The Heroes of Olympus The Endless Quest

Fangirl521 posted on Apr 07, 2015 at 12:41AM
So this is an idea I had by seeing that other people were writing fanfiction I decided to write my own, but I'm still gonna read the others, and I promise I'm not gonna steal any ideas. Unless it's like a character that I suggest or something (I have only given one suggestion to anyone at this moment and it was a character, and they are going to be my main character in the story) I wanna have the main character have a little group she goes on quests with, but I thought maybe it'd be fun if I got some suggestions. You can suggest as many as you want, you just need the following requirements:

Character Name:
Godly Parent:
Nickname (if you want, totally optional):
Back story:

And just in case you wanna match with my character or something, here's her info:

Character Name: Amber
Godly Parent: Athena and Apollo
Nickname: none
Appearance: long brown hair, storm grey eyes,
Personality: very smart, friendly, courageous/brave, quick-thinker
Back Story: she was born when the Gods first found out that Kronos may come back (they somehow found out 15 years before it happened but did nothing about it). Apollo told Athena they may need another god or goddess, and he went to her because she didn't get pregnant, she had head babies. Her birth was hidden from Zeus and when she got to Camp she was passed off as a daughter of Athena. She was given to an orphanage and adopted by two loving parents, who never told her she was adopted. When she found Camp she was happy but shocked and was claimed by Athena as soon as she stepped into Camp, and the only person who knows she is a goddess beside her parents is Chiron
Age: 15

p.s. we really don't need many gods/goddesses, I honestly don't really think we need another god/goddess, so pleas only give one godly parent. I'm not trying to be mean, but I made this character forever ago and that's just the way she is, and if people don't like that I'm the only one with a goddess character I'll just make her a demigod but it'll wreck my storyline
last edited on Jun 10, 2015 at 08:33PM

The Heroes of Olympus 194 replies

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over a year ago olympianglory said…
The real Naia isnt :D
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
Awwwwww thanks guys! c:
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
It's just gonna add to the friendship between Naia and Amber after a few chapters, and here's a secret: it is explained why she did it... you'll just need to read on and wait for the friendship to come back. Also, I'm going to be giving super long chapters for the next 2 days because I won't be able to go online for 4 days... I'm on school break this week so I'm going to visit my grandparents, so I won't be on from Thursday to Sunday. But I'll post extra long chapters today and tomorrow, and I'll do lots of them,,, sorry to keep you waiting, I'll post in a minute, I gotta look back at where I left off
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Here's an extra extra long post for you people

When Naia could finally stop crying a few hours later, and make herself look decent, she walked out of the Poseidon cabin. She figured maybe doing some sword fighting would help her a little, so she went to the arena. Riley was there. He saw her, looked at her for a minute, then turned to his sister, Clarisse, and they fought. Naia watched as Riley took Clarisse’s spear and put one of his two swords to her neck. She heard them bicker, and she laughed.
After a minute Riley walked over to her and said “why the hell would you say those things to Amber?”
She says “I don’t wanna see you get hurt. Dating a goddess isn’t a very good idea. Especially for a demigod.”
He says “well you really hurt her feelings.”
She says “well she hurt mine.”
He says “what did she do to you?”
She says “that’s not important. Did you ever realize it took her two months to come back and find you after learning she was a demigod?”
He says “she told me that she didn’t want to attract monsters, but when she found out she was a goddess she went because the monsters couldn’t sense her anymore.”
She says “she didn’t even bother to have someone tell you where she was. Doesn’t that bother you?”
He says “we talked it all out the other day. Just don’t be so rude to her, you really hurt her.”
She says “do I look like I care?”
He says “if this is how you’re gonna be, I can’t even be your friend.”
She says “then be more than my friend. Amber is gonna hurt you eventually, it’s easier just to date a demigod.”
He says “I can decide for myself.”
She sighs and says “so stubborn…”
He says “well I’m with Amber so if you’re gonna just tell me to dump her please leave.”
She says “hey you walked over to me.”
He says “and now I really regret it.”
She sees Amber enter the area, but Riley is facing away from the entrance so he didn’t see. Without saying anything, Naia leaned forward and kissed him. He threw her off, and pushed her to the ground. He said “what the hell Naia!?”
Amber ran over screaming and jumped at Naia.
Riley grabbed her and said “whoa! Amber calm down!”
She says “she’s lucky I don’t just kill her now! I don’t wanna wipe out the whole Camp so I’m just gonna kill her the old way. Let me go!” She struggles against his grip but he holds on tighter and says “it’s not worth it!”
She says “you did it to Peter!”
He says “and it was pointless. So just calm down. Please.”
She looked at Naia and took a deep breath. She turned and walked out of the sword arena.
Riley said “was that really necessary?”
Naia looked at him and said nothing.
He turned and followed Amber out of the arena.

He turned and ran, following Amber. When he finally caught up to her, she was all the way to the beach. He ran up to her, sat next to her, and said “is the beach your ‘thinking spot’?”
She just sighed and said “it’s one of the least crowded places, it quiet.”
He says “I’m sorry about that…”
She says “it wasn’t your fault. It was Naia’s. And mine. I should have told her. Like Annabeth.”
He says “no matter what Naia does to you you’ll always have Annabeth. And me.”
She says “I know. I’m just hurt.”
He says “how do you think I feel?”
She says “what do you mean?”
He says “yesterday. With Peter.”
She says “that’s different.”
He says “not very. Peter had a crush on you after not knowing you for very long, and you refused to go out with him so he kissed you.”
She says “is that why you’ve seemed upset? Because he kissed me?”
He says nothing.
She says “you don’t think I’m mad at Naia? I wanna go back there and rip her head off.”
He says “I never said that, I’m just mad about Peter.”
She says “I know it’s frustrating when someone else kisses the person you’re in a relationship with.”
He says “but this was different. You hadn’t had your first kiss yet, it was supposed to be me.”
She says “well same for you. You’d never kissed anyone either, and now Naia kissed you.”
He says “we could just forget both these things happened…”
She says “I’m not gonna forget that. It’s too horrible.”
He says “well what I saw wasn’t much better. But maybe it could be replaced with some type of happy memory.”
She says “I don’t see anything good happening to me for a while.”
He laughs and says “you’re sure about that?”
She says “pretty sure.”
He leans forward and kisses her. When he pulled away she said “alright one good thing.”
He laughed and said “pretend Peter and Naia just don’t exist.”
Amber laughed and said “who’re Peter and Naia?”
He laughs and says “I don’t know.”
She says “you’re sure you wanna go back to school?”
He says “are you?”
She says “my mom’s the goddess of wisdom, I have to learn things. Here I just do the same thing every day.”
He laughs and says “then I’m going with you.”
She laughs and says “how’re our friends doing?”
He says “they were all really worried when you disappeared. They thought you dropped dead. And I thought it too for a little while…”
She says “sorry about that…”
He says “well it was hell…”
She looks up, and it was getting dark. She said “wow, short day.”
He nodded and said “we should go to the dining pavilion…”
She nods and they stand up. They walk over to the pavilion and sit at their different tables.

After dinner Naia ran over to Holly and told her what happened with Amber and Riley. Holly said “maybe you should just let them be… they seem pretty happy together.”
Naia says “but I really like him. I’ve never liked anyone before.”
She says “and there it is. You’re confused, you don’t know what to do. Are you really mad at Amber?”
Naia sighs and says “a little bit. Because she kept it from me. This is something you should tell your friends. I’m just mad at her for hiding it from me. If she told me about it, I never would have done anything. I don’t even know why I kissed him I was just jealous.”
Holly says “so go explain that before they leave.”
Naia says “wait, leave?”
She nods and says “they’re gonna go back to the mortal world for school this year.”
Naia says “when are they leaving?”
She says “maybe two days?”
Naia says “I need to fix this. With both of them. I’m more concerned about Amber though. She was my first friend here, I can’t lose her now.”
She said “I’ll come with you, let’s go talk to them.”
Naia nods and they look around for them.

Holly spots them a few minutes later, sitting at the beach. Naia silently went up behind them, not saying anything.
Riley said “do you think you’ll ever forgive her?”
Naia stood a few feet away, listening. Amber said “maybe, I’m not sure. We’d probably have to talk it out, without me ripping her head off.”
Riley says “hey, we got over that…”
Amber says “I’ll never be truly over it.”
Riley kisses her quickly and says “how about now?”
She laughs and says “it does get easier. I’m hoping someday she and I can patch things up, even though she really hurt me.”
Riley says “why don’t you just go talk to her?”
She sighs and says “she didn’t even seem like she wanted to talk to me earlier, I bet she doesn’t want to talk to me now.”
He says “but what if this was all just some big misunderstanding?”
She says “maybe I’ll talk to her tomorrow…”
Riley says “you want me to come with you?”
She nods and says “it’d make it a little easier. Maybe I’ll get Annabeth and Percy too, make it a group thing. She’ll probably have Holly around, because she tells Holly everything, she never tells me anything.”
Naia decided to finally speak. She said “Amber I’m really sorry.”
They both turned. Amber sighed and said “did you hear that?”
Holly walks over from a few feet further back and says “we got here about a minute before he kissed you.”
Both Amber and Riley’s faces go red.
Naia says “I’m really sorry about everything that happened. Riley was right, it is just a misunderstanding. I never liked someone before, and I just didn’t know what to do.”
Amber says “no, it’s my fault. I know that I should have told you, I was just waiting for a good time.”
Naia says “if you told me I never would have done that. I never wanted to hurt you. Earlier I was just jealous, but now I can tell you’re happy together. And even if you don’t forgive me, I support you guys 100%.”
Amber looks at Riley, then Holly, then Naia. She stands up, and walks over to Naia. She hugs her.
Naia says “I swear I’ll never even lay a finger on him again. And if you don’t want to forgive me that’s fine. I just want you to know that I’m sorry and I’m over it.”
Amber says “already?”
Naia says “well, in the process of getting over it. I know the things I said were hurtful, but I was just really confused.”
Amber hugs her tighter and says “I do forgive you. Just never, ever, do it again.”
Naia says “if I do you have special permission to kill me.”
Amber says “caution, I remember these things.”
Naia says “so do I.”
They laugh, and break their hug. Holly claps and says “yay! Happy ending!”
They laugh.
Naia turns to Riley and says “I owe you a pretty big apology too…”
He says “don’t do anything like it again and I’ll call it water under the bridge.”
She laughs and says “Amber you caught an awesome guy. I haven’t known him long, but I can say that. You caught a great fish from the pond. Never let go.”
Amber says “I wasn’t planning on letting go. At least not anytime soon, we’ll see what the future brings.”
Riley says “wait what?!”
She says “I’ll explain later.”
Riley looked at her, puzzled.
Naia laughs and says “friends?”
He nods and says “friends.”
Holly says “Riley did you say ‘water under the bridge’ on purpose because her dad is Poseidon?”
Naia laughs and says “I didn’t even think of that.”
Riley says “I actually didn’t…”
They all laugh.

Naia says “when are you guys leaving for the mortal world?”
Riley says “we actually gotta leave tomorrow, Amber needs to learn to be a mortal again.”
Naia says “so we’re not gonna see you for a while?”
Amber says “I’ll stop by when I can but we’re gonna be sophomores, we’ll have lots of homework.”
Naia says “what about school breaks?”
Amber says “maybe we’ll stop by then…”
Holly says “I’m gonna miss you.”
Amber hugs her and says “I’ll miss you too. We’ll stop by as soon as I can. But I can’t use my goddess magic, so we’ll have to get someone to drive us.”
Naia says “why can’t you use your goddess magic?”
Riley says “she has to blend with the mortals. If she does it once, she’ll do it again.”
Amber says “I’ll be back soon and everything will go back to normal. I promise.”
Naia says “it’s good I came to fix things today instead of waiting.”
Amber says “I’m just upset I’m not gonna see my parents for almost a year.”
Holly says “they won’t even come visit?”
Riley says “since when did a god visit their child?”
Naia says “that’s true…”
Amber says “but I’ll come by soon.”
Riley says “we should get back to the cabins, it’s pretty late.”
Naia says “you’re right. I’m gonna see you tomorrow morning, right?”
Amber says “I hope, but I gotta go to Olympus, say goodbye to my parents.”
Holly says “we’ll be at your cabin at dawn.”
Amber says “ugh, dawn is too early.”
Naia says “we’ll be at your cabin at nine.”
She laughs and says “sure, why not?”
They laugh and walk towards the cabins. Naia goes into the Poseidon cabin, and Holly heads to the Dionysus cabin. Amber starts to go towards her cabin, but Riley grabs her arm.
He says “you’re sure you wanna go?”
She says “you don’t have to come. I’m gonna surprise our friends, not tell them I’m back then I just appear at school.”
He laughs and says “I wanna come with you, I just wanted to make sure it’s what you want.”
She nods and says “it is.”
He says “just checking.”
She kisses his cheek quickly and says “stop worrying about it!”
He laughs and says “alright, go sleep.”
She goes to her cabin, and instantly falls asleep.
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
Great post! Im sooooooooooo glad there friends again.
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
I told you, it wouldn't be long until things got better. Here's the next chapter:

Naia and Holly were at Amber’s cabin at 9:00 sharp, as promised. Amber opened the door, and the cabin was empty. There was almost nothing in there.
Naia said “I’m really gonna miss you.”
She said “I’m gonna miss you too.”
Holly says “try not to kill anyone.”
She laughs and says “no promises.”
Naia says “I really wish things went a little better…”
She says “hey, it’s water under the bridge, just like Riley said.”
Naia laughs and says “water…”
They all laugh and go to the dining pavilion. They sat at their different tables, and ate really quickly.
Holly walks over to Amber with Naia right after she finishes eating and says “are you packed?”
Amber says “one of the advantages of being a goddess, I can snap my fingers and pack a bunch of stuff in a small space immediately. I bet if I wanted to I could fir the Camp in a backpack.”
Holly laughs and says “I’m gonna miss your humor.”
She says “I’ll try to stop by soon.”
They both hug her.
Amber says “I gotta go say goodbye to my family, I’ll come back for a while after.”
Naia says “but we’re your family too.”
Amber says “that’s why I’m gonna stop by later.”
Naia says “can we come? To Olympus?”
Amber says “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
Holly says “did you even tell Annabeth?”
Amber looked at Annabeth, and saw her talking with Riley. She said “oh schist I forgot he’s gonna tell her!”
Naia says “go!”
Amber runs over to Annabeth and Riley.

