The Heroes of Olympus The Endless Quest

Fangirl521 posted on Apr 07, 2015 at 12:41AM
So this is an idea I had by seeing that other people were writing fanfiction I decided to write my own, but I'm still gonna read the others, and I promise I'm not gonna steal any ideas. Unless it's like a character that I suggest or something (I have only given one suggestion to anyone at this moment and it was a character, and they are going to be my main character in the story) I wanna have the main character have a little group she goes on quests with, but I thought maybe it'd be fun if I got some suggestions. You can suggest as many as you want, you just need the following requirements:

Character Name:
Godly Parent:
Nickname (if you want, totally optional):
Back story:

And just in case you wanna match with my character or something, here's her info:

Character Name: Amber
Godly Parent: Athena and Apollo
Nickname: none
Appearance: long brown hair, storm grey eyes,
Personality: very smart, friendly, courageous/brave, quick-thinker
Back Story: she was born when the Gods first found out that Kronos may come back (they somehow found out 15 years before it happened but did nothing about it). Apollo told Athena they may need another god or goddess, and he went to her because she didn't get pregnant, she had head babies. Her birth was hidden from Zeus and when she got to Camp she was passed off as a daughter of Athena. She was given to an orphanage and adopted by two loving parents, who never told her she was adopted. When she found Camp she was happy but shocked and was claimed by Athena as soon as she stepped into Camp, and the only person who knows she is a goddess beside her parents is Chiron
Age: 15

p.s. we really don't need many gods/goddesses, I honestly don't really think we need another god/goddess, so pleas only give one godly parent. I'm not trying to be mean, but I made this character forever ago and that's just the way she is, and if people don't like that I'm the only one with a goddess character I'll just make her a demigod but it'll wreck my storyline
last edited on Jun 10, 2015 at 08:33PM

The Heroes of Olympus 194 replies

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over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Hey, sorry, I knew I said I'd have it up yesterday but I just never got around to it, I was having a really bad day and I spent a lot of time crying. But I've got the chapter now so here it is

After sing what Amber had taught Chuck to do, she was amazed. She wanted to fight like that. She ran off to find Annabeth. She looked in the Athena cabin, but Annabeth wasn’t there. She ran to the Big House, but Annabeth wasn’t there either. She ran off to Zeus’s fist, and Annabeth was there stabbing a tree with her dagger.
Annabeth stabs the tree again and says “you traitor!”
Holly says “what’d I do?!”
Annabeth says “oh, sorry Holly. I was just doing something.”
She says “yeah, you were telling that tree who’s the boss.”
Annabeth laughs and says “if everything okay?”
She says “Amber’s gonna teach us how to fight like gods.”
Annabeth says “are you serious? You’d better not be teasing me!”
She says “come on she’s at the arena right now!”
Annabeth turns away from the tree and says “let’s go.” They run to the sword arena. Holly goes to Naia and says “where’s Amber?”
Naia says “she had to leave. Chiron needed something. Said she wouldn’t be back for at least a few months.”
Annabeth says “MONTHS?!”
Naia says “sadly, yeah.”
Chuck says “it’s too bad. I wish she could’ve stayed longer.”
Holly says “me too…”
Naia says “she told me she wasn’t going to go back.”
Chuck says “she’s not coming back?!”
Naia says “I meant she isn’t going back to the mortal world. She wanted to stay here with us.”
Annabeth says “why are you talking about her like she’s dead?”
Chuck says “it’s not even possible to kill a goddess.”
Holly says “did Chiron say where she was going?”
Naia says “they’re at the Big House right now.”
Annabeth says “let’s go give it a listen.”
Everyone nods and they approach the Big House.

Chuck walked with Naia, Holly, and Annabeth to the Big House. He says to no one in particular “I don’t want Amber to leave.”
Annabeth says “none of us do. But she’s a goddess, work comes before Camp.”
Chuck sighs. To him, Amber was practically a big sister. Like Naia was. And probably his favorite. She did save his life, after all.
Naia says “you okay Chuck? You’re pretty quiet.”
He says “yeah, I’m fine just thinking.”
Holly says “does someone have a crush on Amber?”
Chuck says “no!”
They all laugh and Annabeth says “Chuck it’s alright. Stuff like that happens. It’ll go away eventually.”
Chuck says “I don’t have a crush on Amber!”
Holly says “say it louder, I don’t think Olympus heard you.”
Naia laughs and says “Chuck it’s perfectly natural. Just whatever you do, don’t tell Amber. She’s still pretty fragile about that stuff.”
Chuck says “don’t tell her that I don’t have a crush on her?”
Annabeth says “Chuck stop lying to everyone.”
They arrive at the Big House and Holly goes to open the door, but it’s locked.
Annabeth says “figures…”
Chuck says “listen through the door.”
Naia puts her ear to the door. She says “I can hear four people. Two girls, two guys. One of them is Amber.”
Holly says “I would’ve guessed.”
She says “and Chiron’s in there too.”
Annabeth sarcastically says “shocker.”
Naia says “shut up Annabeth.”
She continues to listen through the door. Suddenly there is a loud crash, and Amber’s voice screams “NO!”
over a year ago olympianglory said…
My god... I hate you fangirl. This story is so good its going to takeover my life.
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
That's the job of an author... so I guess I'm doing my job right. I'm working on the next chapter, it should be ready in about 30-45 minutes :)
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Hmm, I was farther along than I'd thought. Here's the next chapter!

