you are... over a year ago
You guys do realize that this is a MLP fan club and most Bronies are trolls, right? Posted over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Yeah, like you said. Most. We're not "most" over a year ago
Bromance4eva commented…
90% of the people on here are gay Bronies. over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Hey, that's an improvement over calling people gay. It's nice to know you have variety in your insults over a year ago
hahahahahaha! I love this wall so much! I'm so entertained! XD Posted over a year ago
Jade_23 commented…
Haha, no way! We're also entertained by your stupidity and immatureness! over a year ago
Bromance4eva commented…
Fuck you!! Your fat ass mother should've had an abortion!! You worthless piece of shit!! >:-( over a year ago
Jade_23 commented…
Oh, yes you did. And your mother should've kept a receipt from the orphanage. I highly suggest you to leave as you once said you would. over a year ago
Bromance4eva said about Justin Bieber
JUSTIN BIEBER IS A LITTLE PUNK!!!! HE SUCKS SO MUCH!!!! Posted over a year ago
Barrowmans_Bum commented…
And another hater who dislikes Justin so much that they comment on this fan club's wall about him. Obsessed much? over a year ago
Is anyone on here shipping the ponies? I'm shipping Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. Who are you shipping? Posted over a year ago
Bromance4eva commented…
BTW... I also ship Drake Parker and Josh Nichols too. over a year ago
candylover246 commented…
^ Same. I've clashed with all sorts of trolls in the past, but thus here is just pitiful. Though there really is no such thing as a REAL troll, silly. over a year ago
candylover246 commented…
P.S.- I ship nothing here. over a year ago