Riley walked over and said “did she tell you?”
Annabeth said “excuse me?”
He says “did Amber tell you?”
She says “tell me what?”
He says “I’ll take that as a no…” Amber ran over. He continued “we’re going-”
Amber made him lose his focus by kissing his cheek and saying “hey…”
He stopped talking, unable to focus for a second.
Annabeth laughed and says “you’re going where?”
Amber says “Riley, give us a minute?”
He nods and goes over to his siblings.
Annabeth says “don’t tell me you’re going to Vegas to get married…”
Amber laughs and says “gods no. We’re uh, we’re gonna go back to the mortal world for a while, we’re gonna go back to school.”
Annabeth said “oh my gods…”
Amber says “I know I should have told you, I’ve learned what dangers can come out of not telling people things.”
Annabeth says “I think that’s fantastic!”
Amber says “oh thank the gods.”
Annabeth says “wait, what do you mean ‘you learned the danger of not telling people things’?”
Amber takes a deep breath and says “yesterday Naia asked out Riley and kissed him because I never told her we are going out.”
She gasps and says “and you’re friends with her still?!”
Amber says “calm down! We talked it out, she’s over it. We’re good.”
She hugs her sister and says “I’m really gonna miss you.”
Amber says “I’ll miss you too. I’ll try to stop by soon, but I’m gonna have lots of homework.”
She says “let me know if you have trouble, I’ll help you out.”
Amber laughs and hugs Annabeth tighter, then lets go and says “I’m gonna go see mom.”
Annabeth says “can I come?”
Amber says “I think I should go alone this time, I’ll bring you to see her the first time I get back, I promise.”
Annabeth says “are you coming back after?”
Amber nods and says “I’ll be back in a couple hours.”
Annabeth nods and says “how’d you know Riley would stop talking when you kissed him?”
Amber says “I didn’t, it was a guess.”
She laughs and says “I’ll miss you.”
Annabeth says “alright, go see mom, I just wanna make sure I see you later.”
Amber says “you’ll be the first.”
She says “maybe besides Naia or Holly, or maybe even Riley.”
Amber says “I’m gonna see Riley almost every day for the next ten months, he can wait for me to spend some time with my family.”
She laughs and says “I’ll see you later.”
Amber nods and disappears, and Annabeth ran off to the Athena cabin, having just had a great idea.

She appeared outside the Olympian throne room. She went inside and knelt before Zeus. She said “good day Lord Zeus.”
Zeus said “good morning Amberana.”
Athena ran over and hugged Amber.
Hera said “is something wrong?”
Apollo stood, and walked over to Amber. He said “she’s definitely got the brain of her mother. She’s gonna go back to school, so she’s not gonna come by for a while. She doesn’t wanna risk exposing her godliness to mortals, so she’s not gonna use her powers for 10 months.”
Zeus says “you definitely are Athena’s daughter.”
Everyone laughs.
Hera says “too bad, I took a liking to her.”
Amber says “well I’m gonna come by sometime.”
Athena says “you’d better.”
Apollo says “is your friend going with you?”
Amber says “which one?”
Athena says “he’s refusing to admit the fact that you’ve got a boyfriend.”
She laughs and says “yes dad, Riley is coming with me.”
Apollo says “you’re sure you wanna go? We won’t see you for a while.”
Amber says “I went 15 years without ever meeting or hearing from you once, not knowing you even existed. I think I can survive going 10 months with a little bit of contact knowing you’re up here.”
Athena laughs and says “that’s my girl.”
Amber hugs her mother, then her father.
Zeus says “Amberana?”
Amber turns to Zeus and says “yes Lord Zeus?”
He says “you may not be as bad as I thought… be careful.”
She smiles and says “yes, Lord Zeus.”
He says “you don’t have to call me that, you’re a goddess.”
Amber nods and says “alright.” She turns and sees a beautiful woman, obviously Aphrodite. She says “Aphrodite?”
Aphrodite nods and says “yes, I am Aphrodite. May I say it is great to meet you.”
Amber says “please stop messing with me and Riley. Keep Naia out of it.”
In unison, Poseidon, Athena, Ares, and Apollo say “what?”
Aphrodite says “I threw them a love triangle. Naia wasn’t acting of her own accord, I had her do those things. I figured it made things interesting.”
Amber says “well it hurt me greatly so please just leave us alone.”
She says “I will try.”
Amber says “no, you won’t try, you will.”
Ares says “She seems more like my child than her boyfriend.”
Amber says “did you not see your son beat the crap out of Peter Johnson?” She turns to Zeus and says “with a good explanation.”
Zeus says “I’d do it myself if I could.”
Ares says “I must have missed it…”
She stays and talks with the gods for a while, then she leaves Olympus in tears. She returns to Camp and runs over to the Athena cabin. She knocks on the door and it swings open, Annabeth standing behind it.
Annabeth says “why’re you crying?”
Amber says “I’m gonna miss you.”
Annabeth says “I’m gonna miss you too, but I’m gonna see you again soon.”
Amber says “I promise I’ll be around before Christmas.”
Annabeth says “come on, I wanna show you something.”
She nods and Annabeth leads her to Zeus’s Fist, where Nico di Angelo is sitting and talking with Percy.
Amber whispers “when’d he get here?”
Annabeth says “about five minutes ago.”
She says “did Riley leave yet?”
Annabeth says “he was waiting for you. Why don’t you go say hi to Nico?”
She nods and turns in that direction. She walks over and says “hey Nico, hey Percy.”
Nico says “hey. I hear you’re special?”
She turns to Percy and says “what’d you say?”
Percy says “you should tell him.”
She sighs and says “fine.”
She turns back to Nico and touches the tattoo on her arm and her sword appears.
Nico says “I’ve seen that before.”
Percy says “that’s not it.”
Amber takes her sword and puts the tip in her elbow. She drags it up to her wrist. Her wound begins to bleed Ichor.
Nico says “you’re a goddess?”
Amber says “you are in the presence of Lady Amberana, goddess of curiosity. If you bow I will snap you like a twig.”
He laughs and says “wow, that’s cool.”
Amber’s wound heals immediately. She says “did Percy tell you I’m leaving?”
He says “no, he didn’t.”
She says “well I’m gonna go back to school with my boyfriend.”
Nico says “your what?”
She nods and says “his name is Riley, he’s a son of Ares.”
He says “well enjoy yourself. I’d ask who your father is, but I’ve seen you shoot. Apollo?”
She nods and says “the one and only.”
He laughs and says “have fun. Maybe I’ll see you sometime. You gonna stop by?”
She says “you gonna stay?”
He says “nice try. But I will make more frequent visits.”
She says “deal. I’ll be around sometime near Christmas.”
He nods and says “you should be getting ready to go probably…”
She nods and says “yeah. It was really great to see you.” She turns to Percy and says “you staying?”
He shakes his head and says “I’m gonna go back. It’s my first year going to someplace twice.”
She laughs and says “where’re you going?”
He says “Goode High School.”
She says “that’s a private school, right?”
He nods.
She says “Riley and I just go to Public Schools. But I live in that area, maybe I’ll see you around.”
He says “maybe…” He puts out his hand, and Amber shakes it.
She says “alright, I’m gonna get ready to go. I’ve gotta say goodbye to two more people, then we’re leaving.”
He nods and says “you being driven to the city?”
She says “I wanna use my powers one last time.”
He laughs and says “then I guess I’ll hopefully see you around Manhattan.”
She nods and goes back to the Camp. Naia and Holly run over to her.
Naia says “where were you?!”
Holly says “we thought you left!”
Amber laughs and says “calm down…”
Naia hugs her and says “stop by soon.”
Holly says “like, really soon.”
She laughs and says “I’ll be by before or right after Christmas, I promise.”
They nod and Holly hugs her. She says “stay safe.”
Amber says “I will, it’s Riley I’m worried about. Monsters smell him, not me.”
Naia says “he’s the son of Ares, he’ll be fine.”
Amber says “Aphrodite made you act out yesterday. It wasn’t you.”
She says “that explains why it just suddenly stopped.”
Amber laughs and says “I’ll miss you.”
Holly says “Annabeth told us she did something for you, so we decided to do something a little similar. We won’t tell you what she did, but we sort of wrote in one of your books.” She hands Amber a copy of the book ‘The Da Vinci Code’ and says “open to the inside of the front cover.”
Amber opens the book.
Naia says “read it.”
Amber reads “dear Amber, we know you’re going away for school for a while, but you’ll always be on our minds. You’re our best friend and we’ll be waiting excitedly for when you return. Neither of us has known you for long, but we already love you like you were one of our sisters. Please don’t forget about us. Love, Naia and Holly.”
She closes the book and hugs them both. Tears fall down her face as she says “I’ll miss you both so much. I’ll visit real soon, I promise.”
Holly says “you’d better.”
They laugh, and Amber says “I should go say goodbye to Annabeth, then we gotta leave.”
Naia says “again, I’m really sorry about yesterday.”
Amber says “water under the bridge.”
They all laugh again, and Amber goes to the Athena cabin with tears in her eyes. She knocks on the door and Annabeth opens it.
Annabeth says “hey…”
Amber says “so what’d you do?”
She says “who told you I did something?”
Amber says “Holly and Naia. They said you did something like this.” She shows her what they wrote in the book.
Annabeth sighs and says “they stole my idea basically.” She grabs an envelope and hands it to Amber. She says “don’t read it until you get home.”
She says “but I am home…”
Annabeth says “until you get to the mortal house.”
She laughs and says “alright, I’ll read it then.”
Annabeth nods and hugs her tight. Amber has more tears falling down her face.
Annabeth says “you should go, Riley was looking for you.”
She laughs and says “I’ll see you real soon.”
Annabeth nods and Amber exits the Athena cabin.
over a year ago olympianglory said…
Hmm. Im so happy maybe I wont kill off Frank!
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Next chapter :) :

He was saying goodbye to a few friends he’d made around Camp. After he spoke to his sister, Clarisse, Amber came walking up to him. She had a book and an envelope in her hands. And tears in her eyes.
He said “you don’t have to do it.”
She says “I know. But I want to. I’m just gonna miss everyone.”
He says “you ready to leave?”
She says “physically yes, emotionally no.”
He says “you don’t have to-”
She interrupts “I’m going. You don’t have to, but I am.”
He says “are you ready to go?”
She nods.
He says “what’s the book? And the envelope?”
She says “the book is from Naia and Holly, they wrote something inside. And the envelope is from Annabeth, I don’t know what it says. She told me not to open it until I get to the mortal house.”
He nods and says “you’re not just gonna say your parents?”
She says “no, they’re not my parents. My parents are Athena and Apollo, not two mortals. They called the school, I will now be Amberana Greek in the system, and they have been reduced to my legal guardians.”
He says “Amberana Greek? Seriously?”
She nods and says “they thought of it.”
He laughs and says “get your bag, let’s go.”
They both go off to get their bags, then they meet at the Big House. Amber grabs Riley’s hand, and they suddenly disappear.

