The Left Hand Path Movement Wall

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Displaying wall entries 1-10 of 45

GypsyLove said …
on Sundays i do free tarot readings if any one is interested just message me :) Posted over a year ago
GypsyLove said …
merry met all ive been gone a long time but now i am back so who missed me? new group pf my hubby on facebook plz join link and a new one of mine :) link hope so to see new faces miss u all blessed be Posted over a year ago
-Lantage1- said …
I'm back! And I'm here to get my ex back at any cost! Posted over a year ago
-Matt- said …
Highwaycreature and lantage1/kloragor left fanpop. You want to know why? Because they ruined a young lady's life! They ripped her soul from her and laughted while she cried! These are not friends but heartless assholes that didn't know when to stop lantage1/kloragar got convicted as a sex offender after he fucked around with a thirteen year old! Highwaycreature left because he shattered cherry9090 by saying heartless stuff to her. Cherry9090 left because of them. She was the one who helped. Posted over a year ago
-Matt- commented…
People when they needed it! Yes she was alittle lost bit she was still loyal and they fucked her over! I'll say this now I will do everything in my power to bring those two down even if I have lie steal cheat and plant stuff on them! She l over a year ago
-Matt- commented…
She lost her baby because of them and I hate them with so much passion even the devil is envious! over a year ago
Astralwing commented…
They never laughed at her that's such bull she claimed to have a condition and lost the baby they had nothing to do with any of this! lantage NEVER did anything he only talked online and anyway my uncle who is a sheriff said deputies don't just send emails they actually come to your door. There's nothing he siad online that would make him a sex offender you lying piece of shit. I have all the proof what cherry sent to lantage he never did anything to her over a year ago
Nevermore_ said …
Hey guys, this is southern-belle. I madeva new account and will probably be deleting my old one tonight or one day this week so please add me on this one if you want. (: Posted over a year ago
Nevermore_ commented…
*made a... No idea where the V came from o_O over a year ago
Kloragar commented…
sure, i will! over a year ago
Lisayoung1969 said …
I am closing my account on this site on the account it's just boring. Plus it shows now I see that Brittany is safe and doing well and no longer is my concern. So I no longer need the account so I'm closing it after this is posted. I want to apology to those who where hurt by my outrageous revenge seeking on alex Wallace (lantage1,klogar) and the fact that I brought in his friend Tylor (highway restore) Brittany loves you guys none of this was her it was all me. Please forgive me. Posted over a year ago
Lisayoung1969 commented…
Brittany was unaware of the fact that I took things way to far. Now with the baby on the way it's safer for her not to be here. To be where she is is a lot safer for herself and that baby. I set out to destroy alex because if what he did to Brittany but her loyalty to him and his family proved me wrong and her quick thinking on leaving has brought everything out in the open. In a way I'm glad because if this I lost my husband and my foster child. Now alex I know you won't nothing to do with Brittany and Tylor I know you feel the same because you think it's all a bunch of crock, Brittany was always honest and loyal to you guys she tried to get me to stop many times. If you ate to blame someone point it all on me because I caused it all. Just don't blame or attack her she's not at fault at all. I just thought I'd clear the air out in the open for all to read. over a year ago
-Matt- commented…
First off your spelling is horrid,second we don't give a fuck what you do! Glad your fat ass is gone you are lucky you are not in jail. It's a good thing Greg left he finally came to his senses and yes she's safe and loved! Fucking deal with it bitch! Oh and by the way it's highwaycreature so if you can't spell it then don't use it! Who cares if they want anything to do with her she's an amazing person if they want to run with their tails between their legs that's them,but I will assure you if anyone tries to hurt her in any way I will fuck up their world. over a year ago
PimRengsi said …
Indrid Cold's not here? Posted over a year ago
HighwayCreature commented…
