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AkliH said about Alexander Rybak
anyone watched Eurovision last weekend? Posted over a year ago
AkliH said about Alexander Rybak
Anyone here watching Eurovision this year? Posted over a year ago
Juliet96 commented…
Yes! I'll watch it, i'm looking forward to discover new songs...I've already listened to some songs. over a year ago
AkliH commented…
Me too. I think the Danish song is pretty nice over a year ago
AkliH said about Alexander Rybak
it's so icy here, the whole road is frozen. And I live on a steep road... Posted over a year ago
AkliH said about Alexander Rybak
Merry Christmas! Posted over a year ago
khanhlynk_KFC commented…
Merry belated Xmas <3 over a year ago
AkliH said about Loreen
She won the Newcomer-Award of my favourite radio station;-) Posted over a year ago
AkliH said about Alexander Rybak
ennjoying the last summer days. We had almost 30° today, and tomorrow it will be even hotter;-) Posted over a year ago
AkliH said about Alexander Rybak
I had my first working day at my new job today. But actually we didn't do anyhing, just play some games to get to know everybody;-) Posted over a year ago
AkliH said about Alexander Rybak
watching the Olympics right now... There's a guy from the little village where I live participating;-) Anyone else watching some competitions? Posted over a year ago
s0nja commented…
In which sport is the guy from your village participating in? ^^ I love to watch the Olympics <3 Waiting for the Men's Javelin Final which will be on tonight <3 There's Andreas Thorkildsen *_* <3 and all our three Finnish guys are in the FInal as well :D Woop woop ^^ <3 over a year ago
AkliH commented…
He was in the bicycel-motocros competition, but he didn't make it to the final:-( But at least he participated at the Olympics! I also love watching the Olympics. I don't know why, but there's something special about it. I watch sports I normally wouldn't watch over a year ago
BabyLongLegs95 commented…
Awwhhh I miss the Olympics :( over a year ago
AkliH said about Alexander Rybak
have a nice weekend! And good weather, hopefully. I'm waiting until the summer returns... Posted over a year ago
stellaviolin commented…
Have a nice weekend, too!! Here in Greece the weather is really hot.....can't wait for vacations ;) over a year ago
AkliH commented…
The weather in Germany is hot now, too (finally! I think we never had to wait so long to get some hot days...) over a year ago
AkliH said about Alexander Rybak
A teacher at my university looks like Alex - and I discoverd today that he is teaching Russian;-) Posted over a year ago