Woody Harrelson Wall

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nathanhaigh said …
I consider myself to be a exremely funny man and don't laugh at many things but as I reflect on the things Woody has been in I look at the genius of this man. I understand the movies are written by other people but he brings a special touch to all his roles and really makes the characters hilarious and believable. I am extremely impressed by his acting and would love to buy this man a beer and sit down and laugh with him! He brings lots of laughs and there is no bad acting by this man. Posted over a year ago
Freak316 said …
I'd submit willingly to this man anyday! Posted over a year ago
plainjanenj36 said …
woody harrelson is a stone cold fox who just gets sexier as he gets older. been a huge fan since cheers Posted over a year ago
castronyc commented…
) "Out of the Furnace" RT “@castronyc: @cccarrieee please follow us to see the cool ring @WoodyHarrelsonn will be wearing in the movie "out of the furnace.!” over a year ago