Hmmm? over a year ago
Nevermore_ commented…
The Moth Man dude??? over a year ago
Cherry9090 said …
I'm back :) now who missed me?!?! If u missed me give me a hug!!! Lol now I'm ready to start adding more stuff here I'm open for any ideas u wanna threw at me I just can do pictures or videos anything else hit me up ok missed u guys bunches *hugs for all* Posted over a year ago
Cherry9090 commented…
Posted a few articles :) enjoy blessed be over a year ago
HighwayCreature commented…
And I'm done conversing with you now, bye bye. over a year ago
Lateasha1994 commented…
Ok dont be posting shit on my sisters wall.keep your bullshit in ur head,she dont need the fucking drama..if u got somwthing to say say it on ur wall not hers next time u put shit on her wall like this there will be hell to glad shes back on here and u guys dont know what shes been through I do and its not what I wanyed or what she wanted but shes.better happy also and im proud.of her over a year ago
coriann said …
Where do you think we go when we die? Posted over a year ago
HighwayCreature commented…
An age old question no one knows the answer to, I don't know. That's why I consider myself pretty much an agnostic. But, I think, our physical bodies rott in the ground and they get covered by maggots and worms. Our spirit, or soul, or whatever you want to call it (which lay in the pineal gland, the seat of the soul) probably gets released into something. Where? Dunno! over a year ago
coriann commented…
sounds fiesable over a year ago
coriann commented…
awe :) i'd want to come back as some irrisistibly attractive multibillionare :P over a year ago
Lisayoung1969 said …
This club is very open,I must say with my own beliefs I am Wiccan but I do not believe in god. I stopped believing in him the day I first saw how bad my foster was beaten. I do,just like my foster child believe in the earth things that are natural and all around us. This club us perfect for the things that matter. Posted over a year ago
Lisayoung1969 commented…
On another note,my foster child is cherry9090. over a year ago
HighwayCreature commented…
I appreciate the feedback, Lisa! The group we have here is a very funny, smart group. They're all great, and they're all capable of free-thought and acceptance. Too all the lurkers of this club out there who thinks we're "evil", take note of the above post. over a year ago
coriann commented…
ooh cool, hi cherry's mom! over a year ago
HighwayCreature said …
Woo! this club has 30 members now! Posted over a year ago
shilio675 commented…
Who cares! over a year ago
Kloragar commented…
i think the fans do..who ever you are over a year ago
coriann commented…
kewl over a year ago
HighwayCreature said …
Today while I was in class I witnessed the exact thing we are fighting against: plain ignorance! I was wearing a pentagram necklace (next to a peace sign one), and I was immediately assumed by the group I was working in as a 'devil worshipper' and 'demon lover'. The pentagram has many different meanings, but it is time to spread the message that the pentagram is NOT a symbol of EVIL, nor is Wicca or Witchcraft or other pagan or left hand path religions! Posted over a year ago
deathroman13 commented…
I find it so annoying when people say a pentagram is an evil sign. I hope one day people will understand it :) over a year ago
HighwayCreature commented…
Oh, I do too! over a year ago
coriann commented…
Highwaycreature, i face the same kinds of issues recently and i totally want an escape, i don't appose religion but i just what to show my friends that i just dont freakin care what they think :( over a year ago
HighwayCreature said …
Anyone who is interested in the Church of Satan or Anton Lavey, there's this great documentary I am watching right now on YouTube called, "Satanis: The Devil's Mass". Worth checking out, peeps. Posted over a year ago
InvaderRaven commented…
sounds interesting over a year ago
HighwayCreature commented…
It features some pretty neat interviews of Anton and some members and neighbors that live next to the church, taken back in the early 70's. over a year ago
InvaderRaven commented…
I have to watch it sometime when I'm alone. i'll get in trouble if caught watching now :P over a year ago
HighwayCreature commented…
haha. Don't get caught! over a year ago
HighwayCreature said …
