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I can think of more than a few "pandemics"
over the years... SARS... Swine Flu... Mad Cow
Disease... almost one per year, for every season.

These pandemics put a lot of people in the grip
of fear, worry, and even panic.

I've got my own thoughts on this, but they are
too many to list here.

In a nutshell, I'm not afraid, or nervous.

If you look through all of the news reports full
of fear, you'll see that most of these pandemics
are completely blown out of proportion.

Yes, be diligent and smart about taking care
of yourself... and take precautions when you can...
but try not to be...
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This wonderful ritual can trigger positive and
exciting changes in your life very quickly...

STEP 1: Collect as many types of citrus fruits
as you can. Try to get a lot of the most sour
ones like lemons, limes, etc... The more sour
the better!

STEP 2: Cut each piece of fruit into quarters
and squeeze the juice into a tub of bathwater,
then toss in the rind.

STEP 3: Add a bottle of orange blossom water or

STEP 4: Enter the bath, rub yourself with the
fruit, and envision your blocks cleansed

Feel the excitement and change surge into your

STEP 5: When you...
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What you'll need:

* Summer Solstice incense

* Athame

* Chalice for wine

* Pentacle dish (for cakes) (If you don't have
one just draw a pentacle on a piece of paper
and put it under your dish)

* Herbs and small piece of cloth for each
participant. (if you have some friends do the
ritual with you)

* A feast of appropriate food. Include wine (pure
organic grape juice if you are under drinking age)
and cakes

STEP 1: Arrange all the equipment on the altar.

STEP 2: Cast your circle in your usual way.

STEP 3: Once the sacred space is ready, first
invoke the Goddess.


"Let us...
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posted by JosepineJackson
Major Arcana
The Major Arcana is a 22 card set within the tarot that is considered to be the core and the foundation for the deck. All of the deck is filled with archetypal significance, but this is most pronounced within the Major Arcana. These cards follow a storyline that tells of the spiritual travels taken from the innocent wonder of The Fool to the oneness and fulfillment of The World. In other words, these cards tell the story of humanity's spiritual evolution into enlightenment and individuation.

And so, as we follow the journey of the Fool, we can start seeing common parallels between...
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Take any book written about Magick. Even your
own Book of Shadows if you have one... (and I do
hope you have one).

Close your eyes, and visualize your problem or

Keep your eyes closed and quickly let the pages
of the book flip and fall, and use your left index
finger to point at a random page...

Slowly open your eyes and see where you finger

If you visualized strongly, your finger will have
been "guided" to the spot on that book by the
Goddess... and even if it doesn't seem like
exactly what you need, the information under your
finger could be the first step to getting...
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posted by Dark-Blood
There is a special way to "charm"
almost any person by Magickally
revealing the "inner charm" you
already possess.

Maybe there's something important
you need someone to hear and
understand... maybe you need to
talk someone out of (or into)

Maybe you are hoping to have a
romance with them...

While you want to avoid trying
to "control" somebody... you
can "magnify" the charm you
already possess inside you to
catch their attention, and get
them to listen and understand.

This little spell will make it
almost impossible for them to
ignore you, or brush you off.

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STEP 1: Strain a few cups of warm
water through a strainer of basil
or spearmint botanicals. (This
is called making an "infusion",
and it's very simple the act
of straining water through some
plant matter...)

STEP 2: Squeeze the juice of one
lemon into this water.

STEP 3: Sprinkle in some sesame
seeds and a handful of flour.

STEP 4: Fill your bathtub with
warm water.

STEP 5: Get into the bath, and then
take your bowl of "infused" water
you made in step 1-3... and pour
it over year head.

STEP 6: Sit down and soak for at
least 10 minutes...and visualize
all the negativity...
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posted by Dark-Blood
This spell will provide you temporary
relief in a time of crisis... or just
to make you feel better after a bad

You'll "feel" good feelings flow into your
soul, and will feel better for many days.

STEP 1: Pour boiling water over dried basil,
dried parsley, coriander seeds (or leaves),
cinnamon, brown sugar, and grated orange
peel, into a big pot.

STEP 2: Allow the water to cool.

STEP 3: Fill a bathtub half full.

STEP 4: Strain out the leaves/etc and
bring the water to the bath.

STEP 5: Sit naked in the bathtub and
pour the water over yourself, make
sure it's not too hot...
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I love giving you my little "miracle"
making spells and little Magick words of
wisdom each and every week...


Today, 96 days after you expressed your interested in using Magick by signing up to
my Witchcraft newsletter, is very special.

You see, I have been guiding you through some "sneak peeks" at the Mastering The
Magick Of Witchcraft Home Academy, and now I want to get into the Advanced section
of the checklist with you!

I am doing all of this because - if you have already signed up to get the Witchcraft
Home Academy, you will know exactly how you will progress through...
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I can't tell you how many times
a week I get questions like this,
and I just feel the need to talk
about it here.

First of all, nobody can do more
powerful Magick for you than
the spells you cast YOURSELF.

Your emotion for YOUR situation
is the key to making the spells

Second... even if you do cast
a spell yourself, to find a
job, for example... or to find
prosperity... you can't just
sit around "waiting" for the spell
to bring results.

You've got to get out there and
make things happen...to HELP
the spell bring the results
you desire.

Putting in just a little effort...
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Sometimes someone else really needs

If negativity emanates consistently
from a single individual, tainting
the mood and atmosphere, perform
this "indirect" cleansing spell on
them... and see a change almost

STEP 1: Peel and crush a single clove
of garlic.

STEP 2: Place it under the person's bed,
chair or under the carpet where they are
sure to stand.

STEP 3: Remove and burn after twenty-four

STEP 4: Replace as needed; an improvement
in attitude will be observed shortly.


So that's that!

Keep this spell in your Book of Shadows
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posted by Dark-Blood
My goodness the world news has put me in
a "funk" lately.

Of course the media knows that bad news
sells more papers, and it's been that
way throughout history... but it's a
struggle to find just ONE positive
story in these times...

It really is true, there are a lot of
people who have fallen on hard times,
and it breaks my heart.

I truly want the best for everyone, and
when I hear about a family who has lost
their home, or a child who has fallen
ill, or about someone who has passed
away, I feel sad.

While I don't have the chance to help
most people in the world, I have the
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