My Wall

noControl1199 gave me props for my comments
Hi there,

Louis Tomlinson is a very talented musician and you might already know he is part of One Direction.

"The Fray" is Louis Tomlinson's favorite band. If you liked his cover of "Look After You", can you please please join his fan club?

Please join his club here. I'd really appreciate it.


Thank You so much !!

Oh, and please follow him on Twitter.


Thanks again :)

-Bella Posted over a year ago
lovecole said …
NEVER! Posted over a year ago
Angle97 commented…
lol uh wut? over a year ago
Angle97 said …
If you have no will to live. If you have no desire to cry out when you feel the world collapsing. If you put on a smile just to feel brave. Well...your not alone. Don't ever believe you are there will always be people to turn to. Even unexpected people who you didn't ever care about, or didn't think ever noticed you. Because chances are if anything bad ever happened to you, everyone who knew you would feel the pain. :) Posted over a year ago
Angle97 said about Cystic Fibrosis
My older brother has CF. My mom says when she first found out in 1996 she clung to him and cried for 3 days... Posted over a year ago
big smile
Angle97 said …
Hi. No one in particular... Posted over a year ago
big smile
Angle97 said about Cocker Spaniels
My pup's a cockalier: cocker spaniel and king cavilier!!!! If i could adopt him again i would...AW THAT'D BE SO MUCH FUN!!!!! TWO DUKEY'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D Posted over a year ago
mauvechoc commented…
I have a black cocker spainel called Dougal over a year ago
horrorfreak43 commented…
I have a American cocker spaniel freckles over a year ago
Angle97 said …
When did so many Americans loose faith in Democracy? Posted over a year ago
Angle97 said …
I am not a girl of hight self esteem. I do not think myself pretty, or smart, or talented. But if i know i am entitled to anything in this world it is my voice. My opinion. And it will be heard! I will never be silenced, I will never take back my words because if there is one thing i know i can do is I can speak. Posted over a year ago
big smile
One of only Two men i Admire and look up two. Posted over a year ago
Angle97 said about Barack Obama
Is it just me and my friends or does his smile creep anyone else out? And i'm not kidding i seriously wish he just didn't smile... Posted over a year ago
xXitachiXx commented…
Yea no, but wanna know whats creepy the smile Romney gives Obama during the debate. The guy looks like he's bout to shit himself. over a year ago
WrongKillyoself commented…
Angle@ I hope you fall in a hole. @xXitachiXx hahaha I agree!! HE DOES! over a year ago
Angle97 commented…
Meh I'm a Romney person, Obama's a socialistic moron who couldn't out smart a drunken squirrel. over a year ago