If you are a witch, a celtic, a pagan, or one who is apart of the Left hand path....what kind of music do you like? Is there a certain genre that you use to increase feeling during various rituals? Or what do you usually listen to which serves your interest? Posted over a year ago
deathroman13 commented…
I love to listen to Pagan bands and Folk Metal. I like Metal. over a year ago
HighwayCreature commented…
Hallelujah is beautiful....original singer of that song is Leonard Cohen. Check him out, he's amazing. over a year ago
coriann commented…
omg i love that song i can play it on piano :) over a year ago
HighwayCreature said …
Blessed be. Posted over a year ago
InvaderRaven commented…
:) over a year ago
Astralwing said …
Haha finally I think Shitzo deleted what she said because I threatened her with voodoo and hexes. :P God she's so fucking stupid seriously and thinking deleting everything will make things go away? Very unlikely. Stupid bitch. But it's said and done. Not hoping she'll go away because she just won't even if we try to get rid of her. End of story. :( Posted over a year ago
HighwayCreature commented…
Shitzo gonna hate. lol. over a year ago
HighwayCreature commented…
Nothing we can do about that. We've tried to teach, she did not learn. Best to just try to ignore her from now on, she's just a mindless troll. over a year ago
Astralwing commented…
I only threatened I'd use hex and voodoo I would never threaten anything worse than that. If someone's going to make threats to my friends I sure as hell will fight back to protect them. :) over a year ago
Cherry9090 said …
Hell yeah!!!!!!! Finally a dedicated fan metal!!!!!!!!

Who wants to celebrate!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
goodman8 commented…
Cool well done over a year ago
Cherry9090 commented…
Y thank u!!!!! over a year ago
Cherry9090 commented…
Thanks!!!!!! over a year ago
HighwayCreature said …
Close mindedness murders progress. The dogmatics are taking that which is supposed to be sacred and selling it as cheap candy. Join the band wagon or go to hell is the sum of their ignorant ideals. Time to have our opinon heard, with the same equality as theirs. Posted over a year ago
Cherry9090 commented…
I agree with this 100% over a year ago
Astralwing commented…
So fucking true over a year ago
InvaderRaven commented…
We will be heard! over a year ago
Cherry9090 said …
Working my ass off trying to become a dedicated fan here!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
harrypotterbest commented…
Haha, good luck :) over a year ago
Cherry9090 commented…
Thank u so much :) over a year ago
coriann commented…
lol! over a year ago
HighwayCreature said …
I hope everyone had a merry Samhain. Anyone feel to tell us how they celebrated or what they did? Posted over a year ago
Cherry9090 commented…
Packed and packed farted a bit burped a lot packed and packed ....ohhhhhhhhhh and I forgot I finished packing :p over a year ago
HighwayCreature commented…
Packing and farting and burping. Check. I'm taking notes. over a year ago
Cherry9090 commented…
Totally over a year ago
Cherry9090 said …
Merry Samhain

Blessed be Posted over a year ago
deathroman13 said …
Merry Samhain everyone :)

-blessed be- Posted over a year ago
coriann commented…
hey Melissa! over a year ago
deathroman13 said …
What I like about this spot is that it has very few members but it is still very active :) Posted over a year ago
Cherry9090 commented…
I agree with u on that I like the freedom to be your self on here :) over a year ago
InvaderRaven commented…
right? over a year ago
deathroman13 commented…
:) over a year ago
HighwayCreature said …
The way to world peace, if it really is feasible, is through acceptence. Unfortunately the simply act of accepting others whom are different from you is something not practiced enough. The wiccans and pagans and satanists and atheists are always been looked down upon, and it is time for that to stop. We need to spread the awareness that it is OK for others to believe in something different - aka, that may go against what the Bible may or may not say. Spread the love, spread the truth! Posted over a year ago
Cherry9090 commented…
Wow! I could not have said that better my self I completely agree with u about it ppl judge what they don't understand or they fear what they dont understand so they close their minds to it and knock it down bc they r afraid to learn the religion those ppl r only doing what their close minded parents have taught them so instead of breaking the cycle they feed it I AM HERE 2 SPREAD THE LOVE 2 SPREAD THE TRUTH!!!!!!!blessed be over a year ago
