Writing Would your character ever? the game

axemnas posted on Nov 21, 2010 at 12:49AM
This is very popular on the wrimos its great for character development
What you do is basically the person above you asks a question like
Would your character ever join the circus
and you answer the question of whether your character would do it or not and then you ask a question and so on
if you don't want to type it out every time you can just use the acronym WYCE

thats basically it no harmful language or spaming and lets try to avoid arguments sence we are all friends here I'll start

WYCE do an experiment on them self if they were a scientist (think invisible man(1933))
This is very popular on the wrimos its great for character development
What you do is basically the p

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over a year ago Wingman said…
yes it is quite possible

WYCE take out vengeance on some one that killed some one close to them
over a year ago Aquamarina said…
I'm sure she would >:) lol.

WYCE be interested (in a positive way) in her/his enemy?
over a year ago axemnas said…
its possible

WYCE fake their own death
over a year ago tellymaster said…
I think it's a definite possibility.

WYCE turn out to be the villain?
over a year ago axemnas said…
definitely for at least one of them

WYCE end up in a situation like in Terminator
over a year ago Yuki-Hyouzan said…
Probably not.He would think it would become too much of a problem!

WYCE kill any of their own friends/kill themselves by accident?
over a year ago axemnas said…
i suppose its possible but unlikely for Fang but for Bela or Larry it is more possible considering what happens on the full moon

WYCE end up in a paradox of any type
over a year ago DWLoverTBCEDT said…
um, not likely, it would weird her out a bit.

WYCE end up in a rant about something completely pointless?
over a year ago axemnas said…
its possible but they usually snap out of it before it turns in to a rant
WYCE move from the city to the country
over a year ago Aquamarina said…
well, he actually does, although he isn't very happy about it after all.

WYCE aspire to glory and richness?
over a year ago sapherequeen said…
Some of them will definitely seek that out, others will quickly reject it.

WYCE make a tremendous sacrifice for those he/she/it deeply loves?
over a year ago axemnas said…
yes definitely in a mater a fact he does

WYCE lie to keep someone they loved happy and hopes alive
over a year ago TomboyWriter said…
Yes Kaden lies all the time

WYCE Kill themself
over a year ago Aquamarina said…

WYCE take a dancing lesson?
over a year ago axemnas said…
possibly if the one he loved wanted him to

WYCE ride a rollercoaster
over a year ago forksandspoons said…
yes my character <3s rollercoasters

wyce rob a bank?
over a year ago axemnas said…
possibly but he'd have to be in desperate need of money or out of his right mind.
most of the time if they rob any one its usually a place with low security.
in general he mostly pit pockets or shop lifts

WYCE be on the wrong end of a pistol with Federal marshal Rooster Cogbern wielding it(John Wayne-True Grit)(if you haven't seen the film this is a good description i recommend you see the film if you haven't a US marshal that goes full steam ahead no fear of dieing experienced always ready for a good scuffle)
last edited over a year ago
possibly but he'd have to be in desperate need of money or out of his right mind.
most of the time if
penguin7710 commented…
Yay someone else knows who John Wayne is! over a year ago
over a year ago gravity12 said…
Most of my characters would had stayed away from him since he's armed. Few wouldn't be on the wrong side of the pistol though they won't bother. Two characters of mine would definitly be on the wrong side of the pistol.

WYCE read the Twilight series or any of the books?
over a year ago axemnas said…
No considering it would be a paradox if i did with one group considering their from the 40s and the other one its not in his character to,nor time,nor ability he doesn't know how to read more than a few words given his background he never got to learn

Would your female character ever get on Miss Piggy's bad side
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over a year ago gravity12 said…
Arachnia is a bit of a bitch LOL so she has a good chance of getting on her bad side. Deborah yes because she is quite annoying. Isa argues with others and herself, and two of her personalities would drive Miss Piggy up the wall and get on her bad side.
Waiting for my tea!
WYCE end up being regared as mental, insane, crazy, unstable etc?
over a year ago i-am-mariella said…
Quite a few of them are at least slightly unhinged from things in their past, so yes.