She dropped Riley off at his house, then she decided to start the mortal training and walk to her mortal guardian’s house. She got there and knocked on the door. Anna, her ‘foster mother’ opened the door and greeted her with open arms.
Amber walked in and said “hey.” She was wearing a Camp Half-Blood t-shirt, which exposed her tattoo.
Anna said “oh my god what happened to your wrist?!”
Amber says “one, don’t say the term god around me. Its gods, plural. And I’m one of them so it’s really offensive. Two, it’s a tattoo. I got it with a sword that I got from my mom. It’s also voice activated so I just have to say the name and it appears.”
Anna says “just cover it up so no one at school thinks you got an illegal tattoo.”
She says “or I could just tell them I drew on my wrist with a Sharpie.”
Anna says “cover it.”
Amber rolls her eyes and says “already feels back to normal.”
She goes up and sits in her old room. She took out the envelope from Annabeth. She quietly read it aloud to herself “my dearest sister Amber, I miss you already. I’m gonna miss not having you around, but I think it’s great you’re going to school. I want to make sure you know, if you ever need me for anything, you know where to find me. Anything. Whether you need to talk, or you’re having trouble with bullies, or having problems with Riley. Anything you need to talk about, I want you to come to me. You got that? You’re my best friend and my favorite sister, and I miss you already. I wish I could come and go to school with you, but there’d be a monster after me before you could say ‘Zeus’. I’m really hoping I’ll get to see you really soon. I miss you so much already. Love, your dearest sister Annabeth.”
Amber wiped tears from her eyes as she re-read the letter a few times. She folds it up, and puts it inside the book Holly and Naia wrote in. She takes the book and goes to sit outside. Anna follows her.
Anna says “Amber? Are you alright?”
Amber nods and says “yeah, I’m fine. I just miss my family.”
She says “we’re your family.”
Amber says “I mean my siblings.”
She says “where’d you get the book?”
Amber says “since I’m a goddess my sister Annabeth designed me a cabin at Camp, and she had it filled with mystery books, since I’m the goddess of curiosity. My friends Holly and Naia took this book and wrote something in it.”
Anna says “can I see?”
Amber opens the book to the message and shows her. She says “what’s that paper sticking out? A bookmark?”
Amber shakes her head and says “a letter from one of my sisters.”
Anna says “personal?”
Amber takes the letter and opens it up and shows her.
Anna looks at the letter and says “is this where you went with Riley?”
She nods and says “and I can be called back to Olympus at any moment because we’re fighting a war with the titans. There’s a good chance either Riley, Annabeth, Holly, or Naia is gonna get hurt. Maybe even die.”
Anna says “die?”
She nods and says “this isn’t just like a summer camp, where you play games all day and tell scary stories. We kill monsters, and live scary stories.”
Anna says “does everyone get a tattoo? Like yours?”
Amber shakes her head and says “no, it’s part of a gift from my mom. It’s my sword. If I touch it, my sword appears. If I say the name, it appears in my hand. It’s one of the only things I’ve gotten from either of them. My dad gave me a bow and ever-filling arrows, but I left those at Camp.”
Anna says “do you have any special abilities or anything?”
She says “I could probably kill everyone within a quarter-mile in two seconds.”
Anna says “let’s not do that…”
She says “I can teleport. But I can’t do that at school, I can’t tell them I’m a god. Also, I have to make sure I never get cut at school, my blood is gold, and my injuries heal instantly.”
She says “golden blood?”
Amber says “spathi tis sofias.” Her sword appears. She drags it down her arm, and she bleeds Ichor.
Anna says “is that like, worth value?”
Amber says “oh my gods, you’re gonna sell me!”
Anna says “we’re not gonna sell you! Whether you’re our daughter or not, we still love you as if you were. We’re gonna keep your secret.”
Amber says “if you don’t then I will personally murder you.”
Anna says “we’re not telling anyone. You’re safe here.”
Amber nods and says “I’m just worried about Riley… he’s not as safe as I am…”
Anna says “what?”
She sighs and says “I’m a goddess, Riley is only a demigod. Greek monsters can tell where he is, and they’re probably already after him. It was probably a mistake to bring him out of Camo, he could die out here.” She puts her head in her hands.
Anna says “you wanna go see him for a while? Make sure he’s alright?”
She says “there’s nothing I can do. It’s not like I can stop the monsters. If I could, I would’ve already.”
Anna says “what type of monsters? Like the monsters in children’s closets?”
She says “like the gorgons, hydras, dracanae, empousai, minotaur, titans, those things. If you wanna know about me it’d be easier to read the Greek myths.”
Anna says “I may just do that…”
Amber puts her book on the ground and sighs. She says “it’s only been an hour, but I already miss them. This is gonna be a long year.”
Anna says “you don’t need to cover the tattoo. If the school calls I’ll just tell them you were being ignorant with a Sharpie.”
She laughs and says “thank you.”
Anna says “but you need to understand you can’t say gods at school. You’re welcome to use it at home, but no one at school should know.”
Amber says “I can just say we went to Greece for a while and I really believe in it.”
Anna says “in a 2,000 year old religion that no one believes anymore?”
Amber sighs and says “fine…”
Anna says “you wanna go see a friend or something?”
Amber says “no, I’m just gonna show up at school, give them a surprise. Riley said they thought I was dead.”
Anna says “they asked us that.”
She says “sorry to do that to you.”
Anna says “well when your daughter is being chased away by a giant dog, you tend to worry.”
Amber says “it was a hellhound. Another of the Greek monsters. And don’t call me your daughter.”
Anna says “you’re still technically our daughter.”
Amber says “my parents are Athena and Apollo. It gives me one thing to hang on to. I am not technically your daughter, I’m your responsibility. There’s a difference.”
Anna says “we adopted you 15 years ago, you’re legally our daughter.”
Amber says “well you’re not my mother! My mother is Athena, the goddess of wisdom!”
Anna says “you changed. You promised us when you asked to stay here that being a goddess wouldn’t change you.”
Amber says “it’s not being a goddess it’s that you both lied to me about my family.”
Anna says “well we didn’t know who your parents were. If we did we would have told you.”
Amber says “I’m going to see someone who understands me.”
Anna says “you can’t hide at Riley’s forever.”
Amber says “you seriously believe my only friend is Riley? I have another friend who lives around here, you know. And he is from Camp. He gets it. You don’t. You’re a mortal, you’ll never get it.”
She picks up her book with the note inside of it and walks away from the house.
She sat down somewhere around the center of Manhattan, and cried. Someone came up to her and said “Amber?”
She looked up, and it was Percy. She said “oh, hey Percy.”
He said “what happened?”
She said “I lost my only place to live already.”
He says “oh. Sounds rough.”
She nods and says “she called herself my mother. That stupid mortal is not my mother.”
Percy says “what happened to Riley?”
Amber says “I’m just gonna give him some space.”
Percy says “you don’t have anyone you can go to?”
Amber says “no, not really. I can’t go back to Camp.”
He says “why not?”
She says “I’m a goddess, and I broke at the littlest thing. My parents would be ashamed.”
He says “maybe not. You were defending who you are.”
She says “I never should have left. I should’ve stayed all year.”
He says “what’s that?” He points to the book.
She says “it’s from Holly and Naia, and I’ve got a letter from Annabeth as a bookmark.”
He says “wow, they must have had Hermes deliver it.”
She laughs and says “they gave them to me before I left.”
He says “what do they say?”
She shows him the letter and inside cover of the book.
He says “you can always go back to Camp.”
Amber says “no I made my decision, and I’m gonna stick with it.”
He says “you sure?”
She nods and says “yeah, I’m gonna do it.”
He says “alright…”
He putts out his sword in its pen form. He takes the cap off, and takes a small piece of paper from his pocket. He writes something on the paper then hands it to Amber. He says “if you ever wanna talk, I’m here.”
She says “thank you, Percy.”
He nods and says “I gotta go to my mom, but if you ever wanna talk just come find me.”
She nods and he walks off.
She sits back and cries for a few more minutes, until she sees someone sit down next to her. She turns to look at the person, and somehow, it was Peter.

yeah, it's short but the next 2 are pretty long and they go together so I'll post them in a while
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
I was wrong, it's not just two chapters. it's like seven. So here are a few of the sections:

He was walking around, since it was a nice day. Kronos wanted to stay close to Olympus for when he decided to raid, so they were in Manhattan. He was walking around when he saw Amber sitting on the ground crying. He silently walked over and sat next to her. She looked at him, and said “go away you Kronos-believing piece of garbage.”
He says “hello to you too.”
She says “just get away from me I’m already having a horrible day.”
He says “what happened?”
She says “why would I tell you?”
Peter said “to make up for your boyfriend beating the crap out of me.” He points to his left eye, which was badly swollen.
Amber sighs and says “Riley and I came back to go to school, and I lost my only place to live. I was adopted, so I was staying with my ‘foster parents’.” She did finger quotes at the last two words.
He says “so?”
She says “my” she does the finger quotes again on the next two words “’foster mother’ called herself my mother. A mortal. I’m not a demigod, and I’m certainly not a mortal! I’m Lady Amberana! The goddess of curiosity! That mortal is not my mother!”
Peter says “you’re mad because the woman who adopted and took care of you for 15 years called you her foster daughter?”
Amber says “I’m mad because she doesn’t even believe that the Olympians exist. She thinks I’m delusional. They first time I went to visit after finding out I was a goddess she told me. She thinks I’m crazy, and then she has the nerve to try and tell me that she’s my real mother. Well she’s not!” She puts out her arm and a few small things go flying.
Peter says “whoa, calm down.”
Amber says “no one understands me, no one believes me, and everyone thinks I’m crazy! I’m tired of it!”
He says “no one thinks you’re crazy.”
Amber says “my parents would be ashamed. I broke at the littlest thing. But they don’t believe that I am who I say I am.”
Peter gets an idea. He says “here, I’m gonna show you something you’ll wanna see.”
She says “what is it?”
He says “just come.”
She reluctantly stands up, and without saying anything, Peter starts to bring her towards the Titan base.

She was following Peter for some reason even she didn’t know. She just followed, because he was refusing to answer any questions. Then she realized why she was following him; curiosity.
Peter said “I thought you may enjoy being curious about where I’m taking you…” He stopped outside of a huge, abandoned building. He said “do not leave until I say to, and stick with me. You have to listen to everything I say, alright?”
She sighs and says “now that we’re here it’s not much of a choice.”
He opens the door, and they walk inside. There were many rooms leading off the main room, which had a big golden throne on it. And in the throne sat a boy. He looked about 19, and he had golden eyes.
He said “ah, Peter. Back from your walk early?” His voice sounded powerful.
Peter said “I’m back, and I’m not alone. Block the door.”
The boy points his finger at the door, and three monsters run over to block it.
Amber says “you brought me here to die!”
Peter says “no, I brought you here to talk to you. But first you need a proper introduction.” He turns back to the boy and says “Lord Kronos, I have brought you Lady Amberana, the goddess of curiosity. A minor goddess, but her parents are Athena, goddess of wisdom, and Apollo, god of the sun.”
The boy says “very good job… hello Amberana, I am Lord Kronos, titan lord of time.” He looks at Peter and says “I trust you brought her here to fight?”
Peter nods and says “only the strongest for the lord of time.”
Amber says “I will never fight for you.”
Kronos laughs and says “see, you’re stuck here. You have no choice. I have weakened your goddess magic, you cannot escape.”
Amber says “we’ll see about that.”
Peter says “what, you think your boyfriend is gonna come find you?”
Amber says “I highly doubt he even knows where I am.”
Peter says “what was his name again?”
Amber says “I know you’re going to use him against me. I’ll never tell you.”
Peter says “master?”
Kronos stands and approaches Amber. He stares at her, in the eye.
Peter says “now what is his name?”
Amber says “I… I’ll never… It’s…”
Peter says “the name…”
Amber says “Riley! His name is Riley!”
Peter says “he has no idea where you are, so he’ll probably never see you again. At least, you won’t be the same.”
Suddenly, there was a voice in Amber’s head. It said “Amber! Try to communicate through the mind! Get help!”
Kronos said “is she ready to join us?”
Peter said “she was born to fight in the war. This probably isn’t where they imagined her, but it’s where she truly belongs.”
Amber decided to listen to the voice in her head. She closed her eyes and focused on trying to enter someone’s mind. Annabeth’s. After a minute she thought “if you can hear me, please come and help. It’s Amber. I’ve been taken by Peter to join Kronos, please help me! I’m in an abandoned building on the West side of Manhattan, help!”
Kronos said “so, Amberana, was it?”
Amber says “not to you.”
Kronos laughs and says “you’ll be of great use to us. You’ll be a great help.”
Amber says “I’m not helping you.”
Peter says “oh but you will…”
Amber says “no I won’t! Spathi tis sofias!” Her sword appears. She says “take one more step towards me, and this sword goes into your gut.”
Kronos says “you cannot kill a titan. You have much to learn.”
Amber says “let. Me. Go.”
Peter turns to a monster and says “go get the nearest son of Ares.”
Amber yells “NO!”
The monster laughs and leaves the room. Amber says “you’re a monster, Peter.”
He says “just wait until he arrives, it’ll only get worse.”
She runs towards him, her sword drawn.
He draws his dagger and hits the button twice, and it becomes a spear.
Amber says “Peter, you can’t win. I’m a goddess, you can’t kill me.”
He laughs and says “but I can give you some scars…”
Amber looked down at where she usually cut her arm to show people Ichor, and there were scars. She said “so?”
He laughed and said “alright, give me your arm.” He holds the button, and his spear reduces back to a dagger.
She says “no, I’m not stupid.”
He laughs and says “would you rather fight?”
She says “yeah, because I can’t die. You can.”
Kronos says “we don’t have time for this. Throw her in the cell, she’ll come out when she learns to behave.”
Amber is brought down to a cell, and thrown inside.