HighwayCreature commented…
Exactly! It's just an endless, eternal cycle of ignorance and fear that haults progression. But I feel if you sit with an idiot and teach them something, and lead them to the door of self-education, then they can learn for themselves and become a better human being. So yes, spread the love! over a year ago
Cherry9090 commented…
AGREED!!!! over a year ago
deathroman13 said …
Hello I have come to join this club :)
If anyone has any questions about wicca you can just ask me, I am born as a Wicca. Posted over a year ago
InvaderRaven commented…
Welcome to the super amzing club of people XD..JK, but we're amazing. Ita always god to have another perosn on here to support us and ask questions to so thanks for joining :) over a year ago
HighwayCreature commented…
Welcome to the club, deathroman13. over a year ago
deathroman13 commented…
Thank you :) over a year ago
Cherry9090 said …
I am and will contiue to add articles based off of my moms book of shadows....theres alot...shes gone and theres not a damn ting i can do about it and it pisses me off but at least i can do and let her memory live on in hr words and beleifs

I want be ble to tomorrow but im sure tueday i will pick it back up so please read and know these where my mothers words my mother that should have been given a chance.....imust lucky enough to have thi to share woth you guys please enjoy

blesed be Posted over a year ago
InvaderRaven commented…
Its okay Cherry. I'm glad we have you here at least. You've been giuding me and probably many other people in this club through this religion. You're a huge part of this club and its appreciated greatly :) over a year ago
Cherry9090 commented…
Awww thank u so much!! Blessed be over a year ago
InvaderRaven said …
I just want to thank all the members and contributors to this club for being amazing and making feel at home with my new religion. Posted over a year ago
HighwayCreature commented…
and we thank you for joining and contributing some positive posts. over a year ago
InvaderRaven commented…
Thank you Highway creature. All you guys are like my new family <3 over a year ago
InvaderRaven said …
Why must people judge us for our different beliefs?
We're still people. Posted over a year ago
thetacoman commented…
HAI RAVEN! over a year ago
InvaderRaven commented…
hey taco!!!! Wut up? over a year ago
InvaderRaven commented…
@Highway-You're right. i just hate it whenppl call me devilworshiper. There's nothing wron with them,but do your research before saying crap about my religion and other religions.I'm just glad we're getting more supporters and i hope we get some who are also Christian. that would be awesome. over a year ago
Teawanee said …
Hi, can someone please explain whatthis isto me? X3 Please don't send me a video for it, because i can't watch videos on my internet. Posted over a year ago
HighwayCreature commented…
Hi, Teawanee. Welcome to the LHP Movement club. This is for all those who belong to left hand path religions (Wiccans, Pagans, Celtics, Shamans, Satanists, etc, etc) or those who oppose Fundamentalist hygemony in the world. We are gathering for a possible rally on december 21st, 2012 in order to be noticed by our world and to be accepted as real, honest, good individuals. We desire acceptance and peace and have contempt for the bullshit hygemony this world suffers through. over a year ago
Teawanee commented…
ok, thanks, southernbelle ha the link to here and a post and she didn't know how to explain it. XD over a year ago
southern-belle commented…
Yea, i figured you would be able to explain better HC (: over a year ago
HighwayCreature commented…
Right on, right on. :) over a year ago
HighwayCreature said …
Brand new video concerning the movement. The movement is still continuing, and moving along just fine other then a few misunderstandings by critics. The new video explains this. Posted over a year ago
HighwayCreature commented…
note - located in the "Videos" section, of course. over a year ago
southern-belle commented…
Yayyy, just watched and commented on it (: over a year ago
HighwayCreature commented…
Right on, SB. :) over a year ago
InvaderRaven said …


Posted over a year ago
InvaderRaven said …
make a wish: link Posted over a year ago
InvaderRaven said …
I told my sister i wasn't Catholic and she was okay with it and said if this what i choose the she'll she'll support me and be there when i decide to tell my parents.