Chiron led her to the Big House, which should have been the first sign there was something wrong. Amber didn’t completely understand what was happening until she got to the Big House.
Chiron opens the door and locks it behind them.
When Amber stepped inside the Big House she realized what was happening. Her parents were sitting there.
Athena says “hello Amber.”
Amber says “mother.”
Athena says “Amber please, we understand Riley hurt you but that’s not an excuse to be cold to those who love you.”
Amber says “yeah, Riley loved me too.”
Apollo says “and he still does, he’s just a little different.”
She says “do you need something?”
Athena says “this war is very dangerous, and every god and goddess is at risk. They’ve already tried to recruit you to the Titans many times. We can’t risk it happening again.”
Amber says “so what you’re telling me is-”
Apollo says “you need to come up to Olympus. And not come back down until the war is over.”
She says “no. I refuse to step foot on Olympus until Riley is back in the mortal world.”
Athena says “Amber that’s easier said than done. Riley belongs to Zeus now, and he must only do what Zeus orders.”
Amber says “so now you’re on that too? About Riley belonging to Zeus? About him being nothing more than a piece of property?”
Apollo says “of course we see him as more than a piece of property but that’s not the point.”
She says “then what is the point? Start my eons of being stuck on that floating hellhole after only sixteen years? You think you can do that to me?”
Apollo says “sixteen? I thought you were only fifteen?”
She says “my birthday was last month.”
Athena says “I’m so sorry we missed it we’ve just been busy with-”
She interrupts “been busy with the war, I’ve got it. You missed fifteen of them anyways, what’s another gonna hurt? There’s going to be thousands more anyway.”
Apollo says “that’s not how we think. But that’s not the point right now we’re doing this for your safety.”
She says “I’m not safe! Peter is trying to recruit me over and over again! I am not safe anywhere!”
Athena says “you’ll be safe with your family. We won’t let anything hurt you.”
Amber yells “NO!”
Apollo yells “it isn’t a choice!”
Athena looks at him and says “Apollo!”
Apollo says “Amber this isn’t a choice. We’ve already decided.”
She says “so now you think you own me? You think I’m a piece of property too? Just like Riley? Is that how you think?!”
Athena says “Amber we love you! We’re doing this for your own good!”
Amber says “no, you’re not. It seems like you’re doing this for your own good, so if something happens to me you don’t feel the tiny but of guilt it would cause you.”
Athena says “we’ll talk about this on Olympus.”
She says “no we won’t because I’m not going to Olympus as long as Riley is there!”
Apollo says “we’ll make sure he never sees you. We’ll keep you in separate areas at all times.”
Amber says “you don’t understand how badly Riley hurt me.”
Athena says “Amber we know pain. You had to part with your boyfriend, we’ve both had to part with hundreds of children and partners. We know pain too.”
Amber sighs and says “please just do your best to keep him away from me.”
Chiron says “it’s been great having you here Amber.”
Athena says “now it’s time to come home.”
Athena stands and walks over to Amber.
Amber turns to Chiron and says “I know this is basically a stupid request and you have no control over what happens, but please try to protect Annabeth, Holly, Naia, and Chuck.”
He nods and says “I’ll try.”
She turns back to her parents and says “alright, let’s go.”
Apollo walks over to her and says “you’re doing the right thing.”
Both Apollo and Athena grab Amber’s wrists and the three of them disappear and reappear on Olympus.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago olympianglory said…
Ugh, the feels attack. Im off to sob and cry. BRB
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
This means I'm doing my job right... :)
over a year ago olympianglory said…
Too well...
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Who's writing plays with feels more: mine or Rick Riordan?
over a year ago olympianglory said…
I could call you Mrs Riordan...
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
If I have to be a Riordan I'm Ms. Riordan, I'm not marrying that guy...
over a year ago olympianglory said…
Fine, you can be Fangirl Riordan. His daughter!
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
:D I get the talent from my dad! I'm just realizing that i haven't posted on this forum in about two weeks, story wise. How about this: I've got three days until I leave. I'm going on a school trip for 4 days with my friends, so I won't get to be on. I'll write a super-ultra long mega-chapter by the time I leave, and I'll post it on Monday (because I'm leaving Tuesday). How's that sound?
over a year ago olympianglory said…
Shut up and start writing
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Here's how long it's gonna be:

1 chapter from Annabeth
1 chapter from Naia
1 chapter from Holly
1 chapter from Amber
1 chapter from Riley
1 chapter from Peter
1 chapter from Chuck

Did I miss any of the characters? I'm just having some memory issues
over a year ago olympianglory said…
Didn't you hear me? SHADDAP AND START WRITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
I am writing!!!! Gods, you're so pushy! Are you a daughter of Ares?! I'm gonna introduce a new character, they're not gonna come in until Peter's chapter, but I'm just creating them now. So, here they are:

Name: Mason
Age: 16
Godly Parent: Hecate and... KRONOS (dun Dun DUUUHHHH!)
Appearance: short red hair, blue eyes, tall
Personality: loyal, quick-thinking, smart
Backstory: he was created for one soul purpose, to capture Lady Amberana. Kronos went to Hecate because she was practically a titan. They had a child together, and since Kronos is the lord of time, he used that to his advantage to age the child to Amber's age. Being part of Peter's plan, he was sent to Olympus to get Amber to join the titans. But, along the way, his plan changes a little...
Fangirl521 commented…
Also,I'm gonna add that he's an excellent liar/actor over a year ago
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Okay, I've finally finished it. I can't write more until Saturday, I'll try to post something small then. But here's your large chapter!!

After Amber had left the Big House they all backed away from the door and went to the strawberry fields to talk.
As soon as they got to the fields Annabeth says “so she’s been called back to Olympus until the war is over?”
Chuck sighs and says “apparently so.”
Holly says “as soon as we got her back…”
Annabeth says “I just can’t believe that Zeus is doing this. Taking away our parents is already hard enough, now he’s taking away our friend?”
Holly adds “and Amber’s boyfriend.”
Naia says “don’t even get me started on all the things wrong with that.”
Holly says “Zeus is just taking it too far. First she lost both of her parents, then Riley, now Zeus even took her!”
Naia says “it is messed up, I admit, but I know for a fact Zeus won’t give a schist what happens to a few demigods who lose their friend.”
Annabeth sighs and says “we know what we have to do. It’s the only way to get Amber back.”
Naia says “Annabeth that’s way too dangerous.”
Chuck says “what’s she thinking?”
Annabeth says “if we wanna get Amber back anytime soon we’ve got to end this war.”
Holly says “what, just surrender to the Titans? Let Kronos win? Annabeth you know we can’t do that.”
Annabeth says “are you crazy? The gods would never surrender and we’d never hope they would. We need to go and fight this army ourselves. Gather all the forces we can, make a plan, and we attack.”
Naia says “ask Chiron about it, not us.”
Annabeth says “I’m going to.” Without another word she stands up and runs to the Big House.

Annabeth stood up and ran to the Big House. She knocks on the door and says “Chiron?!”
A moment later the door opened and Chiron says “yes Annabeth?”
She says “I think I’ve got a plan to win the war.”
Chiron sighs and says “Annabeth. You’re a very strong demigod, I know that. But I highly doubt you can scheme something to win the war.”
Annabeth says “but this will work! It’s a little rough around the edges, but it’ll work!”
Chiron says “what is it?”
She says “we gather all of our forces and-”
He interrupts “what forces? We have minimally trained teenage demigods.”
She says “but we could try to get some-”
He says “Annabeth the gods are shut down, they’re not helping. No one can help us now, we’re on our own.”
She sighs and turns away from him and goes back to the fields.
When she gets back to everyone else Chuck says “so did he say okay?”
She says “he said we don’t have the proper defenses.”
Everyone sighs.
Naia whispers “told you…”
Annabeth says “well at least I tried something!”
Naia says “I wanna try something but there’s nothing we can do so it’s no use! No one wins against the gods…”
Chuck says “we’ll just have to wait until the war ends. I don’t think there’s much we can do.”
Annabeth sighs and says “it’s hard for Athena kids to know they can’t do anything. Especially when we have ADHD, that just makes it even more difficult for us. We can do a lot, but accepting that there’s something we cannot do just isn’t one of them.”
Holly sighs and says “we just need to wait it out. We’ll see her again eventually, we have to.”
They all sit there silently for a few minutes, until suddenly, it seemed like the whole Camp was shaking.
Annabeth yelled “invasion!”
They all got up and ran to the barrier. And sure enough, there was a dracanae running at the barrier, trying to get in.
“This happens too often,” Naia whispered.
Annabeth looked at the monster and said “it’s bigger than the average monster.” She turned to Chuck and said “go back to your cabin.”
Chuck ignored her and mumbled things to himself. Before anyone knew what he was doing, he ran towards the monster.