Annabeth was practicing sword fighting with Naia when she heard it. A voice said “if you can hear me, please come and help. It’s Amber. I’ve been taken by Peter to join Kronos, please help me! I’m in an abandoned building on the West side of Manhattan, help!”
Annabeth said “Naia Amber’s in trouble!”
They both stopped slashing. Naia said “how do you know?!”
Annabeth said “she spoke to me in my head, like my mom does. She’s in Manhattan, we’ve gotta go! Get Holly!”
Naia runs off and Annabeth runs to the Big House. She goes up to Chiron and says “Holly, Naia, and I are going on a quest to save Amber.”
He says “when are you leaving?”
She says “like, right now.”
He says “good luck, demigods.”
She nods and runs off. She goes to find Naia and Holly, and they get driven into Manhattan.
Naia said “so where are we going?”
Annabeth says “an abandoned building in Western Manhattan.”
Holly nods and says “there’s only a few, I think I know where it may be.”
Naia says “lead the way.”

Holy led them to an abandoned building that she used to sneak into with her friends. It didn’t look so abandoned anymore, but she knew no one could be inside.
Annabeth cautiously opened the door. They all had their weapons drawn. The first thing she saw in the room was a monster. She whispered “definitely the right place…”
Holly opened the door. Inside the front room was only a large gold throne, but there were many rooms leading off of it. There was a boy sitting in the throne. He looked like he was either 19 or 20.
Annabeth weakly whispered “Luke…”
The boy turned to her. He had unnaturally golden eyes. He said “demigod…”
Annabeth looked on the verge of tears, but didn’t dare let herself cry.
Holly said “who are you?”
Every person and monster in the room looked at her.
The boy on the throne laughed and said “why don’t you ask your friend. I trust you’re here for our newest recruit.”
Naia says “your newest recruit?”
The boy says “first, let me introduce myself. I am Lord Kronos, titan lord of time.”
Annabeth said “Luke what’ve they done to you?”
Kronos laughed and said “my brave servant gave me his body to rise against the Olympians. Now, back to my newest recruit. I trust you know her…” He turns to a monster and says “retrieve her.”
The monster nods and goes through a door.
Holly said “what’ve you done to Amber?!”
Kronos says “you mean Amberana? We convinced her of what side will win the war…”
Naia says “she’s not an object, she’s a human being with-”
Kronos interrupts by laughing and says “a human being?! Amberana? I don’t know why you stupid mortals cannot grasp this, the girl is not human! She’s a goddess! And pretty soon, a demi-titan. Once she pronounces herself on our side.”
Annabeth says “Luke I know you’re in there! It’s me, Annabeth! Please you can’t let them do this!”
Kronos just laughs and says “if I didn’t know any better I’d say Castellan is dead.”
Annabeth still looked on the verge of tears.
The door the monster went down opened. And through the frame walked Peter and Amber. But something was different about her. Her movements looked a little… forced.
Annabeth whispered “what’ve you done to her?”
Kronos said “you’ll have to speak up.”
She yells “WHAT’VE YOU DONE TO HER?! Can you hear me now?! I bet they could hear me on Mount Othrys! What did you do to my sister?!”
Peter says to Amber “just go stand in front of him and say what I told you.”
Amber says and does nothing.
Annabeth says “Amber!”
Amber says “I shouldn’t have told you to come… I’m really sorry.”
Annabeth says “we’re gonna get you out of here.”
Amber says “there is no escape. They know how to get to me.” She points to Peter and says “he knows how to get to me.”
Naia says “he knows nothing about you though.”
She says “he knows all he needs to.”
Peter brings her to stand in front of Kronos. Holly could see she had tears in her eyes.
Peter said “Amber, just say what I told you.”
Amber sighs and says “I Amberana… pledge myself… to become… a demi-”
Holly runs over and tackles her.
Kronos says “throw them in the cell! Now!”
Some demigods grab them and bring them into a basement, with a huge jail cell in it.
Annabeth said “oh my gods…”
Naia said “oh no…”
Holly suddenly understood what Amber meant when she told them Peter knew how to get to her. Because sitting in the back corner of that cell, cut and bruised, was Riley.
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
Great chappie! Your doing it Rick Riordan style!
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
That's the plan... Here's another chapter

Annabeth gasped and said “oh my gods.
Riley said “did they take you too?”
Annabeth says “Amber contacted me somehow, told me to come save her.”
He says “they’re making her a demi-titan.”
Naia says “what is that, exactly?”
He says “a follower and believer of the titans. Only a title for gods and goddesses though.”
Holly says “then why’re you here?”
He says “she refused at first, so they came and took me. They made a deal with her, her service to the titans, for my life.”
Naia says “we’re gonna get you out of here.”
Riley says “just get her out. Don’t worry about me, just get Amber out of here. Don’t let them do this to her. If you have to leave me behind, do it. Just get her out.”
Holly says “you must really love her…”
He nods slowly and says “with all my heart. But seriously, save her.”
Naia says “we’re gonna save you both. We just need a plan.”
Suddenly there’s a loud crash above.
Annabeth says “maybe she can save herself…”
The door suddenly opens. A demigod walks down, a sword in his hand. He points it at Riley and says “you, now.”
Riley looks at Annabeth and says “please…” he walked towards the demigod.
The guy poked Riley in the back with the sword, trying to get him to walk. Annabeth, Naia, and Holly all sat there and watched as Riley was brought up to what was obviously his death sentence.

As soon as he was brought to this place, he knew he was going to die. He waited in the cell, and suddenly Annabeth, Naia, and Holly were sent down. Then, some guy come down and told him to come. He thought ‘this is it…’ He went up the stairs while being prodded in the back with a very sharp sword. He was taken out to what he assumed was a throne room and thrown at the ground. His hands were immediately tied behind his back. He saw Amber standing in the corner of the room.
Kronos said “Amberana this is the last chance.”
Amber looked at Kronos, then Riley.
She said “can I just speak to him for a minute?”
Kronos says “no. You must pick now.”
Amber says “no, I want one minute before I say anything.”
Kronos sighs in frustration and says “fine, one minute.”
She ran over to Riley and knelt on the ground beside him. She said “I’m so sorry this happened I never meant it but Peter found one of my weak spots.”
He says “let me guess, he peaked your curiosity?”
She nods and says “he didn’t tell me where he was showing me, if he did I never would’ve gone. I’m so sorry you got dragged into this. I should never have done this. I never should have brought you to Camp, I shouldn’t have brought you into this world. Because it’s a world of innocent people dying.”
He says “hey, I don’t even mind. I know I’ve never actually said it to you before, but I-”
Kronos interrupts him “time’s up!”
Amber says “I guess I either have to either turn my back on who I am, or let you die.”
Riley says “let them kill me. But I want you to know that I love you.”
She says “I love you too…”
Kronos says “nice little scene, now make a decision! He can join us.”
She says “and there is no way to kill a goddess?”
He says “no matter what, you’ll be one of us by sundown. We’ve got your other friends down there too.”
Riley says “Amber, don’t worry about me.”
Amber looks at Riley in the eye and says “I get it if you hate me for this, but they’re going to let you go.”
He says “Amber don’t do it!”
She says “I’m sorry.” She kissed his cheek and stood up in front of Kronos.
Riley tried to stand but someone was holding him down.
Amber took a deep breath, wiped tears from her eyes, and said “I, Lady Amberana, goddess of curiosity, pledge myself to become a-” suddenly there’s a loud crash, and Annabeth, Naia, and Holly come running up the stairs, weapons raised.

Naia, Annabeth, and Holly came running into the room with their weapons raised, and she felt a surge of hope. She turned to Kronos, ran up to him, and punched him in the face. She turned and ran over to Riley. She yelled “SPATHI TIS SOFIAS!” Her sword appeared. She cut the rope that kept Riley’s hands behind his back. She said “please tell me you brought your weapon home?”
Without saying anything Riley takes a stick out of his pocket and snaps it.
Amber says “follow me. And watch out, I think I saw Medusa.”
He nods and follows her across the room.
Amber runs at the monster Annabeth is fighting and stabs it in the face, and it dies. She says “come!”
Annabeth and Riley follow as she runs over to where Naia and Holly are fighting a dracanae. Riley stabbed it with both of his swords and it died.
Amber said “come on!”
She ran for the door. They almost reached it, when Peter stepped in front of it. He says “I tried to keep you alive, for myself. If I can’t have you…” he pulls out his dagger and hits the button twice then continues “he can’t either.” He jumps at Riley.
Amber screams and tries to grab him.
She missed.
Peter began to fight Riley. Amber watched in horror as Riley got a cut across his cheek. Riley cut Peter’s leg, and Peter fell.
Amber yelled “STOP IT! BOTH OF YOU!”
They stopped fighting and looked at Amber. She said “you’re both acting like immature idiots!”
Peter said “what’re you gonna do about it?”
Amber sighs and says “just stop fighting.”
Riley puts his swords together and they mend back into a stick, but Peter says “I’ll never stop fighting for you.” He jumps at Riley and slashes his weapon.
Amber yells “PETER!”
He slashed Riley across the chest. The wound was bleeding.
Amber said “Peter you’re gonna kill him!” She ran up to Peter and took his weapon. She threw it across the room and turned to Riley. She said “come on, we gotta get you to a doctor.”
Annabeth says “bring him to Olympus, your dad is the god of medicine.”
Amber says “good idea. Everyone grab on we’re going to Olympus.” Naia, Holly, and Annabeth grab onto her wrist, and she holds onto Riley’s hand. She focuses on Olympus, and they appear there.

Amber says “father, please you have to help. I think he’s dying he got slashed with a sword.”
Apollo looks around the room at the gods and goddesses.
Zeus says “Amberana, demigods die every day. You need to understand that this boy’s time may have arrived.”
Amber says “but he can’t die. Not yet he can’t.”
Annabeth says “Amber I don’t think there’s anything we can say to change Zeus’s mind.”
Amber says “it’s the least he could do, considering it was Peter’s fault.”
Holly says “Amber?”
Amber turns to Holly. Holly points to Riley. Every person and god in the room looked at him. There was blood all over the front of his body. And he wasn’t moving at all.
Annabeth said “Amber I think he’s-”
Amber says “he can’t be.” She turns to Apollo and says “please dad you have to help!” She had tears rapidly falling down her face.
Both Apollo and Athena looked like they were going through pain.
Apollo said “Amber, if he’s dead there’s nothing I can do.”
Amber said “but he may not be dead! Just fix him! Please!”
Athena said “Amber you knew it was going to happen someday.”
Amber says “but not today! It’s not supposed to be for a long time!”
Annabeth says “Amber. You need to understand. He’s dead.”
Amber sits down on the floor, next to where they placed Riley. She starts shaking his shoulder and says “please don’t be dead, please don’t be dead.”
Annabeth looked at Athena and said “there’s nothing that can be done?”
Athena shakes her head and says “I’m afraid he’s probably dead by now.”
Amber said “I did this to him… if I never brought him to that damn Camp! If I never got defensive with Anna! If- if I just let him believe I was dead instead of going to visit him it’d save him!”
Naia says “Amber it’s not your fault.”
She says “yes it is! I brought him into this mess! And now he’s gone!” She put her head in her hands and continued to sob.
Holly said “Amber, you didn’t know. You didn’t know it’d happen. Riley told us to get you out, he didn’t care if he died. He just wanted you to get out safe.”
Amber says “I almost got him out…”
Athena says “where exactly were you?”
Amber says “I almost became a demi-titan.”
In unison, Athena, Apollo, Zeus, and Hera say “WHAT?!”
Amber says “I was brought by Zeus’s kid because he never told me what he wanted to show me and he knew my weakness is curiosity, and he brought make to Kronos and tried to force me to join them. I almost saved him. I almost got them to let him go. He almost got out alive.”
Zeus says “who killed him?”
She says “your damn son.”
Hera says “people only get hurt with demigods.”
Amber says “oh shut it Hera!” Everyone looked at her. No one spoke to Hera that way. She decided to go on and say “gods need demigods, and demigods need gods! It’s a system! You have to face the fact that it’s going to happen and you can’t get around it!”
Hera looks at Amber in the eye and says “you filthy excuse for a goddess! No one talks to the Queen of the Gods like that! Get out and never return! Take your filthy demigod friends with you!”
Athena says “Hera I think you’re being a little-”
Hera says “I am being rational. No one talks to the queen of the gods like that.”
Amber says “you may wanna check that.” She looks down at Riley’s face, covered in blood. She chokes back a sob and says “there’s nothing I can do to save him…”
Annabeth hugs her sister and says “I know, it’s hard. Losing someone you love.”
Amber says “it hurts…”
Annabeth says “I know it does. But hopefully you’ll get over it quickly.”
Amber says “I’ll never get over it.”
Hera says “LEAVE!”
Amber says “Naia, Holly, Annabeth, grab the body.”
Zeus says “no, leave it.”
Amber says “why do you need it?”
Zeus says “why do you?”
She says “so he can have a shroud at Camp…”
He says “I’ll take care of it.”
She sighs and says “and Hera…” she turns to Hera, the queen of the gods, and sticks up her middle finger. Everyone in the room gasps.
Hera grits her teeth and says “leave.”
Amber turns to her friends, wipes tears from her eyes, and says “let’s go.”
They grab onto Amber’s wrists.
Apollo says “Amber I’m sorry that I couldn’t save him.”
Amber disappears without a word.
Then, Zeus does the last thing anyone would imagine. He says “Hera, go fetch Hades. Apollo, stay in here. Athena you may be a help too. We’re going to bring this boy back. He can do great things. I have complete faith in him, he’s going to help us win this war.”
over a year ago olympianglory said…
GAH! FRICK NO! And Fangirl, thank you or expressing my feelings about Hera. What the frick im a cow!
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Lol... I hate Hera too. Here's the next chapter

