Wednesday- Club
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posted by -Wednesday-
"I always loved the sound of his violin. But the boy has grown older and he is more focused on studying. I wish the boy would play his violin again."

Kyoto walked down the academy hallway carrying his books. He was on his way to the library where he spent most of his free time and lunch. He opened the door quietly. The library was empty except for the librarian who wore to much blush and makeup that she looked like a doll who was reading a teen magazine which was for girls younger than her. Kyoto walked up and down the aisles of books until he found the section of books on demons. He pulled...
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A magical alien princess who controls water named Luna crashes into a small village on an island and graces Daichi, Denny, and all their friends with her derpiness and beauty.

Red Doves:
A shy girl named Mizu transforms into her goth crazy alter ego Chi to protect her powers from letting lose an apocalypse from another world, discovering the mystery behind the death of her mother, and dealing with the problems of everyday life with another person inside of her fighting over it.

144 Demon:
Genius Kyoto is assigned a task of watching over a demon prince named Hide. To protect Hide, Kyoto...
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posted by -Wednesday-
Fluffy= crappy shitty some along those lines
fluff= shit fuck hell or crap or just normal fluff
fluffing= freakin frickin fucking
fluffer= fucker or just fluffer
frog= fuck
confuzzling= confusing
egzactically= exactly
yupperz= yes
hiyaz= hi
yeahmmmmm= yeah hmmmm
mmhmm= yes
sooooo...= i bored and i wanna have a soooo.... contest with u
Tobi= my obsession
flooffy= idiot stupid or something along those lines
super special awesome= reference from yu-gi-oh the abridged series that i often use
blucky= nasty
floffiness= same as flooffy
Ally Carl= my slave
unisauragon= the mix between a unicorn a dinosaur and a dragon
unicoforium= a disease that turns u into a unicorn
pirate turtle= sasori's puppet hiruko
hmrm?= huh?
the bread= the magic bread that is floating above your head
posted by -Wednesday-
THUD! Ressi landed on his back. he had climbed the fence of mysterious house which had giant apple trees in the backyard. Ressi being the always hungery boy he was, wanted the huge juicy apple that hung from the trees. apples were one of his favorite foods and there were never any good ones in the market. but these were so red and so juicey looking he just had to pick one.
he scrabbled to his feet and ran throught the tall grass to apple tree that must have been bigger than his house or the one of the owner of these trees. he reached his hand out to pick a gaint one on a low hanging branch....
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posted by -Wednesday-
"So that is what you have been doing in the library tower, young lord. Listening to the human play his violin"

Kyoto Shimaouto is in the elite class and is known to be one of the smartest kids ever to be in Kaina Academy. I musten let Yoki and Yoko trouble me, Kyoto thought to himself, I must focus on the path that lies ahead. He walked down the maze like hallways until he reached the headmaster's office. He reached for the crystal doornob of the chocolate colored door and opened it. The office had book shelves that rose to the ceiling all around the walls and a large desk in the middle of the...
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i got so bored i wrote a speech bout nothing!

every day someone is born everyday its someones birthday and everyday someone dies have u ever notices how many deaths there r one the news? how many people die commit suicide or r murdered? what bout how many cemetaries u see? people r dying so much its unbareable. humanity sucks it really does. its our fault no its their fault not mine that this earth is dwendly on the edge of pychopasy. we humans r killing our mother earth. its not butter's fault its not the camels fault its us human's. humanity is disgracful and disgusting. i hate it. many people...
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This isn't all of them. There are a lot more I never mention or use and ignore in the bottom of the files on my computer. I will also be posting this on the "Wednesday The Hedgehog" club.

First generation:
Queen Sunset Shocker the Hedgehog
King Unen Shocker the Hedgehog
Harlem Uranium the cat
Missyri Ebaneza the Insanian Raccoon
Sir Gregor Kross the Dog
Father M. the fox
Sir Killian Ebaneza the Insanian Raccoon

Second generation:
Princess Wednesday Shocker the Hedgehog
Prince Tuesday Shocker the Hedgehog
Sister Eunice "Honey" the polar fox
General Veto the unicorn
Soarer Dare the Echidna
Sir Siraj Kross...
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posted by -Wednesday-
Eeeyup. I'm writing another story thing. I'm taking a loooooooooooong break from 144 Wicked for a while and starting a story about my lunch table at school, who I loved very much and we were just moved . Pretty sad. We was all so perverted. I cried on the inside. Yes it is very like me to start stories and never end them. Deal with it. So now I shall begin the story about 7 teens who all get put at a lunch table together and become unlikely perverted friends in the awkwardest of ways. And even if I am american in a american world, I am making this all japanese style since I'm drawing this as...
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posted by -Wednesday-
Madi: An undefinable girl and in some strange cases a guy. Madi's are not easy to find. If you ever meet a Madi you should immediatley go into the fetal position and hope to god the true fantasticness of this girl (boy sometimes) will shine down on you like the rays of the sun.
The most amazing person you could ever meet. Very beautiful. A Madi sometimes finds herself in trouble, but finds her way out using her awesome personaloty. A really amazing friend. If you meet a Madi, your sure to love her.
A girl that is usually overlooked. She has self confidence issues making her very shy, but she...
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