Chuck mumbled to himself “she told me that every monster has a small pressure point on its temple, if I can just get to it…” he looked at the monster for a moment. Then he charged at it, while grabbing his knife.
Naia screamed “CHUCK!”
Chuck ignored her and ran at the monster. When he was right next to it, it tried to crush him.
Holly screamed “CHUCK! GET OUT OF THERE NOW!”
He ignored her too and jumped out of the way from another hit. Since it brought down its arm to crush him, he grabbed the arm and held onto it.
Everyone was screaming at him, but he ignored them.
The monster raised him into the air. It brought its hand to its mouth and tried to shake off Chuck.
Chuck still ignored her. When it lowered him to drop into its mouth, he swung his feet and let go of the arm. He landed on its forehead. He stabbed it right in the center of its temple, and it turned to dust. After stabbing it he jumped off of the monster and onto a branch of Thalia’s tree, which was only two or three feet away. He watched as the dust crumpled to the ground. He climbed down Thalia’s tree and grabbed his knife from the pile of dust.
Holly, Naia, and Annabeth ran up to him. Annabeth said “what the hell was that?!”
Chuck says “did I not just kill a monster? A huge and dangerous one? By myself?”
Naia says “Chuck we told you to get don. What if it killed you?”
He shook his head and said “it didn’t. Amber told me that just about very monster had a pressure point on its temple, I just had to get up there. And look, I killed the monster and we didn’t lose a single camper.”
Holly says “we’re gonna talk about this later.”
Chuck sighed and rolled his eyes. He said “and here I thought you’d be proud of me.”
Annabeth says “that’s why we’re gonna talk about it later, not now. We’re gonna celebrate.”
Naia asked “how did you even do that?”
Chuck says “Κατ 'αρχάς, το πήρα για να προσπαθήσουμε και να συντρίψουν μου. Όταν το δοκίμασα, μου άρπαξε το χέρι και πραγματοποιήθηκε στις. Στη συνέχεια, όταν μου έθεσε στον αέρα γι 'αυτό θα μπορούσε να με φάνε, πήδηξα και μαχαίρωσε ναό του. Κάθε τέρας είναι αδύναμη εκεί. Γι 'αυτό και μαχαίρωσε και πήδηξε στο δέντρο της. Απλό. (First, I got it to try and crush me. When it tried, I grabbed its arm and held on. Then when it raised me into the air so it could eat me, I jumped and stabbed its temple. Every monster is weak there. So I stabbed it and jumped to her tree. Simple.)
Annabeth says “practicing your Greek?”
Chuck nods and says “Είμαι Έλληνας, μπορεί επίσης να αρχίσει να συμπεριφέρεται σαν (I am Greek, may as well start acting like it).”
Naia says “dude stop talking in Greek for now.”
Chuck laughs and says “okay.”
Holly says “let’s celebrate the victory over the dracanae!”
Everyone in the camp cheers.

Peter looked at the demigod standing before himself. Technically not a demigod. But he was going to be passed off as one. He was created by Hecate and Kronos himself. His name was Mason.
Mason said “so my job is to go to this Camp and-”
Peter interrupted “your job is to go wherever Amber is. You got that? You go to Amber, and you do whatever it takes to get her to follow you. Do not tell her you know me, do not tell her you are with the Titans. You are not to tell her anything. Do you understand?”
Mason nods and says “yes, I understand.”
Peter says “do whatever it takes. Kidnap her, trick her, make her come willingly, I don’t care. Just get it done.”
Mason nods again and says “yes master.”
Peter says “I am not your master, that is lord Kronos. I am just your superior. I am Lord’s second-in-command, now that Castellan is dead.”
Mason says “right, right.”
Peter says “you need to understand what this means. If you fail, if you can’t bring her here, I’m dead. Lord Kronos will kill me. You need to understand how much is on the line here.”
Mason nods yet again and says “yes Peter.”
Peter says “and don’t call me Peter. Call me…” he thought for a minute. ‘What means invincible?’ he thought. “Call me Styx.”
Mason nods and says “yes Styx.”
Peter sighs and says “and while you’re at it, if you find any female demigods lead them this way. Females can be pretty lethal fighters. We don’t have many of them.”
Mason nods and says “you just want them to do your bidding so you don’t have to send your best fighters.”
Peter says “that too.”
Mason says “I will not fail you, Styx.”
Peter nods and says “you have four days.”
Mason nods and says “I take that as my dismissal?”
Peter nods and says “you are dismissed.”
Mason turns to leave.
Peter says “oh, one last thing.”
Mason turns back to him.
Peter says “if you fail, and Lord Kronos decides to kill me, I won’t be the only one to die.”
Mason nods and says “I swear on the River Styx, I will not fail you.”
Peter says “excellent choice. Now go.”
Mason turned back to the door and left.

After celebrating Chuck’s solo-defeat of the dracanae, everyone forgot to scold him. They all just went about business as usual.
Chuck approaches Naia and asks “do you think we’ll ever see Amber again?”
Naia sighs and says “the last Titonamachy lasted for a thousand years. Demigods don’t live that long. Demigods hardly ever even make it to sixteen. So no, sadly, I don’t think we’ll ever see Amber again.”
Chuck sighs and says “how long do you think this war will be?”
Naia says “probably longer than the first. This one is just getting started. It hasn’t even been a year, that’s still nine-hundred ninety-nine years to go. I’m honestly surprised to still be alive.”
Chuck shakes his head and asks the question Naia always dreaded. She asked “do you think we’re going to die?”
Naia looks down at the ground and slowly nods. She quietly says “yes, Chuck. I do think we will.”
He stands there for a minute, silent. Then he says “what if I could save us?”
Naia says “sorry Chuck, I just don’t think that will work.”
He says “but you say that I can now fight like the gods. They’re stronger than the titans. If I taught everyone here how to fight like that we’d be an unstoppable army.”
Naia looked at Chuck for a minute, then said “you. Are. A. Genius!”
Chuck said “really?”
She nods and says “totally! Gather up all the campers and bring them to the sword arena!”
Chuck looks to the side and finds a table. He climbs onto it and stands. He says “who wants to learn to fight like a god?!”
Everyone turns to him.
He continues “Amber taught me how to fight like the gods. Who wants to learn?”
Everyone starts talking.
Naia stands next to the table and says “if you’re interested go to the sword arena.”
Everyone leaves for the sword arena.

