Vivian and Lightning Club
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added by AlphaMoviestar
added by AlphaMoviestar
added by AlphaMoviestar
added by AlphaMoviestar
added by Vivian234
posted by Vivian234
One morning, Lightning was sleeping under a tree in the front yard. She heard the birds sing. She woke up and saw a Robin in the yard. She grined and snuck out as close as she could to it. She crouched low in a hunting position. She licked her lips. She jumped out and caught the bird with her paws. "Got ya!"Lightning barked. The bird got angry and pecked at her paws. Lightning let go and the bird flew away. "Stupid bird.."Lightning growled. Her owner was going to take her to the park but, her owner got sick. So, Lightning ran to the dog park. 2 miles down the road she saw the dog park. She...
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added by Vivian234
Source: PaintToolSAI
posted by Vivian234
Lightning and Duke where sitting outside while looking up at the stars. Duke sighed and looked at Lightning. "Lightning..can I tell you something?"Duke asked. "Sure..what is it?"Lightning smiled. " know Vivian?"Duke asked. "Yah..what about her?"Lightning said tilting her head. "I have been watching her and I think you shouldn't be friends with her anymore.."Duke said. "W-why?"Lightning whimpered. "She is uhh..Vivian is Evil.."Duke whimpered looking at the ground. Lightning's eyes where wide. "Is that..true?"Lightning whimpered. "It's true.."Duke said. Lightning had tears water up in...
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posted by Vivian234
It was morning, Vivian woke up and saw everyone was still sleeping. She whimpered and got up. Lightning woke up to the sound of Vivian whimpering. Vivian started walking out of the den. "Hey..were are you going?"Lightning asked. "Oh umm...just going hunting..that's all.."Vivian said stopping and looking back at Lightning. "Can I come help you?"Lightning asked wagging her tail. "Sure.."Vivian smiled. Lightning got up and walked out of the den. Duke woke up and watched Vivian and Lightning walk away into the shadow's. Vivian and Lightning walked and heard something. They got into a hunting position...
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posted by Vivian234
Vivian wagged her tail when she saw Lightning and the others. Vivian looked over Lightning's sholder and saw Duke looking at her with a mean look on his face. Vivian put her ears down and made a sad look. Bolt was sitting right next to Duke. Lightning pinned Vivian to the ground. "Want to play?"Lightning asked wagging her tail. "Sure...but can you please get off of me.."Vivian giggled. Zack barked and jumped around chasing his tail. Lightning got off of Vivian. Vivian layed down and looked at Lightning and grinned. Vivian pounced at Lightning. They rolled and Lightning pinned Vivian to the...
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posted by Vivian234
They found a warm place to sleep that night. It was different scence Vivian ran off. Bolt slep in the front of the den. Duke was sleeping in the way back all alone. Lightning and Zack was sleeping near the wall. The rail poored down. Meanwhile, Vivian saw Bolt, Lightning, Zack and Duke found a warm place to sleep that night. Vivian was hiding in the bushes. She whimpered, and walked away. Bolt heard a whimpering noise and woke up perking his ears with his head up. Bolt went outside and looked around. Bolt whimpered in the thought of Vivian. Then he went back in the den and curled around and...
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posted by Vivian234
"Do we really have to do that!"Vivian whimpered. "Do you want to get out of here or what?"Duke growled. " don't start fighting..lets just get out of here.."Bolt said. "Ok.."Vivian said. Duke was at the bottom, Bolt was standing on Duke's back, Vivian was standing on Bolt's back, and Lightning was standing on Vivian's back holding Zack in her jaws. "Oh God! So heavy!"Duke whimpered. "Hush it!"Vivian snapped. "Hey..I have to hold 3 dogs on my back and it hurts!"Duke growled. Lightning faced the fence. "I'm going to drop you on the other side, don't leave until we are all on the other...
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posted by Vivian234
Bolt, Duke, Lightning, and Vivian were sitting under a tree in the park. "Hey guys! Want to stay in the park tonight?"Vivian asked. "Sure!"Bolt said. "Ok!"Duke barked. "Yay!"Lightning said. Vivian smiled. Duke looked at Lightning. "Bro? You ok?"Bolt asked. "Huh? Yah..I'm fine.."Duke said looking at Lightning. "Somethings going on here..tell me.."Bolt said grining. Duke whispered in Bolt's ear. "I like Lightning.."Duke said blushing. "Don't tell her.."Duke said quietly. "I won't.."Bolt said smiling. A little black pup with blue eyes walked up to Vivian. "Hello there.."Vivian smiled. "Hi.."it...
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posted by AlphaMoviestar
At a dog park, several dogs of all breeds played happily. One was an American shepherd, all white, gray forepaws, purple eyes. Her name was Lightning. Another dog was all white with black paws and hairpiece, name Vivian. She saw Lightning, not knowing who she was, but she was lonely. So was Vivian. Vivian nervously walked up to her. "Hi, I'd like to be your friend." she said. Lightning was startled and looked at Vivian. "oh! Hi! My only friend around here is Bolt. But I'll be your friend because I don't have many. Lightning's the name," "Hello, Lightning, I'm Vivian." Vivian paused to brush some black fur out of her eyes. "Friends?" Lightning responded, "Friends...... forever!"

That's how these two dogs met