Amber brought the other three back to Camp, then decided she wasn’t too proud to go home. She knocked on the door, and Anna answered. She said “Amber what happened? You’re crying and covered in blood and you left without a trace!”
Amber chokes back a sob as she says “R-Riley’s dead…”
Anna says “oh my god.” She looks at Amber in the eye and says “s. Oh my gods. Come inside.”
Amber goes inside and sits down on the couch.
Anna says “what happened?”
She explains the whole thing, from being mad to Riley’s death.
Anna says “oh my. That sounds awful.”
Amber says “I don’t wanna be a goddess anymore. I wanna be a mortal.”
Anna says “I’m sorry but I don’t think there’s anything I can do about that.”
She says “it’s all my fault. I brought him there, I introduced him to that world.”
Anna says “no, it’s not. This is that Peter boy’s fault.”
She shakes her head and says “I wish I never took Riley to Camp. I wish I never told him. I wish I was never taken to Camp.”
Anna says “I understand, it’s tough. But you need to get through it. You wanna go back to Camp?”
She shakes her head and says “it’ll be too hard.”
Anna says “is there anything I can do?”
She says “do you revive people?”
Anna shakes her head and says “I’m not a god.”
Amber says “then no, there’s nothing you can do.”
Anna says “well if there is just let me know.”
She nods and takes the piece of paper Percy gave her from her pocket. Tears fall from her eyes as she says “I lost the book. And the note. Two things from some of the only people I have left.”
Anna says “you can always get a new book and have them write in it.”
She says “it won’t be the same…” She opens up the slip of paper from Percy, and it was an address.
Anna says “what’s that?”
She says “can you drive me to see my friend Percy?”
Anna nods and says “of course.”
Amber wipes tears from her eye as the get into the car and Anna starts driving.

Percy had literally only been home for about an hour when the doorbell rang. He opened it, and Amber was there. Her face was streaked with tears, and she was drenched in blood. Percy said “oh schist… what happened to you?! It’s only been about an hour!”
She says “Peter… Peter killed Riley.”
Percy says “wait, Peter’s here?!”
She nods and says “Kronos has forces in Manhattan. I’ll show you where it is. You need to get back to Camp, get reinforcements, and lead them against the titans.”
Percy says “aren’t you gonna help?”
Amber says “I’m sorry, I-I can’t. I can’t fight in this war anymore.”
Percy says “how’d you see Peter?”
She says “about five minutes after you left earlier he came. He told me he wanted to show me something, he never said what. He brought me to the Titan base without telling me what it was.”
Percy says “he used your curiosity against you.”
She nods and says “and he used my other weakness too.”
He says “Riley?”
She nods and says “when I refused to become a demi-titan, they had him captured. I was gonna do it, to save him.”
He says “wait, what?!”
She says “I felt like I had to save him. I got interrupted before anything actually happened, and I almost got us out. Then Peter blocked the door, and he slashed Riley across the chest.”
Peter says “did you take him to your father?”
She nods and says “no help… but I got to flip off Hera.”
He laughs and says “seriously?”
She says “yeah, ask Annabeth. Or Naia. Or Holly.”
He says “are they here?”
She says “no, they’re back at Camp. But I swear, it is what really happened.”
He laughs and says “I believe you, I believe you.”
She says “but seriously though, I don’t know if I can fight in this war anymore. It means I’m gonna run into Peter eventually. I can’t be near him anymore. I’m sorry…”
He says “is that what you came to tell me?”
She says “I came to tell you about the titan base.”
He says “there’s not much I can do about it at the moment, and we’d have to plan an attack.”
She sighs and says “alright…”
He says “I’m really sorry about Riley.”
Amber says “that’s another reason I can’t fight. If I’m not there I don’t have to see if I lose any of my other friends.”
He says “are you gonna go back to Camp?”
She says “I think I may try to live in denial of who I am now. I was only there for a couple months.”
He says “where’re you gonna live?”
She says “I wasn’t too proud to go back home. And I needed to talk to someone, so I went and I talked with my foster mom.”
He says “I’m really sorry about all of this.”
She nods and says “it’s not your fault. I gotta go, my mom’s waiting in the car.”
He says “Athena can drive?!”
She says “I said I’m gonna live in denial. The first step is deconstructing my parentage. I will now call my foster mother mom, and Athena will be Athena. Maybe I’ll see you around.” She turns and goes to a car on the street.

The next few weeks were normal days, mostly. She never saw a monster, and she started school. But she was still upset about Riley. When people asked she just told them that she had no idea where he went. And she went to see Percy from time to time.
About two months into the school year, things changed a little. She walked out of the school, to see someone running away screaming. Amber ran after the kid to see if they were alright. But the boy was being chased. By a hellhound. Amber sighed and said “I… I wanna help… but I just can’t.”
Amber looked at her arm, where she had her tattoo covered. The child continued to run around and scream. Amber said “no one else should die because I didn’t do something. I’m gonna help.” She makes sure no one is around, and she whispers “spathi tis sofias.” Her sword appears, for the first time in months. She runs at the boy being chased by the hellhound. She turned to the kid and said “I’m gonna help you. I’ll explain after.” Without waiting for an answer she ran at the hellhound and stabbed it in the face. It turned to dust. Amber put her sword on the ground and ran over to the boy. She said “everything’s gonna be alright… that was” she pauses and remembers herself saying ‘I never should have brought him to Camp’. She decided to probably save this kid’s life. She says “I know you’re probably confused. That sword trick, I’m an Illusionist. And that dog, it was a very ravenous breed. If you’re ever in trouble again come find me. I’m Amber, I’m a sophomore. Who do you live with at home?”
The boy says “m-my mom…”
She nods and says “alright, tell her what happened, but first tell her that I say not to bring you where she’s thinking of bringing you.”
He says “where’s she gonna bring me?”
She says “just don’t worry about it. And don’t let her tell you anything about yourself, the consequences could be dire.”
He nods and says “thank you.”
She says “not a problem. Go on, go back home.”
The boy nods and runs off.
Amber thought ‘I did a good thing’ but at the same time she thought ‘did I just save or end that kid’s life?’
She ran home and went into the living room. When she sat on the couch she said “mom I’m home!”
Anna came into the room and said “why’re you covered in dust?”
She says “oh, that’s hellhound.”
Anna had learned not to question Amber, so she just nodded and said “how was school?”
Amber nodded and said “it was fine.”
Anna says “still missing Riley?”
She nods and says “I’m always gonna miss Riley. It doesn’t get easier. And I’m afraid I may have killed a kid today.”
Anna says “excuse me?”
Amber says “there was a hellhound attacking some little kid at my school today. I told the kid to go home, but not let his mom take him to Camp. I didn’t mention it was a Camp, I just called it ‘the place’ but now I’m wondering what’s gonna happen to him. People die at Camp, but demigods also die in the mortal world.”
Anna says “how do monsters track?”
She says “usually it starts when you’re about 12 or 13. But if you’re a child of a minor god then they probably just overlook you. The scent gets even stronger when you find out you’re a demigod. That’s why I didn’t mention it to the kid, I never mentioned magic. I called myself an Illusionist in training.”
She laughs a little and says “you may have saved him.”
Amber says “or I could have killed him even quicker.”
Anna says “whatever it was, you were trying to do a good thing.”
Amber nods.
Anna says “homework?”
She nods again and pulls out her bag. She says “can you take me to go see my sister for a minute?”
Anna says “I remember you told me no matter how much you ask not to take you so you can forget.”
Amber says “I just need to know that she’s real.”
Anna says “she is real…”
Amber says “I haven’t seen her for a couple months and I didn’t know her long, my memories are fading.”
Anna says “that’s what you wanted. I wanna take you to see your sister, but I can’t.”
She nods and does her homework. After she finishes she says “can I go see Percy?”
Anna nods and drives her to Percy’s apartment.
Amber knocks on the door and Percy answers. Before Percy can speak, she says “I think I killed a demigod.”

Percy opened the door, and it was Amber. Before he could say “hello” she said “I think I killed a demigod.”
He says “you did what?!”
She says “I was trying to save him. He was being attacked by a hellhound. I told him to go home and not let him mom take him to the place. I never once mentioned demigods or Camp or anything. I told him not to let his mother tell him anything about himself. I was trying to save him. I tried to keep him from being killed at Camp. But I realized a demigod is more likely to die in the mortal world than at Camp.”
He says “is this because of Riley?”
She nods and says “I don’t want anyone else to die. I don’t want to be part of this world anymore.”
Percy says “it’s not exactly your choice…”
She says “I know…”
They talked for a while, then Amber went back home.
over a year ago olympianglory said…
Awesome! Also, can someone figure out how to turn me back to human? I dont like being a cow!
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Hmm... Ask Zeus? Here's another chapter:

A couple more months passed by, and then it was Christmas. Amber had told Anna that she promised she’d return to Camp around Christmas, she agreed to let her bend her own rule the one time.
Amber returned to Camp on the 20th. As soon as she arrived at the gate there was someone hugging her. It was Annabeth. She said “I missed you so much!”
Amber laughs and says “I missed you too. You would’ve made it a lot easier.”
Annabeth says “still upset?”
Amber says “I’m always gonna be upset about it.”
Annabeth says “come into the Camp! This is your home, remember?”
Amber nods and they go to the Big House.
Annabeth says “I’m a little confused, didn’t Zeus say he was going to have a shroud burned for Riley?”
Amber says “wait he never did?”
Annabeth says “nope. Never a thing about it. But now everyone around Camp knows.”
She sighs and says “seriously?”
Annabeth nods and says “it’s Naia’s fault, she told some people and they told people, now everyone knows.
She says “that’s it, where’s Naia?”
Someone jumped onto Amber. Before anyone could blink, Amber did a flip and threw the person to the ground. She yelled “SPATHI TIS SOFIAS” and her sword appeared. She pushed the blade to the person’s neck and looked at them. It was Naia.
Naia said “nice greeting.”
Amber says “you scared me!”
Naia says “that was the point. I didn’t know you’d judo-flip me.”
Annabeth says “that wasn’t a judo-flip, it was just awesome.”
Amber laughs and helps Naia up. She says “Naia why’d you tell everyone Riley died?”
Naia says “I told two people!”
Annabeth says “and they each told two people, and they each told two people, it’s all in the numbers. Everyone knows.”
Amber puts her face in her hands.
Naia says “how’re you doing with that?”
She says “still really bad.”
Naia says “I’m really sorry. I really wish you found someone who could help.”
Amber says “you and me both.” She wipes away tears that were forming in her eyes.
Annabeth says “don’t cry.”
Amber says “sorry, it… it happens every time I talk about it.”
Naia says “let’s change the subject, how’s school?”
Amber says “tough, I can’t focus.”
Holly walks up and says “ADHD?”
She shakes her head and says “Riley…”
Holly says “you’re gonna need to get over it.”
She says “I’m trying, but it’s really hard.”
Annabeth says “come on, let’s go do something.”
Amber says “what?”
Annabeth says “like not talk about this.”
Amber nods and Holly leads the three of them over to the archery station.
Amber grabs a bow and some arrows. She puts an arrow in the bow and pulls it back. She sighs and looks at the target. She looks at her bow, and slowly takes the arrow out.
Annabeth says “Amber, you alright?”
She says “I… I can’t do it. Archery.”
Naia says “something’s wrong…”
Amber says “Apollo is one of the gods of archery. And he sat there and let Riley die.”
Naia says “Amber, he was dead by the time we got there. Peter cut his chest, it was no use.”
She sighs and puts her bow down. She says “you guys stay, I’m gonna go to my cabin.”
Annabeth says “I’ll go with you.”
She sighs but knows Annabeth won’t give in. They go to Amber’s cabin.
Amber says “I can’t come back…”
Annabeth says “what do you mean?”
She says “to Camp. I can’t come back. I’m tired of people dying, and I don’t know how long this war is gonna be. People die here, and I don’t wanna see anyone else I care about die. If I’m not here, I can’t see it. I’m really sorry, I just can’t come back. Unless some major changes are made somehow.”
Annabeth says “I wish I could help. But we need you. Make sure Riley didn’t die for nothing. We’re gonna beat these titans. You’ll see Peter eventually, and you can kill him yourself.”
Amber says “I’m ready to go kill him right now.”
Annabeth says “you’ve gotta wait for the perfect opportunity.”
Amber says “you’re right. We can do this.”
Annabeth says “that’s the spirit!”
Suddenly there was a loud crashing sound. Annabeth says “monsters attacking the border!”
Amber jumps up and they run to the border of the Camp. Sure enough, on the outside there’s a group of monsters. And some demigods.
Annabeth says “Kronos’s army, trying to weaken our defense system.”
Amber says “spathi tis sofias.” Her sword appears. She says “I’ve got this.” She runs out of the boarder, and every demigod on the inside starts screaming.
Amber starts stabbing every monster she can. In the first minute she’d killed at least ten. A few of the demigods from Kronos’s side turned and ran. But one advanced forward.
It was a male. He yelled “πίσω!” (Back!)
Amber knew the voice. The monsters stepped back, and out of the group stepped Peter. He said “hello my lovely Amber.”