Everyone followed Chuck to the sword arena.
Naia, Holly, and Annabeth walked and talked together.
Annabeth says “so we’re really gonna fight like gods. It’s about time.”
Naia says “I’m surprised Amber never offered to teach any of us. She taught Chuck, who she barely knows, but never her close friends, or her family.”
Holly says “you guys obviously don’t understand how difficult this will be. This style of fighting is taught to gods for a reason.”
Annabeth says “because it could kill a demigod easily. But Chuck can do it, why can’t we?”
Holly says “because Chuck got lucky.”
Naia says “but we’ve been training longer. If Chuck can do it, so can we.”
Holly says “I never said we couldn’t I just said it’s dangerous. I’m surprised Chiron’s gonna let this happen. While doing these things it’s so easy to get crushed or eaten by whatever you’re fighting, or fall from a great distance, it’s strict to gods because they won’t be killed.”
Annabeth says “like with the story of Kronos. The gods didn’t die because they’re immortal, and they eventually got out, when Kronos was cut into pieces. So all you’d have to do is wait for the monster to be killed.”
Naia says “so learning to fight like the gods isn’t exactly the safest thing for a demigod, yet she taught Chuck.”
Annabeth says “because she probably doesn’t remember the demigod way to fight. She only knows the god way. She’s been fighting like that for a while. She hasn’t fought like a demigod in forever and a day.”
Holly says “the three of us need to remember, if any of us sees Amber again we’ve gotta teach her to fight like a demigod.”
The other two nod in agreement.
They all get to the sword arena.
Chuck stands in the front of the group and says “who’s ready to learn to fight like a god?!”
Everyone cheers, except for Annabeth, Holly, and Naia.
Chuck says “everyone get into pairs of two.”
Naia says “stop!” Everyone looks at her. She says “it’s too dangerous. I’m sorry, but I can’t let you do this.”

Riley walked into the Olympian throne room, as he did every day. But for the past week or so, he had refused to look at Zeus. He was the only demigod allowed to look directly at Zeus, but after what happened with Amber he refused to look at any of them. He was walking and looking at the ground when he walked into something. He saw feet so he assumed it was a god. He muttered “sorry” and kept going.
A voice, a voice he knew very well, says “Riley?”
He looks up at the person, and it was Amber. Riley says “A-Amber?”
She nods and says “hey.”
He says “wow you’ll-you’ll actually talk to me.”
She says “I realized that if we’re both gonna be spending time here it’d be irrational to ignore you.”
He says “you’re gonna be here? What about school?”
She says “school can go to Hades, gods don’t belong in school.”
He says “seriously? You loved school.”
She laughs and says “no not seriously! Gods Riley, you should know my sense of humor by now! Zeus has called me back to Olympus, so here I am.”
He says “so, since you’re going to be here-”
She interrupts “I’m sorry. We have to obey Lord Zeus’s orders. If he doesn’t want us together until after this Titonamachy, then so be it. His wish is our command.”
Riley says “but what about after?”
She says “Riley, this one could last a thousand years, like the last one. You’ll be… you’ll be long gone by then.”
He says “no, not exactly.”
She says “Riley you’re a mortal. Mortals don’t live very long, especially not demigods. I don’t think you’ll see the end of the Titonamachy.”
He says “but Lord Zeus has granted me immortality. Like the Hunters of Artemis. I can’t die unless something kills me, or I break my vow.”
She says “but your vow is that we can’t date.”
He says “the vow is that we cannot date during a war. After the Titonamachy, there will be no war.”
She says “then we’ll see what happens.”
He says “so that’s a yes?”
She says “it’s not a no, but it’s not a yes. It’s a maybe, that’s the best you’re gonna get.”
Without another word, she walks away.

Amber walked out of the throne room and then when she was outside she ran. She had to get away, before she did something she’d regret. She ended up at the spot where people came up from the empire state building. There was a guy there, and he looked lost.
He looked at her and said “excuse me, I’m looking for Lord Zeus.”
She says “I’m not a receptionist, I’m a goddess.”
He says “which one? You must be Aphrodite.”
She says “why on Olympus would you call me Aphrodite?”
He says “you’re so… so beautiful. If you’re not Aphrodite, which one are you?”
She says “I’m Lady Amberana, goddess of curiosity. Daughter of Athena and Apollo.”
He says “Amberana?”
She nods and says “the one and only.”
He says “I’ve heard about you.”
She says “I didn’t see you at camp, who’s your parent? Where’d you come from? I’ll bring you to Camp Half-Blood.”
He says “well my mother is Hecate. I don’t know exactly who my father is. But I know he is no mortal.”
She says “so you think you’re a god.”
He nods and says “I don’t know what of, but I need to see Lord Zeus. Then after, I’d like to speak with you.”
She says “Lord Zeus now, me later.”
He nods and says “acceptable. Now, just the matter of Lord Zeus’s location…?”
She says “he’s in the throne room, I can bring you there if you’d follow me.”
He nods and says “let’s go.”
She leads him to the throne room. Zeus’s head immediately pops up, and he says “Amberana? Who’s this?”
She turns to the male and says “I never caught your name.”
He says “I’m Mason. Son of Hecate and an unknown god.”
Zeus says “another god?! When I find out who your father is he will never hear the end of it!”
Hera says “Zeus we need all the help we can get at this point.”
Zeus sighs and says “we’ll decide what to do with him at a later date.”
Mason says “Lord Zeus, my greatest apologies. I understand this is very stressful for you, especially at this time with the second Titonamachy just beginning.”
Zeus says “Amberana will show you everything you need.”
Amber says “come on, let’s go.”
Riley steps from next to Ares’s throne and says “maybe I should go with them.”
Zeus says “no, you must train. You two gods, be gone.”
Amber leads Mason out of the throne room.
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Did you even read it?
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Hey I'm just letting anyone who still gives a crap know that if no one reads this by the 12th then I'm probably not gonna post this story anymore. It seems like all people have given up interest. If I wanna have things I do ignored, I'll go to school. I don't need it happening on the internet too, I already have minimal self-confidence as it is. Writing in one of the only things I'm sort of good at, and if I feel like people just stop reading my stuff because the writing gets crappy, that only lowers my already low self-esteem. So, if no one says anything on this forum by Friday, June 12 at 7:00 p.m. eastern time, I probably won't put anything else for this story
over a year ago olympianglory said…
NO! ~I couldn't find my laptop!
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Alright, alright... I'll put up chapter in a bit
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Hey so, I was thinking about putting this on wattpad? Like, I'd still put it on here, I'm not ditching this forum, but I thought maybe I'd put it on wattpad too? What do you think?
over a year ago olympianglory said…
Uhh... Sorry, but whats wattpad?
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
It's a website where you can read fanfiction. It's awesome. You should check it out. Sorry it's late, here's a chapter:

