Watamote! Wall

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NagisaFurukawa- said …
Tomoko Kuroki is one of the most relatable girls in all of Anime. I do not feel bad for Tomoko Kuroki instead i feel like Tomoko Kuroki. She is my waifu And one of the best Anime girls i have ever seen. People don't get Watamote and Tomoko Kuroki cause they don't take the time to enjoy silly but still fun Anime like Watamote. I love you Tomoko Kuroki you are my waifu forever. <3 Posted over a year ago
otakuxwolf said …
This anime is probably one of the best I've seen in a while. It captures my attention by the different style of it, and the story is really relatable. Posted over a year ago
NagisaFurukawa- commented…
@Okakuxwolf than you should make a video showing and stating the facts on why Watamote is one of the best Anime we both have ever seen. Soke people would say cause your supposed to feel bad and sorry for poor Tomoko Kuroki. Some people don't get what Watamote is about cause they do not take the time to figure out what Watamote is really. You should make a video with hard facts on why Watamote is one of the best Anime ever made. If you wanna make the video post it to YouTube and than link me the video once your done with it. Use clips from the Anime and pictures you like for Tomoko Kuroki and her friend Machochi or however you spell her name. If you make the video please show it to me okay. And let's prove to everyone why Watamote is one of the best Anime ever made. I hope you do make the video soon and upload it to YouTube. :-) over a year ago
JungleGhost said …
I cant wait to see the OVA, i love this anime (and the characters in it) soo much, gosh. Posted over a year ago
JungleGhost said …
Yo! The anime seems pretty neat so far, definitely in the same league as the manga. I am hoping for more hilarious episodes with Tomoko in the future. :3

( by the way, am i the only find that also finds Tomoki likeable? ) Posted over a year ago
Shining-Pearls commented…
No you're not! I love her too and it is totally on par with the manga!!!! over a year ago
big smile
missracoon said …
Just watched the first episode, since I've read the manga this will be interesting~ Posted over a year ago
NagisaFurukawa- commented…
@Missracoon yep Watamote is one of the best Anime and Manga i have ever watched and read. When someone hates on Watamote cause they say that your supposed to feel bad for the character and they think that's all Watamote is about. Some people don't give the time and effort to Watamote and to Tomoko Kuroki to figure out this is one of the best Anime and Manga ever. Some people watch this Anime and say i don't wanna have to feel bad for the main character Tomoko Kuroki all the time. Instead they should look at it ad current over a year ago