Peter smiled and said “hello my lovely Amber.”
She said “stay. Away. From. Me!”
He laughed and said “long time no see.”
She says “not long enough.”
He says “how’s your boyfriend doing?”
She says “he’s dead.” Peter’s smile falls a little. She continues “you killed him. You killed an innocent demigod. You’re a murderer. How can you live with yourself?”
Peter says “wait, I killed him?”
Amber nods and wipes tears from her eyes.
He says “I swear, I never meant to kill him. I wanted to injure him, yes. I never wanted to kill him. I didn’t wanna hurt you that much.”
She laughs and says “when I told you to stop you refused. I got kicked out of Olympus because of you.”
He says “what?”
She says “I was emotional and angry after he died, and we were on Olympus, begging my father to help. And I got mad and yelled at Hera, who told me never to return to Olympus. So because of you I can’t even go see my parents. Happy yet?”
Peter says “I-I never meant for this to happen. Are you mad at the gods?”
She says “I’m mad at Hera, I’m mad at Apollo, I’m mad at Kronos, and most of all, I’m mad at you!”
He says “you have to be in this war. One side or the other. The side that killed him, or the side that didn’t save him.”
She says “if you hadn’t cut him no one would’ve needed to save him.”
He says “but your father had the power to heal him, but instead he let him die.”
She says “you’re the one who killed him!” She runs towards him, her sword drawn.
He jumps out of the way and says “so that’s how we’re going to play, huh?” He takes out his dagger and hits the button once, and it becomes a sword.
She says “how dare you still use the weapon we gave you.”
He says “it was given for me to use.”
She says “your family would be ashamed.”
He says “I have no family.”
She says “what about your mother? She brought you here.”
He says “I hated it here. Everyone honoring the gods, I’m sick of it.”
She says “what about your sister?”
He says “the one I never met? She doesn’t even know I exist.”
She says “oh but she will soon.”
He says “I have no interest in meeting her.”
She says “you’ll see her one way or another. Take your forces and leave our Camp before I kill all of you.”
He says “υποχώρηση” (retreat). All the monsters and demigods run away, but he stays. He says “Amber, come with me. Please.”
She says “when the Underworld freezes over I’ll go with you.”
He sighs and Amber says “I’m going to kill you.”
He says “Amber I’m sorry. I never meant to kill Riley.”
She says “Riley is the only person who ever actually cared and listened to what I had to say. And now he’s dead. Because of you. And now, you expect me to want to come with you? You’ve gotta be insane.”
He says “I could be just like him. I could be just like Riley. Would you love me then?”
She says “I can’t even stand the sight of you.” She charges at him, and swings her sword. He gets cut down his arm.
He says “please…”
She says “no. And I will show you no mercy.”
He says “you’re on the losing side.”
She cuts him again, down the leg. She says “I’m gonna make this last.”
He stands up and starts to hobble away. She laughs and says “coward!”
He didn’t care, he needed to go before he died. Both his leg and his arm were bleeding. She stood there and laughed at him. He hobbled into the forest, back to his army, and said “I have an idea for Lord Kronos. It’ll bring down the gods once and for all.”

Amber went back inside the boundary.
Annabeth ran up to her and said “are you crazy?!”
Amber says “Annabeth, I can’t die. I’m the only one who could do it.”
Annabeth says “you let him get away?”
She says “I figured it’d be better for him to go back to his army, weakened and unable to do anything. Humiliated in front of those who are supposed to follow him.”
Annabeth says “good idea.”
Amber nods. She says “come get me when there’s an idea on how to attack. Whatever it is, I’m in.”
Annabeth says “you’re leaving already?”
Amber says “I gotta, I’ve got a huge project for European History.”
Annabeth says “what is it?”
Amber laughs and says “I’ve gotta make a family tree for the Greek gods.”
Annabeth says “it’s gonna be awkward when you pass that in with yourself on there.”
Amber laughs and says “I guess I can’t put myself on there. I don’t even feel like part of that family anymore. I was banned from Olympus.”
Annabeth says “yeah, I remember.”
Amber says “I wish I could bring you back with me. Just for a day. Maybe two.”
Annabeth says “doesn’t hurt to ask.”
Amber says “you serious?”
Annabeth says “if you want, go ask your foster mom.”
Amber grabs Annabeth’s wrist and runs to the place where Anna was still parked. Amber said “hey mom?!”
Anna looked at Amber, and suddenly there was a flash and Athena appeared.
Amber said “oh schist… I meant Anna.”
Athena says “but you said mom.”
Amber nods and says “yeah, I know.”
Athena says “I am your mother, not that mortal. You said it yourself.”
Amber says “sorry mom…”
Athena says “Zeus is working on something special, I must go.”
Amber says “while you’re here, why didn’t Riley ever get sent here? I thought he was gonna get a shroud and stuff.”
Athena says “plan changed. I cannot tell you anymore, you’ll find it on your own. I must leave. Goodbye my daughter.” She sees Annabeth and says “hello Annabeth.” She disappears.
Amber turns back to Anna’s car and says “can I just call you Anna?”
Anna nods and says “everything alright?”
Amber says “this is Annabeth. She’s one of my many, many sisters. And she’s really awesome and nice, and she helps ease the pain.”
Anna says “where are you going with this?”
Amber says “please, please, please, just for one night, can Annabeth come stay with us? Please?”
Anna says “isn’t it dangerous for her to leave?”
Amber says “she’s been here every single day for years and she’s not exactly safe in there either.”
Anna says “alright, one night.”
Amber says “thank you!”
Annabeth says “I’ll be back in a minute!” She runs off back to the Camp.
Anna says “I don’t get it, what do you see? I see a hill.”
Amber laughs and says “most mortals can’t see it.”
Anna says “figures…”
Amber laughs and says “thank you.”
Anna says “if it helps with not being so upset she can move in.”
Amber laughs and says “caution, she will hold you to that.”
Anna laughs and says “did she know Riley?”
Amber nods and says “she went with me when I went to bring him here.”
Anna says “was she there when it happened?”
She nods and says “her and our friends Holly and Naia.”
Anna says “did they know him?”
She nods and says “Naia actually was under control of Aphrodite and kissed him.”
Anna says “oh my…”
She says “but Aphrodite admitted to making her do it, we’re good now.”
Anna says “what about your other friend? The one I keep bringing you to see?”
She says “Percy? He wasn’t there. But I believe he did meet Riley.”
Anna nods and says “does Annabeth know Percy?”
She nods and says “they’re probably gonna be a thing someday.”
Anna laughs and Amber says “if she asks, I never said that.”
Anna laughs again and says “at least she helps with the pain.”
Annabeth walks out of the boundary with her backpack over her shoulder.
Amber and Annabeth get in the car, and Anna drives the car.
Anna says “she doesn’t eat the same stuff you do, does she?”
Amber says “if she eats too much of what I eat she’ll die. It’s dangerous for demigods to have too much, and if mortals eat it they’ll die instantly.”
Anna says “that’s why we just let you keep it in your room.”
She laughs and says “I don’t even eat lunch at school, I just eat when I get home.”
Annabeth says “that’s probably best for everyone.”
Amber nods and they sit and talk for the rest of the car ride.

When they got to Amber’s house, Annabeth put her bag in Amber’s room, and they went to go look at Amber’s project assignment.
Annabeth read the paper and said “in any method you choose, you must create a family tree of the Greek gods and goddesses, starting at Kronos. You must label each god’s realm of power. Every notable child of each god must be on this web. Even the lesser-known ones.”
Amber said “would I count?”
Annabeth laughs and says “I don’t know.”
Anna walks in and says “she helps with the pain and homework?!”
Amber laughs and says “yeah…”
Anna says “I never thought I’d see the day.”
They all laugh. Annabeth says “I’ve never gone this long in the mortal world without a monster attack.”
Anna says “well that’s a good thing.”
Amber says “all the monsters are probably with Kronos.”
Annabeth says “we should go and just fight him ourselves.”
Amber says “I want to, trust me.”
Anna says “I thought you dropped out of the war?”
Amber says “I did. But I realized I can’t let Riley’s death go unavenged.”
Anna says “you’re gonna kill someone?”
Amber says “I have to. Peter hurt me too much, he has to go.”
Annabeth says “Peter is a disgrace. An awful excuse for the son of Zeus.”
Anna says “Zeus? As in, the king of the gods, Zeus?”
In unison Amber and Annabeth say “yes, that Zeus.” They look at each other, but only Annabeth laughs.
Anna says “is that a demigod timing-trick?”
Annabeth says “no, it’s randomly coordinated unison.”
Amber stands up and says “excuse me for a minute…” she exits the room.
Anna says “did I say something?”
Annabeth says “no, she and I did. The last time we were in unison was when we went to get Riley. And we were answering the exact same question after, ‘is it a demigod thing?’ It probably just made her a little upset.”
Anna says “so I can’t bring up unison around her.”
Annabeth says “basically if she spoke with him about it, you can’t bring it up around her.”
Anna says “then I can’t talk in general.”
Annabeth laughs and a minute later Amber comes back into the room. Annabeth says “you alright?”
Amber says “yeah I’m fine it’s just hard…”
Anna says “anything we can do to help?”
Amber says “let’s just get my mind off it. We need pictures of the gods.”
Annabeth says “grab a camera and let’s go to Olympus.”
Anna laughs and says “is that aloud?”
Amber says “he told us to use the best pictures we could find. What better than a picture of the actual god taken from the actual Olympus?”
Anna says “you’ve got a point there.”
Amber pulls out a camera and says “I’m gonna take Annabeth with me. We’ll be back in a bit.”
Anna nods and Amber grabs Annabeth’s wrist and she disappears.
over a year ago olympianglory said…
Theres no other way to say this, but here's a shot....