Chuck looked at Naia and said “why not? You seemed so interested in it.”
Naia sighs and says “I was interested. But after talking with Holly and Annabeth, I realized it’s too dangerous for demigods. That’s why it’s the way gods fight, they can’t die. Amber didn’t remember how to fight like a demigod.”
Chuck says “but I can do it. Why can’t everyone else?”
Annabeth says “it’s too risky to try. A lot of demigods die trying to be something they’re not.”
Holly says “we’re sorry Chuck, but we can’t let you teach all these people.”
Chuck says “but it could save more lives than it takes.”
Naia says “Chuck it’s not meant for demigods. We’re going to teach you to fight like a demigod, and that’s how you’re going to fight from now on.”
Chuck says “you can’t make me. You don’t control me.”
Naia says “Amber told you to do whatever I tell you to. I’m telling you not to teach these people how to fight like that and get your butt to the sword arena so I can teach you how to fight like a demigod!”
Chuck says “no!” He draws his knife and jumps towards her.
She draws her dagger and points it.
Holly says “Chuck! What’re you doing?!”
Chuck runs at Naia and slashes his knife. She deflects it with her dagger. They begin to fight.
Annabeth says “both of you stop it!”
Chuck grabs the handle of Naia’s dagger and rips it out of her hand. He takes his knife and points the tip at her neck, making sure that the tip was actually on her flesh. He looked at her and said “you don’t own me. If these people want to learn they have a right to. They have a right to protect themselves.”
Naia just looks at him. Her face only showed one thing: hurt.
Holly whispered “Chuck…”
Chuck looks at her and takes his knife from Naia’s throat. He throws her dagger into the ground by her feet.
Annabeth says “Chuck, this isn’t who you are. Don’t let your skill define you. Don’t become arrogant. Don’t become something you’re not because you’ve gotten power from it.” She whispers “please don’t be like Luke…”
He says “who’s Luke?”
She says “Luke Castellan. He went to Camp here a few years ago, he brought me here with himself and Thalia Grace. Thalia died and created the barrier that protects out camp. He was here for years. He trained with me, he was like my brother. You wanna know where he is now?”
Chuck looks at her, and she looks like she’s about to cry.
She continues “you’re aware Kronos has a body, correct? That’s him. He is Kronos now. Don’t be like that. He poisoned Thalia’s tree, tried to kill us all, let monsters into Camp, so many awful things. Then he gave Kronos his body. Don’t do that to yourself.”
Chuck looks at Naia, and she was holding her wrist. There were some Apollo kids around her. And he could see why. There was a big gash running down her arm. Then he looked at his knife, which had blood all over the edge. He looked at her and his eyes widened with the realization that he did that to her.

Amber showed Mason all around Olympus. When she showed him the final thing he needed to know she asked “so who’s your father?”
Mason sighs and says “that’s what I want to know. My mother is Hecate.”
She says “spathi tis sofias.” Her sword appears.
He says “whoa, what’s with the sword?”
She says “Hecate is with the titans. They took one of my friends.”
He says “what was their name?”
She sighs and says “Peter Johnson, son of Zeus. He’s one of their leaders. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about the titans from your mother, would you?”
He shakes his head and says “I never even met her. I was given away. Never knew my mom or my dad.”
She says “same for me. But now I know my parents, they’re over in the throne room.”
He says “I don’t think my father is in there. He would’ve said something.”
She says “do you mind if I ask you to prove you’re a god?”
He says “go ahead.”
She says “follow me.” She leads him to the Olympian dining hall, where there were plates of ambrosia and cups of nectar almost everywhere. She grabs a plate and turns to him. She says “eat this whole thing and don’t die, then drink two cups of nectar. If you’re a god you’ll be unaffected.”
He nods and takes the plate. He eats the ambrosia squares one by one, and when he’s done he looks perfectly fine.
Amber grabs two cups off the nearest table and hands them to him. He drinks them.
He says “thanks, I was starving.”
She says “alright, you’re a god. Any idea on your realm?”
He says “well I can do something kind of strange.”
She says “tell me.”
He says “I’m not sure…”
She says “I won’t tell anyone, I promise.”
He sighs and says “I’m just afraid of what will happen when Zeus finds out.”
She says “what can you do?”
He puts out one of his palms, and fire appears in it. Then he puts out his other palm, and points his finger. Water flies to where he pointed. He closes his eye and points to a window. Right outside the window, lightning strikes. He walks out of the room and punches the ground. A small hole opens. He traces his finger over the edge and it closes. He says “I am Hephaestus, Poseidon, Zeus, and Gaea all in one.”
All Amber can do is stare in amazement and whisper “oh my gods…”

Peter was sitting in his small room at the titan base. He was so important he got his own room. No one else did, except for Kronos. But every room was technically his room. Peter looked at the floor of his room, thinking.
‘Mason is powerful. He’ll get it done.’ He had been telling himself that ever since Mason left. He was afraid Kronos would kill him. It’d only ben a few hours since he’d dispatched Mason, but he was already afraid he’d fail.
‘He can do it. He’s more powerful than any of them.’ He did have partially the power of Lord Kronos’s own mother, Lady Gaea.
‘He has the powers of Zeus, Hephaestus, Poseidon, and Gaea.’ He suddenly stopped thinking and his eyes widened.
‘He’s stronger than all of them combined’ he suddenly realized. At that moment he realized that if he was stronger than Zeus they wouldn’t let him leave. No, he was afraid they’d crown him the new King of the Gods. Unless he showed his true colors first. What had he done?

Mind if I ask for your thoughts on the story? I'd love to hear what you think. I'd also love to hear predictions on what you think will happen, what you think should happen, or constructive criticism. I'd love to hear them :) well, read, hear, whatever. Same difference.
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Also, I was thinking of renaming the story? Maybe something like 'the eternal hero' or something? When I came up with the title I had a different storyline in mind, I've changed it since then. So anyone got any title ideas?
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
over a year ago olympianglory said…
Hello. Earth speaking
Fangirl521 commented…
AHHHH!!!!!!! It's Gaea!!! ha, get it? over a year ago
olympianglory commented…
Hello. Gaia's ex-husband speaking. over a year ago
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Did you read any of the chapters? They're on the previous page
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
I'm done. I am done with this. I'll start posting the story again if I want to, but I've got a lot of problems right now and I don't want people ignoring my hard work to be one of them. Me and my best friend are currently starting something that could possibly save my life, so I'm gonna turn my attention from checking this forum every day to focusing on that. Because my brother beats me, a lot, and my friend is trying to help me get him to stop. So we're making YouTube videos, I'm writing a story on a website called Wattpad, you should check it it. My name is @keeperofthedemigods and the story I want you to read is called "Why Me?" The picture is a purple ribbon, like the one for breast cancer, It's a story about what my brother does to me. It's scenes I've been in, how I've reacted, and what I've said. I think I need to focus on that for a little bit. Because if you're just gonna ignore my forum when I can tell you've been on because you're making other forums, then I'm not gonna bother to look at it anymore. I look at this every day hoping that someone said that they care about my story because it gives me the smallest bit of confidence. I have hardly any, and when people ignore my stuff then it gets rid of whatever bit I have, and I have to build it up again. Which is really hard for me. So I've got to turn my attention from fanfiction and checking this forum to updating my Wattpad story, making YouTube videos, trying to spread the word about them, and staying alive when my brother hits me and remembering things. Because yesterday he hit me so hard that I lost part of my memory. Not a lot, just a few hours, but I lost it, Because he hit my head with an object I can't remember. This needs to stop. I'm begging you, at least spread the word. I'm leaving a link in here to the Wattpad story. Please read it, you could possibly save me. If you ever cared about this forum, you'll read this story and save me so I can continue to write it. Because have you heard of someone who can write after they die? Neither have I, so if you ever wanna read another chapter of this story again then you might wanna share this. You could save my life, and maybe so many others. People need to learn the truth. And this is the truth:
over a year ago Skipper27 said…
hey fan girl im back
over a year ago Skipper27 said…
serously dont get disheartened many people may be reading and appriciating your work but just not commenting
over a year ago olympianglory said…
wow, Fangirl. I didn't really think this was what goes on in your world. I am honestly so sorry.
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
*sigh* I'm gonna post a few more chapters on here, until I run out of stuff I've written I guess. I'll give you a few chapters now, and once someone comments I'll post another. And Olympianglory, thank you. You don't have to be sorry, it's not your fault. Without further ado, here's the chapter

