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NectariaKiritsi said …
I have watched the first two episodes of this show and I have enjoyed it overall. Too bad that it got cancelled after 1 season and 13 episodes because it does deserve to have a second season and more episodes, so maybe it will get more seasons after it if it becomes as popular as Thomas is. Posted over a year ago
NectariaKiritsi commented…
But at least, the 1999 Watership Down TV Show have managed to get 3 seasons and 39 episodes before it ended or got cancelled 'cause I remember hearing somewhere that another season was planned and some episodes were unproduced, but I'm not sure if it was true or not, but I wish it was true 'cause I felt that the last episode wasn't a good way to end the series, but still glad that it didn't get suffer the same way as TUGS did. over a year ago
NectariaKiritsi commented…
I also have checked that it does have some merch like toys, books and of course VHS tapes, but if the show didn't get cancelled or the company that produced it never went bankrupt, then more merch related it will be made, so more people will get into it which it will help it to not be fallen into obscurity. This show deserves more recognition and love too. over a year ago
99148770 commented…
Very good, But it’s a shame that it was only has 13 episodes in one season. 10 months ago