Millions of years after this
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
Oh my Gods!!! I am reading this with my bro, Percy...... He loves it!
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Wait, do you actually have a brother named Percy? Well, here's the next chapter. Sorry it took so long

They appeared on Olympus, right outside the throne room. Amber says “stay out here, I’ve got to go beg for mercy from Hera.”
Annabeth laughs and says “go ahead. Try to tape it.”
Amber says “done.” She snaps her finger and the camera starts floating, then it becomes invisible. She goes into the throne room, looking down at her feet.
Hera says “I banned you. Leave.”
Amber says “Lady Hera please I seek the good in you. I’m just a child and I was very upset. You’re the goddess of family. Riley felt like my family, and after I lost him I was just sad and hurt. You of all people should understand the power of family. And I am a part of your family.”
Hera sighs and says “you do prove a valid point.”
Amber heard a loud crash, so she looked up in that direction. It came from Ares’s throne.
Zeus says “whatever that was, make it quiet.”
Amber says “if you want, I can look at it…”
Zeus says “too much curiosity. It is a blessing and a curse.”
Amber says “do you know what it is?”
He nods and says “nothing comes into this throne room that I’m unaware of.”
Apollo says “Amber?”
She looks in his direction and says “father.”
Zeus says “Apollo you shall say nothing of the matter.”
Amber says “what?”
Athena says “don’t worry about it. So how’ve you been?”
Amber says “something’s wrong. What’s happened?”
Zeus says “it is none of your concern.”
Amber says “I’m a goddess, you’re a god, our concerns are the same.”
Zeus says “I’m afraid it’s an Olympian secret.”
Amber nods and says “you have peaked my curiosity, but I will accept that.”
He says “I never knew you could be so cooperative.”
She says “I’ve learned over the last couple of months not to fight things. It only ends up hurting people.”
He sighs and says “I do wish I could tell you, but I cannot.”
Amber says “not a problem in the least.”
Athena says “Amber what has happened to you?”
Amber says “ever since Riley died I just don’t really care about stuff anymore. I’ve gotten a few B’s at school, I don’t talk to very many people, and I’ve stopped using my abilities. I’ve used my sword once, my appearing and disappearing once, I went to Camp once, I haven’t done anything actually Greek since the summer.”
Apollo looks at Zeus and says “father please?”
Zeus says “not yet.”
Amber says “were they in an argument? Should I come back another time?”
Athena says “they’re not arguing. Apollo is pleading to tell you the secret. But in a few months you’ll find out.”
Amber nods and says “I’m not very curious anymore, honestly. That’s another thing that died with Riley. I don’t ask many questions.”
Athena says “you have to continue to ask questions. If you lose faith in curiosity you fade. That’s the godly way of dying.”
Amber says “then I’d see Riley in Elysium.”
Zeus sighs and says “no you wouldn’t.”
Amber says “my mistake, gods must not go to Elysium. Wherever I end up, I just hope it stops the pain.”
Every single one of the gods looks at her with pity in their eyes.
Hera says “I’m sorry.”
Amber says “you had absolutely nothing to do with it.”
Apollo says “Amber I wish I could’ve saved him.”
Amber says “so do I.” She sees a flash, which means she has everything she needs on her camera. She says “I should be going, I’ve got school work.”
Athena says “please come back soon.”
Amber says “possibly. If you find a way to make the pain stop I’d come by every day.”
Athena looks at Zeus.
He says “it is not yet the time, Athena.”
Athena sighs, looks at Amber, and says “soon you’ll know, and the pain will be all gone.”
Amber says “I wait for that day, and when it arrives I will greet it with open arms. Goodbye, Olympians.” She turns and walks out of the throne room. She hears another crash on the way out.
Annabeth says “what was that?”
Amber says “I don’t know. And I don’t want to.”
Annabeth says “Amber are you alright?”
Amber says “you know I’m not alright. Come on, I told Anna we’d only be a few minutes.”
Annabeth nods and they appear back at Amber’s house.

After Amber had attacked Peter he had his army bring him back to Kronos. He was healed, and was as good as new.
Kronos says “did you weaken the defenses?”
Peter says “I did a little better. I think I found a way to make the Olympians truly suffer.”
Kronos says “continue.”
He says “they cut you into thousands of pieces and put you in a golden sarcophagus, then threw that into the deepest part of Tartarus. We should do that to them. I got the idea when Amberana tried to cut off my arm and leg…”
Kronos says “I like that idea… I shall consider it.”
Peter says “thank you master.”
Kronos says “now in the meantime, you must go train the demigods. In June we storm Manhattan. We just need to awake Typhoon.”
Peter nods and says “yes, my Lord.” He goes off, and begins to train some demigods.

When they got back to Anna’s house, Amber showed Annabeth the video she took. And then she went through the pictures the camera took, printed them out, and put them in her project.
Annabeth said “wow, you’re done.”
Amber shrugs and says “it’s a project about my family tree, it’s easy.”
Annabeth says “what was that loud crashing sound in the throne room?”
Amber says “I don’t know, they wouldn’t tell me. Some sort of Olympian secret.”
Annabeth says “any idea of what it was?”
Amber says “no, but it was coming from behind Ares.”
Annabeth says “remember that time we went to Olympus with Naia and when Zeus appeared we hid behind our parent’s thrones?”
Amber says “yeah…?”
Annabeth says “what if that was Riley? What if they secretly revived him without telling you?”
Amber says “don’t joke about that.”
Annabeth says “I’m being completely serious.”
Amber says “why would they revive him and not tell me?”
Annabeth shrugs and says “forget I said anything.”
Amber sighs and says “I wanna believe it’s true, but I can’t.”
Annabeth says “let’s talk about something else.”
Amber looks at her project and says “oh schist…”
Annabeth says “what’s wrong?”
She laughs and says “I sort of wrote it in Greek.”
Annabeth says “talk about extra credit.”
She laughs and says “eh, I’ll live with it.”
Annabeth laughs.
She says “it’ll improve my grade. I’ve gotten a couple of B’s.”
Annabeth says “what has happened to you? Children of Athena don’t get B’s!”
She says “ever since Riley died, my mind just shut down.”
Annabeth says “you need help.”
She says “well what do you expect me to do?! Go to a therapist and say ‘my boyfriend is dead because I refused to join Kronos in the second titonamachy and now I need help’?”
Annabeth says “I mean you need someone to help you through it.”
Amber says “no one can help me now.”
Annabeth sighs and says “I wish I could.”
Amber shrugs and says “wanna go see Percy?” Her head shoots up.
Amber laughs and says “I knew you’d do that.”
Annabeth says “shut up…”
Amber goes to Anna and says “can you take up to see Percy?”
Anna nods and the three of them get in the car. Amber and Annabeth go inside and visit Percy for a while, then they go back to Amber’s. They talk for a while, eat dinner, talk for a few more hours, and then fall asleep.

p.s. I pre-write this in a microsoft word document and save it just-because, and it's 154 pages. At this point
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
Nah I wish I had a bro named Percy......... I was kidding....... 😄 Though I call my sister Hazel all the time.
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
That is not her name though.....
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Here's the next chapter...

In front of Peter stood Hecate, the goddess of magic.
She said “they have revived the son of Ares, and they’re training him to fight in the war. They’ve offered him some type of reward.”
He says “Ares has many children, you’ll need to be more specific.”
She says “I don’t know his name…”
He sighs and says “what did he look like?”
She says “um tall, strong build, brown hair maybe?”
He says “did you find out his name?”
She says “I heard it, but I forgot. I’d know if I heard it, but I can’t remember it right now.”
Something suddenly dawns upon Peter. He says “was his name Riley?”
Her head pops up and says “ah, yes. That was it.”
He says “and what was his reward?”
She says “that I do not know. I am sorry.”
He says “would you be able to get more information?”
She says “they found out I was spying. I wasn’t careful enough.”
Peter sighs and says “thank you for the information.”
She nods and exits the room, knowing she was no longer needed.
Peter sighed and said to himself “so Riley’s alive… I wonder if Amber knows.” Then he realized that she might not know. He decided to do her a little favor. He grabbed a pen and paper, and began to write something.

When Amber and Annabeth awoke the next morning, there was something on Amber’s bed-side table. It was a sheet of paper, with a small flower attached to it. Amber said “A-Annabeth?”
Annabeth sat up and said “monster?”
Amber says “no, a strange letter and flower.”
Annabeth says “what does it say?”
Amber shrugs and says “I’ll open it later.”
Annabeth says “but I wanna know.”
Amber says “I’ll tell you next time I’m at Camp, I swear.”
Annabeth says “your curiosity must be killing you.”
Amber says “I’m not very curious anymore, remember?”
Annabeth looks at Amber and says “oh gods… Amber, you’re really, really pale. You need to look me in the eye and tell me you don’t have the smallest interest in that paper.”
Amber sighs and looks at Annabeth in the eye. She says “I want to open it.”
Annabeth says “don’t hide it. Just because Riley is gone doesn’t mean your curiosity should be. You’re basically the queen of curiosity now.”
Amber laughs and grabs the paper.
Annabeth says “read it out loud.”
Amber opens it and after reading the first three words to herself she throws it on the floor in disgust.
Annabeth says “what is it?”
Amber says “the first three words are ‘my dearest Amber’. It’s from Peter.”
Annabeth sighs and takes the letter. She reads it to herself, and gasps. She whispered “I was right…”
Amber says “what? Is he dead?”
Annabeth says “I’ll read it to you.”
Amber takes the letter and says “I can read.”
Annabeth says “I wanna know you’re not faking, read it aloud.”
Amber sighs and reads “my dearest Amber. If you didn’t hate the gods already, you should hate them after you read this. They’ve been keeping something from you. Something you’d want to know. And if this finally convinces you to join us, you know where we’re stationed. The gods kept a big secret from you.”
Annabeth says “that must be what Zeus was talking about yesterday. He said it was an Olympian secret, you shouldn’t know.”
Amber says “you’re speaking to the queen of curiosity about not wanting to know something. You’re at the wrong stop.”
Annabeth says “each time you’re curious about something you get more color. Read it.”
She says “the gods kept a big secret from you. I’ll leave it with this one word: Riley. Hoping to see you at the titan base soon Peter.”
Annabeth says “they were keeping something about Riley.”
Amber says “that’s it, we’re going to Olympus.”
Annabeth says “let’s go tell Anna.”
Amber nods and they run out to the living room, where Anna was making coffee.
Amber said “Annabeth and I have something important to do, we’ll be back later.”
Anna says “Greek things?”
Amber says “not really, but yes. We’ve gotta go to Olympus.”
Anna nods and Amber runs back to her room. She quickly gets dressed and says “alright, let’s go.” She grabs Annabeth’s wrist and they appear at Olympus. Annabeth stays outside, while Amber opens the door and goes in.

Amber walked in. She turned to Zeus, and stood. She looked at him in the eye, silent.
He said “good morning Lady Amberana.”
She says “really? Is it, Lord Zeus? It’s not a good morning if it starts by finding out that my own family lied to me.”
Athena says “Amber what are you talking about? Why would we lie to you?”
She says “I got a letter saying you lied to me. They didn’t elaborate, they only told me one word about it. What were you keeping from me about Riley?”
Zeus sighs and says “who told you?”
Amber looks him in the eye, a stern and serious look on her face, and says “what did you not tell me about Riley?”
Apollo says “Amber you need to understand…”
She says “no I don’t understand. Which is why I want to know.”
Athena says “you seem much more curious today, did something happen?”
Amber says “please just tell me.”
Zeus sighs and says “Ares?”
Ares says “you gonna make me do it? Just because he’s my kid?”
Zeus says “Ares.”
Ares sighs and stands. He exits the throne room.
Amber says “what is it?”
Athena says “you need to understand, Riley was a very powerful demigod. Ares blessed him when he was younger, not many get that. He was one of the strongest children of Ares ever born.”
Amber says “continue.”
Apollo says “in this war, we need some of the best help we can get. You need to understand that.”
She says “what happened to Riley?”
Zeus says “we were going to tell you. When the time was right.”
She says “that’s not the answer I’m looking for.”
A voice behind her says “Amber?”
She turns around, and standing only feet away from her is Riley.
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
I know I'm not in the right club for this, but you guys seem nice so I just want to ask.

Me and one of my best friends have a Tumblr blog together. It's about Divergent and The Maze Runner. We're @shuckfacedmuffins and Home of the Divergent Munies. If you have a Tumblr we'd really appreciate it if you'd follow us... thanks!
over a year ago Casey-Jackson said…
This is so good! Update soon please!
over a year ago olympianglory said…
Postify or i will marry octavian.
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
Nooooooooooooooooooo dont do it! Its not worth it!
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
I'm posting! I'm posting! Sorry, just PLEASE don't marry Octavian!!!