Amber looked at Mason in amazement and whispered “oh my gods.”
Mason says “yeah I kind of control the elements.”
She says “Mason that’s not good.”
He says “why not? It makes me pretty powerful.”
She says “it makes you one of the most powerful being in the universe. You don’t understand what Lord Zeus will do.”
He says “so they can’t kill me at all? They can’t stop me from doing anything?”
She says “no one can stop you, Mason. You’re currently the most powerful being alive.”
He says “then you’re going to listen to me. You’re not going to say anything, you’re not going to go anywhere, you’re not going to tell anyone. You got that?”
She nods, suddenly very terrified.
He says “I was sent here by my father’s second-in-command, Styx.”
She says “who’s your father? You said you didn’t know.”
He says “I can be very convincing. Another hidden power.”
She says “who is your father?”
He says “I’m getting there.”
She says “then let’s arrive.”
He chuckles and says “in a moment. As I was saying, I was sent here by Styx. You know him, actually.”
She says “who are you? What do you want?”
He says “you. I want you. I need you. To save Styx’s life. Otherwise, my father will kill him. I need you to come with me. To save Styx.”
She says “who is Styx?”
He says “my father’s second-in-command.”
She says “who is your father?”
He smiles and says “I am Mason, son of Hecate and Kronos.”
Her eyes widen. She says “K-Kronos?”
He nods and says “yes, Kronos. My father is the Lord of Time. I am more powerful than all of the gods put together.”
She says “why’re you here?”
He says “to bring you to the titans once and for all. You don’t understand how badly we need you. You have no idea what you’re truly capable of. If used correctly, curiosity can be the greatest weapon.”
She says “so can my sword.”
He says “but you put it down, you don’t have it.”
She says “spathi tis-”
He clamps his hand over her mouth.
She bites his hand and puts her hand over her tattoo. Her sword appears in her hand. She jumps at Mason and screams “HELP!”
A dozen gods and goddesses are there before she could blink.
Zeus says “both of you. Throne room. Now.”

There were a few Apollo kids treating her arm. She looked at Chuck, who was looking at her arm.
Chuck says “Naia… I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to do that. I didn’t know. I was out of control. I didn’t know what I was doing.”
She just looks at the ground and shakes her head. She wipes tears out of her eyes with her remaining hand.
Chuck walked over to her, but she just said “get away from me.”
An Apollo kid, Will Solace, says “you’re going to need stitches. Come to the infirmary.”
She nods and follows him as he leads her to the infirmary.
She asks “so I’m guessing I can’t do anything for a while?”
He says “just for a day. It’s a pretty deep cut. We’re gonna put some water on it and see if you have the same power as Percy, then we’re gonna stitch it up and you’ll just need rest for a day.”
She nods and says “sounds simple enough.”
He grabs a cup of water and slowly pours it down her wound. It gets a little better, but not completely. He stitches it up, then leaves the room. Leaving her to herself.
The door opens a minute later, and Holly and Annabeth walk in.
Annabeth says “how’re you doing?”
She says “someone who I was supposed to protect just sliced my arm open. I don’t know why he’d do that.”
Holly says “he was blinded by rage. It’s kind of a quality we get from our dad. If we’re mad at someone, we hurt them without even knowing it. I can even make my enemies crazy for a minute if I want to.”
Annabeth says “we’re just learning that now because…?”
Holy says “never really came up.”
Suddenly, lightning strikes the Big House. Good thing Zeus put lightning protection spells on it.
Annabeth gasps and says “oh no. That’s Zeus signaling for Chiron to go to Olympus.”
Naia says “so?”
Annabeth says “that’s the emergency contact method. That means there’s problems! Amber’s up there!”
All of their eyes widened, and they all started running for the Big House.

Zeus says “both of you. Throne room. Now.” He throws a lightning bolt. It didn’t hit anywhere on Olympus, so Amber didn’t know where it went.
Mason laughed and pointed to the ground right in front of Amber. There was a wall of fire around her suddenly. He says “she isn’t going there, and neither am I.”
A voice Amber knew very well yelled “Amber!” She knew it was Riley.
Amber says “Riley, get away. I can’t die, but you can. Just go.”
There was no response.
A woman’s voice says “who are you?!” Amber could tell it was Athena.
She called out “mom!”
Athena says “Amber, try to teleport out!”
Mason laughs and says “you think I’m that stupid? I’ve got boundaries on there, she can’t get out.”
Suddenly water starts flying above Amber’s head.
Mason says “let me take her peacefully and I don’t burn her alive.”
Apollo’s voice says “who are you and what do you want with Amber?!”
Mason laughs and says “I’m Mason, god of the elements. Son of Hecate and Kronos.”
Zeus says “impossible. Kronos couldn’t have a child, let alone one as developed as you.”
Mason says “stupid, stupid brother. Our father is the Lord of Time, he could speed up my aging.”
Water suddenly crashes into the fire barrier surrounding Amber, and a layer of water hovers around her. Poseidon was standing there, his arm outstretched towards her.
She runs away from where she was, and Apollo and Athena stand in front of her.
Mason says “give me the girl. Styx has requested her, and Styx always gets what he wants.”
Zeus says “and who is this Styx?”
Mason smiles and says “your son. Peter. Peter Johnson is Styx, Kronos’s second-in-command. How does that make you feel, brother? Your only son is one of the most important people in my father’s army. How are you going to live with that?”
Zeus throws a lightning bolt at him.
Mason points to Zeus, and he gets struck by lightning. He punches a hole in the ground, and it begins to open up.
Apollo turns around to face Amber. He whispers “I know we promised you but we didn’t expect this. I’m sorry. Be mad at us for eternity, but we need to do this.”
He looks up and nods. Suddenly something is pulling Amber away from the crowd of gods. She turns, and Riley is pulling her towards the throne room. She runs with him, and they’re there in a minute. He opens the door, they run inside, and he locks the door.
He says “find a place to hide. Now. Make it good.”
She looks around, and finds a door across the room. She asks “where does that go?”
He says “good idea. That’s where I live. If you wanna live, go in there.”
She runs towards the door and opens it. It was small. A wall covered in weapons, some clothes on a table, and a bed. There was some empty space between the bed and the wall. It wasn’t big, but she could hide there. She ran over to the space and sat on the ground. She laid down so no one could see her.
Riley says “great idea.”
She says “are they still outside?”
He says “sounds like it. Just be quiet, and he won’t find you. And if he somehow does, I’m not going to let him hurt you. I promise.”
She just sits there silently, doing what he said. She looks around on the ground, because she had nothing to do. There were a bunch of papers on the ground under the bed. Her curiosity getting the better of her, she reached for one. She pulled it into the light and looked at it. It was the list Riley had written that summer, with everything that was happening in the war. When she first found him. She grabbed another paper. It had only one thing on it, going all across the page. Her name. On the back it said ‘I’m sorry’. There was one more thing on another paper. It said ‘where did I go wrong?’
A pillow is lowered down into the space next to her head. Riley says “if you wanna try to get some rest there’s a pillow.”
She says “thanks…” She looks at the paper again. After a minute she says “you didn’t do anything wrong.”
He says “what?”
She says “it’s my fault, not yours. And Zeus’s. Mainly him. I just wanted to say it. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
He says “you told me I wasn’t who I used to be. That I looked like myself, but I wasn’t.”
She says “I was upset with Zeus. You were just different. I wasn’t used to it. You had a tone of authority in your voice, and were just, I don’t know, different. I didn’t understand it and I still don’t. Now you just seem like the same Riley from before I was Amberana. You seem like the Riley I knew back when I was just Amber, the regular fifteen year-old girl.”
He says “you were never just a regular fifteen year old girl. Not to me. You were always special.”
She says “you’re becoming who you were before I was Amberana. Back when we were both no more than mortals, with no idea anything else existed.”
He says “I was always me, you were just never around to see it.”
She says “well I can see it now. I’m sorry I overreacted.”
He says “don’t worry about it. But I do have one question.”
She says “yeah, go ahead.”
He says “where’s this coming from?”
She takes a deep breath and says “before I say, I’m the goddess of curiosity. If I see something and I don’t know what it is, I’m gonna look at it.”
He says “oh schist I left those papers under my bed didn’t I?”
She says “yeah, sort of.”
He says “sorry…”
She says “don’t worry about it. It gave me the chance to clear the air between us for now.”
Suddenly there’s a loud explosion.
Amber whispers “you need to hide!”
He says “where?!”
She says “find somewhere! Under the bed, in a closet, anywhere!”
Seconds later he’s climbing under the bed. He whispers “this is the only place.”
She whispers “whatever just be quiet.”
Seconds later there is a loud sound and a voice yells “WHERE IS SHE?!”
over a year ago olympianglory said…
Awesome! Fangirl, your posts are ruining my life!!! Dont stop.
Lol." We're just learning that now because???"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
:) Here's another chapter:

