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Fundamentalist Church of Erik information



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Kitannah said:
"And lead us not toward Forsyth, but deliver us from Argento"

This is awesome! :D
posted over a year ago.
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I used to have my own version of the Phantom's Prayer long long time ago when I was in high school. Unfortunately, I can't remember how it went for the life of me! I think I also used to have a Hail Christine written out.
posted over a year ago.
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In ALW's Phantom of the Opera, Erik "burns in hell" but still longs for heaven. Erik never set himself up as a divinity but rather an appreciator of beauty from afar. He required love and forgivness as any mortal does.
posted over a year ago.
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So? The Norse gods are technically mortal. Their mythology ends with them all dying. I can also think of several examples from the Greek pantheon of gods and goddesses requiring love and forgiveness and not being perfect. As for the burning in hell but yearning for heaven, depending on the version of the myth there's always Hades. He rules in the underworld (which the pits of Tartarus can be equated to hell) but longed for beauty and companionship to the point where he ended up kidnapping Persephone.
And, because I just KNOW you're going to call the old religions irrelevant (they're not, ok. I actually follow the Greek pantheon, and I know several people who still worship the Norse gods, to say nothing of the celtic and Egyptian traditions that are still widely practised) I would just like to point out that in Christian mythology Jesus was a mortal. As I recall that was one of the BIG DEALS about him. That your god made part of himself flesh to suffer and die on earth.
So, if you're not into the Church of Erik. That is fine. But it honestly is a part of my chosen religious path (paganism). So back off. Phantom makes me feel the way church is supposed to. There are messages of tolerance, of putting the needs of those you love before your own, of overcoming obstacles and surviving hardship, as well as demonstrating that "pride cometh before a fall" ribbit.
posted over a year ago.
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renrae said:
This is pure gold.
posted over a year ago.
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Christianity is not classified as mythology, holding its place as a major world religion, not a myth or cult. I am a die hard ,33 year long fan of that Phantom ( that's right, before ALW's phantom) and my level of phandom is indicated in my name and my REAL initials but what is in question here is that you have chosen to set up a deity that never claims to be one, like Christ did, nor is our beloved Eric backed up by the fufillment of 5000 year old manuscripts inspired by a real Deity. Christ was ALWAYS God and has never died , He simply passed from one state to the other.
He asked for nothing and only gave of Himself and all the qualites you say Christianity lacks is only lacking in some who call themselves followers not in the Godman who inspired it all. If you serve that which is no stronger than you, that which is subject to and not above the anger, jealousy and lies of humanity what are you really serving. Something that is nothing more than yourself. If you feel you must destroy the validity of Christianity to defend/promote paganism then it is your pride that "will come before a fall." I wish for you to know true love as I have found it, a love that builds, not detroys and safe harbour in a true deity that has proved over and over its true nature but its ultimate sacrifice.
posted over a year ago.
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If your faith brings you joy, then I wish you all of the best and I am glad for you. Traditional religion does not touch me in the same way. I find my fulfillment through more ancient practices (I tend to favour the Greek pantheon). So I will leave you to your religion, and if mine offends you, kindly ignore it. I -do- consider Phantom a part of my religious beliefs, not because I believe that Erik is truly divine, but it is a good example of personal growth and salvation without the aid of god. I believe that one should find inspiration where one can, and that faith comes in whatever form gives you the most comfort. I find my comfort in Phantom just as you find your comfort in Jesus.
posted over a year ago.
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Kitannah said:
I have a question about this church. Is Susan Kay considered part of the canon scripture?

EDIT: Woah, we posted that at the same time...
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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I don't think she is technically for the really hardcore fundamentalists. But, if Kay is what speaks to you, then I'd say sure. Call it the difference between the gospels. They contain the same basic story, but the interpretations are slightly altered.
posted over a year ago.
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Kitannah said:
OK, thanks for answering. :)

*wanders off to Leroux/Kay fanclub*
posted over a year ago.