Writing The First Love!

saramanusson posted on Jun 29, 2012 at 11:43PM
So this is actually a Glee fanfiction I've been working on. It takes place in Lima, Ohio between Finn Hudson and Rachel Berry. The sort of have the actors life, as their background. I've been working on it whenever I can't sleep, and I wanted to get you guys opinion. You don't have to watch Glee to read it. :)

She could remember it, like it had happened yesterday. The day Rachel Barbara Berry, fell in love and had her first kiss.

Her father's had decided that she should spend the summer at summer camp. After three years at Broadway, with only adults and rehearsals and live performances, they thought it world be healthy for her to spend time with other kids her age. Rachel couldn't exactly say she was excited. She loved Broadway and since she had only had small roles because of her age, she couldn't wait for the day she could play the lead in Les Mis, or her favorite Maria in West Side Story. To be honest, she couldn't wait to take on an iconic role as Maria, or walking the red carpet for her first Tony nomination. Yes, Rachel Berry had dreams, big dream and on one was gonna stand in her way, that is if she got through this summer.

As the car pulled up to the camp parking lot, and she realized she was in the middle of the woods, and that there was dirt everywhere, she suddenly felt a little dizzy. There was on way in hell she way gonna spend an entire summer this far away from civilisation, she seriously doubted there was any hot water.

"I'm NOT spending my summer here!" She said to her father who just smiled at her.

"Oh, come on, it'll be fun. You get to have campfire and tell scary stories." He said, trying to cheer her up.

"Then why don't you stay here." Her Papa approached them, after getting her bag from the trunk.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"I'm not spending my summer here." She said, getting more and more frustrated as she began to realize this was going to happen. "How am I gonna practice my singing, my Broadway career depends on it, and I seriously doubt they even have a stage here."

"Rachel, sweety, we know how much singing and Broadway means to you, and believe me when I say we will do anything to get you there. Someday. But right now, what you need is to have fun, with other kids your age. You've been living in a bubble for the last three years, you gotta get out there and experience things." Her Papa said.

"At summer camp?" She sneered back at him.

"At summer camp." He replied, calmly.

"Fine." She finally said, realizing there yes on way of getting out of this. It would be a fun story for her to tell, one day at her first David Letterman interview.

"That's our girl." Her Dad said, giving her a kiss on her cheek as they handed her, her bag. "Have fun sweety, we love you." Her Papa said as she made her ways towards the crowd of kids.

Summercamp was everything Rachel was expecting, boring, awful, stupid, a complete waist of time. She thought of her family as Broadway, what were they doing right now. Probal something more fun than this. She was disturbed in her daydreaming when her name was suddenly said.

"Rachel Berry?" One of the teachers said, while searching the crowd for her face.

"Here." She said, while raising her hand. The teacher immediately saw her, and pointed her finger at her in agreement. "Great, you're with Finn Hudson."

Great, Rachel thought to herself, even though she had no idea who he was. Probably some loser, since only losers went to summer camp.

"Hudson?" The teacher called and Finn raised his hand, just like Rachel had. And that's when she saw him. He had dark brown hair, that came together to form a some sort of resemble to a mohawk, but at the same time it was spiky in every direction. Even from the side of his face, Rachel could see that he had brown eyes, just like her. His face was handsome. And when he turned his head to look at her and smiled a little, Rachel's heart skip a beat.

Boys weren't usually something Rachel cared about, so far the were still just as annoying as ever. And since she had recently turned 12, boys were however something most of her friends were into. Gossiping about who dated who, although Rachel wasn't really sure why it was called dating when you were just 12, it didn't really mean anything. There was one girl from Rachel's class who claimed to have had sex with one of the older boys. She wasn't sure if she should believe it, wheter it was true or not Rachel was not afraid to admit she had never had a boyfriend or kissed a boy.

But when she saw Finn's face, she suddenly felt like changing that. "Alright so in into your parings, go to the forrest and collect some wood and when you come back we'll see who can lit up the fire camp." Rachel got dragged back to reality as the teacher once again interrupted her thoughts. Everyone started to get up and leave and she saw Finn walking towards her. Butterflies flying around in her stomach, as he got closer and closer.

"Hi." He said, his voice the most beautiful sound she had ever heard. She was so lost in her own thoughts, she forget to answer him.

"My name's Finn" Holding his hand out for Rachel to take. She suddenly realized it was her turn to talk. "Rachel," she said, taking his hand. It was warm and so much bigger than hers, the feeling of his skin touching hers, made the butterflies in her stomach spread to her entire body.

"Shall we?" He asked, nodding towards the woods. Without answering him, Rachel started walking. They made their way into the woods, none of them saying a word. It's not like Rachel didn't want to, she just didn't knew what to say.