They ran to the Big House, along with everyone else.
Chiron stepped outside and said “there is an emergency on Olympus, I must go. But I will return soon.”
Annabeth says “what’s wrong?”
Chiron says “terrible things are happening.”
Holly says “what kind of terrible things?”
Naia says “is Amber alright?”
Chiron says “no, not really. So I must go now.”
Annabeth says “if she isn’t alright then take us with you.”
He says “I cannot. No demigods on Olympus now.”
Naia says “take us.” Her voice sounded full of authority.
Chiron says “I wish I could, but I can’t.”
Naia says “sure you can. Just bring. Us. With. You.”
Chuck steps towards her and says “Naia, he can’t.”
Naia looks at him and says “stay away from me.”
He says “Naia I’m sorry.”
She just looks back towards Chiron and says “I’m going one way or another. Bring me with you, or I find my way up there.”
He says “you cannot. There are no entrances.”
She says “then how’re you gonna get up there?”
He says “Hermes.”
The Hermes children start whispering.
Annabeth says “Naia he can’t bring anyone. I wanna go too, I wanna help Amber. But we can’t get up there.”
Naia turns to Annabeth and says “Hermes owes you. For what his son did.”
Annabeth says “gods don’t owe demigods for things their children did.”
Naia says “well they should.”
Annabeth says “well they don’t, so we can’t get up there.”
Naia turns back to where Chiron was, but he was already gone.

Riley whispers “don’t be afraid.”
Amber whispers “how am I supposed to not be afraid? The most evil god ever is out there looking for me.”
He whispers “just think of something else. Think of your family, think of Camp, think of anything.”
She closes her eyes and focuses on the last week at Camp. A loud thud scares her out of her thoughts. Her eyes widen and she muffles a scream.
Riley reaches out and grabs her hand. Taking it more for comfort, Amber grabs it and squeezes. Moments later, she hears footsteps.
Mason’s voice calls out “Amberana, come on out. We’re not going to hurt you. We’ll treat you better than those Olympians ever did. They’re trapped in a ring of fire, right outside. You can’t hear them, but they’re out there. You can save them all. Just come out.”
A voice in Amber’s head whispers ‘don’t do it, Amber. We’ll figure this out, just don’t listen to him.’ It was a male voice, but not her father. She decided to figure it out later.
Mason continued “Amber please. Do you really want to be around that pathetic excuse for a son of Ares? They lied to you about him being alive. Doesn’t that make you mad at them?”
Riley’s grip on her hand tightened.
Amber squeezed her eyes shut and squeezed Riley’s hand even harder.
Mason continued “Styx is waiting for you. He loves you. He will make sure your every need is met, he’ll make sure you’re happy. He’s practically a god himself. He can give you everything the pathetic son of Ares can’t. He can be with you forever. You will be second-in-command alongside him, and you will help my father rule the titan army. They need you. They’ll give you whatever you want. Just join us.”
‘Never in a million years’ she thinks to herself.
She can hear the footsteps getting closer. She remembers she can send messages into people’s minds. Just not other gods. She didn’t know how to do that. She focuses on Riley’s mind and send the message ‘if we don’t get out, I still love you.’
Riley whispers “I love you too.”
Then, the worst thing happens. The door opens.

Peter was kneeling before Kronos.
Kronos asks “so you have sent my son on a mission to capture Amberana?”
Peter says “yes my lord. He promised on the River Styx to get her for us.”
Kronos says “I do hope he makes it, he’s the only one of my children that I like.”
Peter nods and says “the feeling is mutual, my lord. The gods don’t know what they’re doing. But Mason is a titan. Lord of the Elements. The titans have the right idea.”
Kronos says “you do understand that the previous statement still stands. If he doesn’t succeed I will have you killed. You’ve been a great servant Peter.”
Peter says “with all due respect, it’s not over yet. And it’s not Peter anymore. That makes me sound weak. I am now Styx.”
Kronos says “very well. But still, my statement stands.”
Peter says “and I cannot change it? There’s nothing I can do? I can’t go and get more fighters or train them harder?”
Kronos says “no, there is nothing you can do at this point. Amberana will decide the rest of your life. If she comes, you live. If she somehow doesn’t, you die. That shall not change.”
Peter nods and says “then allow me to thank you in advance for my position and your belief in me.”
Kronos says “let’s just not hope that my belief wasn’t misplaced. You’d better hope my son does his job right.”
Peter nods and says “he will, my lord. I swear.” He looks at Kronos right in the eye and says “on the River Styx. I swear on the River Styx that Mason will not fail.”
Kronos laughs and says “you don’t understand the magnitude of the promise you just made. You may go now, Styx.”
Accepting his dismissal, Peter stood and exited the room.
over a year ago olympianglory said…
Help... Must... Turn.. Off... XP
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
I am never again going to say the word ironic. it's CHIRONIC now!
over a year ago olympianglory said…
over a year ago olympianglory said…
This is chironic. You own this forum, but im the only one posting right now.
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Hey, I post! I'll post a chapter later, I'm getting ready to go out with my friends, because today is my birthday!!
over a year ago olympianglory said…
Happy Birthday 2 yooo
Cake for yooo
Make some cake!
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Hey sorry I forgot to post the chapter I'm just stressed and I've hardly slept in a month, but here's a chapter