Thnx Alicia (even if she won't see this) :D Posted over a year ago
HighwayCreature commented…
Good for you, man. It's always nice to have support from family in the things you want to be and accomplish. over a year ago
InvaderRaven commented…
Yes it does feel good and i also want to thank all you ppl on here for being awesome and kind to me. Especially cherry9090,luv ya sis <3 over a year ago
HighwayCreature said …
Anyone willing to do a ritual for this movement is able to do so! I have posted a video of a ritual being performed if you're interested. Posted over a year ago
Cherry9090 commented…
I will I'll be honored to over a year ago
HighwayCreature commented…
Right on. If you do decide to perform a ritual, you should make a video of it! over a year ago
Cherry9090 commented…
I'll do my best :) over a year ago
InvaderRaven commented…
I'll try it over a year ago
HighwayCreature said …
Another good point to bring up here - This movement is not necessarily JUST for those of the Left Hand Path - it is for basically everyone that oppose the Fundamentalist Christian/Muslim/Jewish hegemony in this world. You can be a non-left hand path individual and still be radically apart of this movement. Posted over a year ago
HighwayCreature said …
I think everyone should understand that this is not a violent movement - this is a peaceful movement seeking acceptance from the world. We are trying to overturn the ignorant beliefs people have of us, and all the assumptions made by the fundamentalists. Posted over a year ago
HighwayCreature said …
If anyone is interested - I have made a club for the infamous Aleister Crowley.
link Posted over a year ago
southern-belle commented…
Joined (: over a year ago
HighwayCreature commented…
You ROCK! over a year ago
southern-belle commented…
heehee ik (: over a year ago
Iheartscene17 commented…
I joined as well. over a year ago
shilio675 said …
I joined I am best friends like a sister to cherry9090 Posted over a year ago
HighwayCreature commented…
Welcome, shilo675. :) over a year ago
shilio675 commented…
Thank u over a year ago
HighwayCreature said …
Anyone on facebook? A page has been made for this movement. Please 'Like' it, if you are a supporter! Posted over a year ago
HighwayCreature said …
NEW update for August 25th. New video, check it out in our videos section. Anyone willing to do a ritual for this movement? Posted over a year ago
Lantage1 said …
right hand is for honor, left hand is for discipline Posted over a year ago
Lantage1 said …
respect here, totally Posted over a year ago
InvaderRaven commented…
Yes :) over a year ago
Lantage1 said …
sign me up =) i know for a fact that my religion, eaquinceddhist, will support this well Posted over a year ago
HighwayCreature commented…
If you oppose right wing hegemony - then eaquinceddhism would apply! over a year ago
Iheartscene17 said …
I am #3! This is an awesome club man, and I will do my best to get ppl to join this club and get onboard with this. Posted over a year ago
Iheartscene17 commented…
× Maybe I am an ass to brag on such things as as being the third member of this club... But then again thats just me bein me xD But on a more serious note I am going to work as hard to help this support this movement and hope everybody else will too. over a year ago
HighwayCreature commented…
Right on, man, right on. Bring as many over here as you can, I'm hoping for numbers to grow here on fanpop! and as far as other places go, there are already dozens working on this project. It is growing, slowly, but it is growing. And we still have a year yet to gather. Thanks for joining! over a year ago
Iheartscene17 commented…
i will do my best man and np an anytime :) over a year ago
HighwayCreature said …
For all those unaware - there is a movement happening for all those of the Left Hand Path. It is picking up speed quickly, and people are working together to further get ourselves out there. Wiccans, Atheists, Agnostics, Satanists, all those who oppose Christian/Muslim/Jewish hegemony in the world - let's make ourselves known to the world on Dec. 21, 2012 - the day all will be paying attention too. Let's put ourselves out there and get the ball rolling. Posted over a year ago
southern-belle commented…
can "cool christians" join? lol over a year ago
Cherry9090 commented…
Of course :) over a year ago
InvaderRaven commented…
okee dokee :) over a year ago