WYCE dress in Victorian clothing?
over a year ago axemnas said…
Yes a few would considering they are based in the time period that people would wear those type of clothes

WYCE be considered paranoid
over a year ago gravity12 said…
No not really, apart from Vespa.
Watching the minutes tick away to midnight LOL
WYCE risk their neck to get allowence to do something, get their way etc? (Like in one of my stories a ninja sensei named Toshihiro risked his neck to get allowence to train a black-skinned female)
over a year ago axemnas said…
possibly, i can think of at least one time with Fang

WYCE hide from the cops if a baby was kidnapped and it looked just like a foundling they discovered on their door stoop
over a year ago gravity12 said…
Maybe, it might depend...

WYCE hit a prep, jock or any other popular person in their group, school etc without hesitation if they were annoying them?
over a year ago i-am-mariella said…
Not really...for a start she wouldn't hit anyone just because they were popular, but if they were annoying she's more likely to have a sarcastic retort, being more bookish.

WYCE get pregnant at a young age? (For a female character of course, well, unless it has mpreg...)
over a year ago axemnas said…
Anna did and Aurora was willing to, but it was customary in their time period

WYCE go inside a burning building to rescue someone even if it meant death or permenit injury
over a year ago gravity12 said…
Good guys, HELL YES minus Andrew, maybe. Bad guys, HELL NO except Arachnia, though it depends who was still inside it.

WYCE write down a description of things others would find completely unimportant or stupid?
over a year ago axemnas said…
possible but unlikely

WYCE call the cops on their pesky neighbor
over a year ago gravity12 said…
Definite yes for all my characters apart from Isa. She prefers shutting people up by force, for some reason nobody else but I gets!

WYCE stereotype someone else?
over a year ago axemnas said…
not on purpose
WYCE get a friend fired
over a year ago gravity12 said…
Andrew got Conlan fired despite them being friends. Most others it depends.
WYCE do a rant?
over a year ago axemnas said…
yes, they are all highly stressed
WYCE go on a quest
over a year ago gravity12 said…
I all of my stories, they're on some sort of quest. Conlan and his team was by order, Eilir (haven't fully confirmed her name yet) was by luck, however it involves her so she is somewhat fated to do the quest.
WYCE get an account on a internet site?
over a year ago axemnas said…
WYCE serve the church in the crusades because they were told their sins would be forgiven
over a year ago gravity12 said…
Most of them would vary, but Jirair would go, because he's religious enough to probably do that.
WYCE run into a bounty hunter or something similar?
over a year ago axemnas said…
Oh yes, considering one of them was an x works for higher special forces, bounty hunter

WYCE adopt an animal
over a year ago gravity12 said…
Jirair would adopt one because he likes animals and he finds it sad that some humans abandon them.

WYCE ever dress as the opposite gender?
over a year ago AaronHaley4ever said…
if it was a means to an end, she would.

WYCE kill a family member for money?
over a year ago axemnas said…
None of them would, the only one that possibly would doesn't really have any family left to pull that

WYCE be the underdog
over a year ago AaronHaley4ever said…
oh yeah...all my heroes are.

WYCE risk his/her life for an enemy?
over a year ago axemnas said…
Its possible I'd believe it

WYCE play audiosurf
over a year ago DWLoverTBCEDT said…
not likely, though you never know. she might.

WYCE ever join a rock band?
over a year ago axemnas said…
not likely but i can't say not at all

WYCE live in the stone age
over a year ago fangs286 said…
never! my story is in the future!! its called one among us(more chapters) and the other one is called forgotten angels

WYCE kill someone cause they were in the way?
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over a year ago 2dolphn97 said…
big smile
Well.... It depends but skylar would hurt some very badly if it was urgent or if she was just PO'd
Wyce punch their bf 4 making out w/ their twin even tho he thot it was u?
over a year ago fangs286 said…
hell yes! will would think that ps by the way wen ya gonna post it?

WYCE jump of a bridge?
u know mine would cause thats how it ends hehe
over a year ago 2dolphn97 said…
big smile
Yes she would mostly 4 fun but if it was ident than still yes and idk I posted a lol bit 2 c if people would like it but......
Wyce throw an annoying twit into the ocean because he was a freak?
over a year ago fangs286 said…
of course! well depending on wat he was doing

WYCE go on a date with someone else because they were in a fight with their boyfriend and they knew he was gonna be there?
over a year ago 2dolphn97 said…
big smile
lizzy would skylar wouldnt she would b mad and would probably rip up a bunch of pics and would be very sad and would probably punch him in da face
wyce kill herself for the greater good?