"Are you okay?" He said, breaking the silence. His voice full with concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine. This just isn't how I was expecting to be spending my summer." Fuck, she didn't mean to unload on him like that, what if he though she meant him and not the camp.

"Yeah, me neither." He replied, a feeling of relief washing over her. He didn't take it as pointed to him. Instead concern fulled her system.

"Why not?" She asked, immediately regretting it, she didn't mean to be nosy either. Was she over thinking things?

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be nosy."

"No, it's okay." He said, actually sounding like he meant it. "It's just...my parents have been fighting...like a lot lately. And I didn't wanna be in the way, so when a brochure for this place came with the mail. I said I wanted to go. I don't know...I guess I just wanted to get away from everything for a while."

Rachel couldn't believe he was being this honest with her, he just met her. As she realized how said his voice sounded, she figured he probably needed someone to talk to. And to be honest, she kind of wanted that job.

"I'm sorry." She said, after much thinking of what to say, she decided that was the best.

"So what about you?" He asked, and Rachel pushed all her thoughts aside, trying to come up with an answer that didn't made it seem like she thought she was better that this place. When suddenly she felt the earth move under her feets, well actually she just stepped on a rolling branch, but it felt like it. She lost her balance and would have fallen on her back if it hadn't been for Finn who caught her, just at the last second. For a short second their faces were inches apart, and she could feel his hot breath at her skin. He didn't pull her up, the just stood like that, and for a moment she wondered what it would feel like to kiss him. But once again Rachel's thoughts were interrupted as the teacher yelled for the kids to come back to the camp.

She didn't talk to Finn for the rest of time at the camp, they only smiled at each other everytime they made eye contact or walking pass one another.

Rachel spent her time between singing her heart out in the shower and watching Finn. Watching him play football withsome of the other boys, as she sat in on the sideline, not even realizing the group of girls sitting down next to her. He never seemed to mind her watching him, if anything he seemeded to like it, smiling at her everytime he ran by her. Rachel almost had a heartattack when he took of his shirt.

One of the times he ran by her and she made eyecontact with him, he smiled as usual but this time he winked at her with a big grin on his face.

"Oh my god, Hudson was totally checking you out." One of the glrs that had sat down next to her while Rachel was in Finn land, said excited.

"What?" Rachel said as she stumbled back to reality.

"Didn't you see it? Hudson was totally checking you out. I think he's got the hots for you." She said, making Rachel flush.

"I don't know." She said carefully, she hadn't talked to there girls before and didn't know their motives.

"Oh please, the only way he could have been more obvious was if he had ripped your clothes of and thrown you into the grass." Rachel wasn't use to this kind of talk, and was a little insecure about what to say. She didn't want to sound like a little girl and there girls where obvious older than her. And for a moment she wondered how old Finn was.

"Really?" She finally managed to pull together.

"Oh yeah. If I were two years younger I would totally hit that. He's freaking dreamy." One of the other girls said.

And Rachel was reliefed that Finn wasn't that much older than her.

Rachel couldn't get the girls words out of her head as she returned to her room after her shower. And lost herself in Finn land once again as she pictured his shirtless body for her, heat spreading through her body.

She almost got a heartattack as someone knocked on the door, thinking it was just one of the teachers she yelled for them to come in. But instead of a teacher, Finn was now standing in her doorway. Wearing black shorts and sweatshirt.

"Hey," he said.

"Uhm hi?" She said, shocked and suddenly regretting the Winnie The Pooh t-shirt she was wearing.

"You wanna go for a walk?" Without any hesitance.

"Sure." She wasn't sure what to expect. Going for a walk after bedtime, her fathers would freak if they knew.

They walked side by side down the beach, watching the sun go down. None of them said a word, the just watch the beautiful picture in front of them. And to this day it was the most romantic thing Rachel had ever experienced.

The cold night breeze hit her like needles on her wet skin. And she crossed her arms, trying to keep some of her body warmth close to her. Finn immediately saw her and pulled his sweater over his head, exposing some of his lower stomach to her and she could she the top of his boxers.

He handed her the shirt and when she shook her head, he wrapped it around her waist pulling her closer to him. Pulling it over her head as she accepted it and helped with the progress. Her body standing right against his and she could feel his warmth through her clothes.

He looked her right in the eyes, and she bit her lover lip as she watched his eyes staring into hers.

"Rachel?" His voice was low. So low that if he hadn't been standing so close to her, she wouldn't have heard him.

"Yes?" She watched as his face came closer to hers, his lips coming closer to hers as he kept his eyes locked on them. And just like Rachel had dreamed about he softly pressed his lips against hers.

Writing 2 replies

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over a year ago ZekiYuro said…
I don't see Glee,but this is actually the good fan fiction though.Keep on writing!
over a year ago ZekiYuro said…
I really love your story^^