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Wahinetoa gave me props for my videos
All right Mona <3 It's getting late, so better skeedaddle for the night. Have a brilliant and wonderful time - it's so great to know you're here adding much needed and well deserved support for our girl. <3333 MUAH! Nightnight bb. *waves sleepily* Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa gave me props for my videos
This fic is one of my faves.. it's totally ship-bonnie-with-all-the-things by the lovely IrishCookie
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa gave me props for my answers
FIC: And the Lightning strikes
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa gave me props for my comments
Have you been reading ssome of the amazing fics out there? There's this one that combines Book and tv Bamon.

link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa gave me props for my articles
I just read how you thought the doubleposting might be an application.. and you could be on the money bb. *bows to wisdom* I've been getting prompts for updates lately and it could be one of those that we need to view this site now it's gonna all new-gadgety? I'll update later and let you know bb. :) Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa gave me props for my links
Y'know how they have printable images for Birthday Cakes? I wonder if anyone has had a Bamon Birthday cake? How cool would that be?! Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa gave me props for my pop quiz questions
Love your icon - props for it. Do you have it in tst too? Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa gave me props for my polls
Thankyou so much for saying howdy this evening - totally made my whole week seeing a fellow braveheart here! Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa gave me props for my images
Darlin' prepare your corset, I am gonna be giving some tst LOVING this evening. Lovely to see you Mona! Posted over a year ago
Tonight they should gain back some because know some are excited about Bonnie scenes and whatever she's doing to Damon. Along with the Dance Eppys usually getting watched and something always happening. I hope the next two eppy are good for Bonnie and hopefully Bamon interaction no matter what kind. I just like seeing Kat and Ian together in scenes period. Posted over a year ago
vampgurl2005BxD commented…
tonight??? aw i have to wait until thursdays which is tomorrow for me ... over a year ago
Bangelusfan commented…
it's tomorrow... over a year ago
HindEssa commented…
I think it's the time difference.. Or is it just me? Right now it's 8:48 AM. I'm actually in school, I just couldn't resist to log in.. ^^<3 over a year ago