Amber was gripping Riley’s hand tighter than before. He didn’t mind, but it was starting to hurt. Then the door opened.
Mason called out “Amberana… or do you prefer Amber?”
Riley looked at Amber. She was staring at him, frozen, most likely with fear.
Mason says “I know you’re here somewhere… No teleporting on or off Olympus. You’re in this throne room somewhere.” He walked into the room.
Riley gripped her hand very tight, tighter than ever.
Amber was still frozen.
Mason says “Amber just give up. I know you’re in here somewhere. I’ll find you. You can either come willingly, or I can take you. Either way, but I suggest you come willingly. Styx asked me not to injure you.”
Amber squeezes her eyes shut.
Mason says “last chance before I pull out the fire. And I don’t know where your pathetic friend went, but when I find him I’ll burn him alive. Or I’ll drown him. Whichever would be harder for you. Then there would be nothing keeping you from Styx.”
Riley grips her hand even tighter somehow, refusing to let go.
Mason says “come willingly and I won’t hurt your friend. If you don’t show yourself now, I will.”
Amber slowly opens her eyes and slowly loosens her grip on Riley’s hand.
He whispers “don’t do it.”
She says in his head ‘I have no choice, I won’t let him hurt you. I’m sorry.’
Riley tightened his grip on her hand, refusing to let go. Not even when something grabbed her feet and dragged her backwards, and Mason’s voice called out “GOTCHA!”

Something grabbed Amber by the ankles and dragged her away.
Mason calls out “GOTCHA!”
Amber screams “NO!”
Mason laughs and says “Styx is waiting…”
She says “no! I refuse to go!”
Mason says “it’s so cute how you think it’s a choice.”
Riley climbs out from under the bed and says “if you want her you have to go through me first.”
Amber says “Riley no.”
Riley says “no offence Amber but I don’t care what you say in this situation. I love you and I’m going to fight for you. I’m going to fight for your freedom. They don’t have the right to do this to you and it’s time someone finally showed them that.”
Mason laughs and says “you think we don’t have the right?! Look at yourself! A son of Ares allowing himself to be weakened for some girl!”
Riley says “she is not some girl to me. She’s a human being with feel-”
Mason cuts him off and says “a human being? This girl?” He points to Amber and laughs. He continues “she’s no human being she’s a demi-titan!”
Amber says “I’m not a demi-titan. I refuse to become a demi-titan.”
Mason says “Amber, it’s an honor to be a demi-titan. It means you’re worthy of something.”
Riley says “she’s worthy of plenty.”
Mason says “she’s worthy of Styx. He likes nothing and no one besides her.” He picks up a paper off the ground and laughs. He says “Styx can do better than this…”
Amber tries to look at the paper. All she could see was her name.
Mason says “Styx will treat her better than this.” He turs to Amber and says “you and your little boyfriend here are over. You got that?” He turns away from her and says “you’re with Styx now.”
She says “alright, there’s several things wrong with that statement. First, Riley isn’t my boyfriend. Lord Zeus has forbidden us from dating until after we win the war. Second, I’d never date Peter if he was the last guy on the earth.”
Mason says “you’re going to change your mind soon enough.”
Amber says “no I won’t because I’m not going.”
Mason says “let’s hear you say that after you watch your friend die again.” He puts out his palms. One fills with water, one fills with fire. He says “we can burn him, drown him, throw him down a hole, or have him get struck by lightning. Which one do you choose?”
Amber says “I’ll never do what you say. Kill me instead.”
Mason says “I cannot kill a goddess. If you refuse to pick how he dies, I’ll do it myself.”
Riley says “Amber, don’t go with him. Let him kill me.”
Amber says “never.” She turns towards Mason and punches him in the jaw. She grabs Riley’s hand and pulls him out of the room. Riley shuts the door behind them.
She says “get out. Now. Go try to save the other gods, then just go somewhere safe. I’ll find you when it’s safe.”
He says “I’m not gonna leave you here to fight that guy.”
There’s a pounding on the door.
She says “Riley just go. Please. I’ll come find you once I deal with him and we’ll talk about everything, I promise.”
He says “I can’t leave you alone with him.”
She kisses his cheek quickly and says “go now or else. If you don’t leave now then there won’t even be an us after the Titonamachy.”
He sighs and says “okay, I’ll go.” He turns and runs out the door.
Amber says “spathi tis sofias” and her sword appears in her hand. She says to herself “it’ll be fine, just trust your instinct.” She jumped away from the door, and it burst open.

Chiron saw the lightning and galloped to the Big House. When he got there he had a short argument with Naia, and then when she turned to talk to another camper he ran inside and used his secret entrance to Olympus.
As soon as he got there he could hear them.
Zeus’s voice said “Chiron?!”
Chiron galloped over and said “right here.”
Hera says “he’s in there!”
Chiron just noticed that they were trapped in a ring of fire. All twelve Olympians. He says “Hephaestus why don’t you just-”
Hephaestus says “no he expected that. I can’t get through without getting burned.”
Chiron says “you’re not speaking of Kronos are you?”
Zeus says “we’ve got a new brother. He goes by the mortal name of Mason. He’s trying to capture Amberana and make her a demi-titan.”
Apollo says “save Amber, please.”
Zeus says “I already tried communicating with the girl but she doesn’t know how to communicate back with other gods. Only with mortals. We need to save her. If they want her that badly she has to mean something.”
Aphrodite says “it could just mean someone’s in love with her and wants her there.”
Zeus says “not the time Aphrodite.”
She sighs but says nothing.
Chiron says “so Kronos had another child?”
Hera nods and says “he’s in there terrorizing Amberana. His mother is Hecate. Kronos sped up his aging, so he looks like he’s her age. He’s the Lord of the Elements.”
Chiron says “the elements? Fire, earth, water, and sky?”
Athena says “he’s Zeus, Poseidon, Gaea, and Hephaestus all in one. It’s horrifying. And he’s in there trying to capture my daughter. Please help.”
Chiron says “I think I might have an idea on how to get you out of here.”
Zeus says “go brother. Do what you must, just please save the girl.”
Apollo says “since when do you care so much about Amber?”
Zeus says “since I realized that she could be the key to everything.”
Chiron says “how?”
Zeus says “I am not sure. But what I am sure of is that we must save her. Go on, save somebody.”
Chiron nods and says “yes brother.” He turned and galloped away.
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
To read the rest of the story, please go to:

over a year ago olympianglory said…
Haha, this was a year ago. Damn, I was immature. And I used to love this. Now I am wattpad forever.