Amber said “R-Riley?”
He says “I’m here.”
She says “h-how’re you-”
Apollo interrupts “you’re welcome, Amber.”
She turns to him and says “you saved him?”
Zeus says “Hades did, actually.”
Amber turns back to him and says “I-I can’t believe this.” She looked at him, and he looked very different. His eyes were a darker blue, and the bruises and cuts he got from Peter’s sword and the demigods of Kronos’s army that captured him were gone. And, he looked a lot stronger.
He says “they saved me…”
She turns to the gods, looks at Zeus, and says “thank you…”
He says “you seem to be getting carried away. He can’t come back to the mortal world. I didn’t have him saved for you. I had him saved so we could win this war. He belongs to us. To me.”
She says “he’s not your property, he’s a human being!”
He says “who I have fed and trained for the last four months. We told him he could go back to you, after the war. As a little reward.”
She says “but that could be years!”
He says “better years than never.”
Athena says “father it destroyed her to think he was dead.”
He says “exactly, now she knows he’s alive.”
Amber says “can I at least come up and visit him?”
Zeus says “absolutely not. He’s alive to fight for us, not be in a relationship. That’ll be his reward, after we crush Kronos.”
Riley walks up to Amber, grabs her hand, and says “Master Zeus surely there must be something-”
Zeus interrupts “this is why I refused to tell her. The answer is no. He is here to fight for me.”
Riley says “I am not your property!”
Zeus says “you swore on the River Styx that you would serve me with cooperation. You do know what happens if you break the promise, correct?”
Amber says “you made him do that?!”
Zeus looks at Riley and says “if you break the promise, you die. And we will not be reviving you again.”
Amber sighs and says “I know he’s alive, that’s enough for me.”
Zeus says “you may not continue your relationship. If I find out you do, I will have him killed, and you thrown into Tartarus. Do you understand me?”
Athena says “Tartarus? Seriously, father?!”
He says “the boy is here to save us, not be in a relationship with a 15 year-old goddess!”
Apollo says father you’re being very harsh-”
Zeus says “enough! Even when she is called back to Olympus the relationship will not continue.”
Amber says “excuse me, when I’m what?”
Athena says “Amber you knew this was going to happen.”
She says “no I didn’t!”
Riley says “Amber, calm down.”
She turned to look at him, to tell him that she could handle it. But as she looked at him, he wasn’t who he used to be.
He said “calm down.” He had a tone of authority in his voice. He wasn’t asking her to calm down, he was telling her.
She says “Riley what’ve they done to you?”
He says “I found my strength. Just calm down, and accept Master Zeus’s rule. I don’t like it either, but if I break it then we’ll never get to be together again. At least now we’ve got a someday.”
She looks at him and realizes they changed a lot about him. She says “I don’t know who you are. You look like Riley, but you’re not. I don’t know who you are, not anymore.” She ripped her hand from his grasp and exited the throne room.

Amber walked out of the throne room, and as soon as the door closed tears started falling down her face.
Annabeth said “what happened?”
Amber says “t-they broke him.”
She says “what?”
Amber says “Z-Zeus had H-Hades revive him. A-And they c-changed him.”
She says “changed him, how? What’d they do to him?”
Amber said “t-they revived him, and Zeus won’t even let me speak with him. Even when I apparently get called back to Olympus.”
Annabeth says “wait, what?”
Amber nods and says “called back. Zeus doesn’t want him to have anything to do with me until this titonamachy is over. And, he was claimed as Zeus’s property. Literally. The exact words used by Zeus were ‘he belongs to us. To me.’ Like he’s a piece of property.”
Annabeth says “that’s rough. What’d you say to him?”
Amber sighs and says “I… I told him that I didn’t know who he was anymore, that he wasn’t the Riley I loved. Then I just left.”
Annabeth says “oh my gods, Amber I’m so sorry.”
The door to the throne room opens, and there’s a lot of yelling from inside.
Annabeth looked, and Riley ran out the door. Before he could say anything, Annabeth said “we should be getting back…”
Amber nodded and grabbed her wrist.
Riley said “Amber wait!”
Amber wiped a tear out of her eyes, but turned to Riley. She said “I’m done waiting.”
He says “Amber I’m sorry. But Master Zeus said-”
Amber interrupts “I don’t care what Zeus said! He never liked me, and I knew that. Then to make things even worse, he corrupts your mind.”
He said “what? No, he didn’t touch my mind. He just made me stronger. I’m still me. You told me you love me.”
Amber sighed and said “yeah, I did. I did love you.”
He says “did?”
She says “before Zeus decided to make a rule, and you decided it was the right thing. I did love you Riley, but I don’t know if I do anymore.”
He says “Amber, please.”
She turned back to Annabeth and said “let’s go…”
Riley ran up behind her and said “Amber, please. Please, you can’t do this to me.”
She turns back to him and says “you did it to me.”
He says “when you were here yesterday I tried to see you but they made me hide behind my father’s throne.”
Amber says “Riley, I’m done.”
He says “I’m not. Please, Amber. I’m sorry.”
She says “so am I. Sorry I ever thought you’d always be you, and sorry I ever loved you.”
Annabeth looked at her in shock. This was Riley, the boy Amber had grieved for months and had cried over plenty of times. And here she was, telling him that she didn’t love him anymore. Annabeth was surprised, but was afraid to say anything.
Riley looked at her in the eye and says “Amber I love you. I’m so sorry I let this happen.”
Amber shook her head and said “too late for sorry.”
Riley says “there’s nothing I can do to change your mind?”
She said “nope…”
He grabbed her hand and said “please…”
She sighed and said “I’m sorry Riley.”
He leaned towards her and kissed her.
Amber pushed him away and said “Riley… n-no.”
He looked at her and said “I love you…”
She just looked at him for a minute, then turned back to Annabeth.
Annabeth said “Riley I think you should go…”
He looked at Amber one more time, and said “what if I break the promise? Would that fix anything?”
Annabeth says “you swore it on the River Styx. You break it, you die.”
He looked at Amber, right in the eye, and says “if I die again, would that prove anything?”
Amber says “you’ll learn to live without me…” She grabbed Annabeth’s wrist and they disappeared.
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh Ima dying from the feels! #OMG
over a year ago olympianglory said…
Hell naw!
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
Sorry that was actually Pipes -slaps-. No offense Pipes but dont touch my stuff!

Anyway, the reason is we have a joint account (pipes and me) so yeah............ But cool chappie Fangirl!
But she doesnt really, you know, post much so if I post it is me!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Lol, it's fine. I have joint accounts with one of my friends too... I need to write the next chapter, I'll post later, I swear
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
Okay! Im waiting for it.......
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
U havent postifed yet
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Sorry, sorry, I was busy. I'm almost done with the chapter. I'm gonna introduce a new character, just to have some fun

Name: Chuck
Age: 13
Appearance: a small, chubby little kid with brown hair
Godly Parent: Dionysus
Personality: easily frightened, always tries to be funny, not necessarily the smartest person
Back Story: the first time he saw anything about the Greek world he was being chased by a hellhound. A girl ran up to him and told him to let her handle it. She stabbed it and it turned to dust. She told him to go home and not let his mother take him somewhere, so that's what he did. But she didn't listen, and she dragged him to Camp Half-Blood. There he learned that the girl who saved him was Lady Amberana, the goddess of curiosity.
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Here's the chapter, sorry it took so long

Amber brought Annabeth back to Camp Half-Blood, and she decided to stay for a while. She went to the archery station, where she found Naia and Holly. She got her special bow from her cabin and went to join them, without saying anything.
Naia looked at her and said “what in Hades was that? You didn’t even say goodbye, and you took only Annabeth!”
Amber says “please, just don’t yell at me. I’ve had a rough day.”
Holly says “we thought Annabeth was dead! She just disappeared with her stuff! You owe us an explanation!”
Amber says “please just calm down… my day was already awful, I came here to try and pick up my spirits a little.”
Annabeth comes over and grabs a bow.
Naia says “Amber, you need to deal with the fact that Riley is dead.”
Holly continues “it’s been four months, you’ve got to get over it. We miss him too, he was our friend too, but we’re over it.”
Amber says “he isn’t dead.”
Naia says “you’re in denial. One of the five stages of grief. We’ll help you through this, but you need to stay here for us to help you.”
Amber says “no, he’s not dead. He’s alive. I saw him, I spoke to him, I… I rejected him.”
Holly says “because you know it wasn’t real.”
Amber says “no, I went to Olympus, and he was there! Zeus had Hades revive him so he could fight in the war because he was one of the strongest Ares kids ever born. Annabeth saw him!”
Naia says “Amber, Amber, let us help you. We can help you.”
Annabeth says “she’s telling the truth. She rejected him.”
Holly says “why would she reject him?”
Amber says “they… they changed him. He isn’t Riley anymore. He was just different, he wasn’t the Riley I loved.”
Naia says “wait, loved? What happened to love?”
Amber says “that’s what I went there with, I came back with loved. I, I don’t know if I love him anymore. And having people scream at me less than an hour after it happened isn’t helping anyone.” She took her bow and went to her Cabin. She slammed the door behind her and sat on her bed. She put her head in her hands, and began to cry.
A minute later there was rapid knocking on her door.
Naia’s voice said “Amber I’m sorry! We didn’t know!”
Amber went to the door and opened it. She said “I don’t wanna remember it. I didn’t wanna talk about it. And then you started screaming at me.”
Naia comes in and says “so he’s alive, and you’re broken up?”
She nods and says “go ahead, take a swing.”
Naia says “I’m not going after your boyfr-”
Amber interrupts “ex-boyfriend.”
Naia says “whatever he is to you now, I’m not gonna try to date him. Are you crazy? That totally breaks the girl code.”
Amber laughs and says “Aphrodite doesn’t understand the girl code.”
Naia laughs and says “I almost forgot, did you save a demigod a few months ago? From a hellhound?”
Amber says “he’s here, isn’t he?”
She says “he always talks about the great Amberana that saved him. His name is Chuck, a son of Dionysus.”
Amber says “was he being chased by anything? When he got here?”
She says “no, his mom dragged him here. He was screaming ‘she told me not to come!’ What did you tell him?”
Amber says “I tried to keep him out of the Greek world. I tried to save him.”
She says “he’s really thankful to you. So get up, I promised that if you ever came I’d take you to meet him.”
Amber nods and says “let’s go.”
Naia said “go wait at the sword arena. I’ll bring him there.”
Amber nodded and walked out of the Cabin and towards the sword arena.

They found Chuck in the strawberry fields, as he usually was. He didn’t exactly like to train. He wasn’t very athletic.
Naia went up behind him silently and said “sup Chuck?”
He jumped and turned to her. He said “oh, hey Naia.”
She laughed and said “anything new with the strawberries? Wanna come train for once? We’ve got a special guest. You won’t wanna miss her.”
Chuck says “who is it?”
Naia says “just come to the sword arena.”
He says “Naia you know I hate to train.”
She says “you’re gonna wanna meet this person for real.”
He says “who is it?”
She laughs and says “I was gonna surprise you, Amber is here.”
He says “are you serious?”
She says “do I look like I’m joking?”
He says “is she nice?
She says “she’ll love you, just go see her. I’ll go with you.”
He says “I’m not a little kid, I can go alone.”
She laughs and says “fine, go. But don’t let her leave without seeing me again.”
He laughs and says “sure thing Naia.”
He walks away from the fields, towards the sword arena.

A small kid walked into the sword arena, and he looked lost. She recognized him, and he was the kid she saved from the hellhound. She went over to him and said “are you Chuck?”
He said “are you Amberana?”
She laughed and said “it’s just Amber.”
He says “hi just Amber. I’m Chuck.”
She laughed and said “little sharp, aren’t you?”
He laughed with her and said “you’re the one who saved me a couple months ago, right?”
She nodded and said “it was the first time I was myself in a couple of months.”
He says “thank you… if you weren’t there I’d probably be dead.”
She said “don’t mention it. I wanted to at least save one person’s life…”
He said “what do you mean?”
She shakes her head and says “it’s nothing… someone I cared about died, and I sat there helpless, unable to do anything. I’m happy I could at least save someone.”
He says “was it a brother?”
She shakes her head and says “no I had a boyfriend. But he died, and he’s alive, and Zeus is training him to fight in the war, so it doesn’t really matter for me if he’s dead or alive.”
He says “I’m sorry to hear that.”
She says “it’s not your fault. You wanna do some sword fighting?”
He shakes his head and says “I don’t fight.”
She says “come on, what do you mean you don’t fight? You’re a Greek demigod! Of course you fight! Come on, I’ll show you. It’s simple.”
He sighs, but takes out the knife Chiron gave him.
Amber spent an hour teaching him how to fight. After that he insisted upon going back to the strawberry fields, so she went with him.
He showed her everything there was to know about the strawberry fields, and she found it pretty calming and quiet.
After he showed her a few spots she said “I’ve never really even been over here. I’m always either on Olympus or training.”
He says “I just can’t train. I’m not good at any of it.”
She says “that’s because you never practice.”
He says “because I can’t fight.”
She says “I may have to stay a few extra days and fix that…”
He says “you would seriously do that?”
She says “ensuring a young demigod’s safety is one of my top priorities.”
He says “if you’re willing to spend your time helping, then the least I can do is learn.”
She says “that’s the spirit!”
He laughed and said “we’ll start tomorrow, I’m tired.”
She said “we only practiced for about an hour! I didn’t even sweat a bit!”
He laughs and says “I’m not exactly a physical kid…”
She says “I’ll be sure to fix that. Go rest, I’ll find you later.”
He says “I usually just sit here, secretly eat a few strawberries.”
She laughs and says “you do that, I’ll be over at archery.”
He nods and she walks off towards the archery station.
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
Great post!
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
:D I'll write another chapter and post it in a bit
over a year ago olympianglory said…
Heroes of Olympus - Gold is just Hazel's song!
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
Im waiting for the post
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Hey sorry I've been busy, but here's a post. Sorry if it's not too good, I rushed it so I could get one out

Holly was practicing archery, and someone tapped on her shoulder. She turned, and it was Amber. She had her special bow in her hand, and she was actually smiling.
She said “who’s Chuck’s parent?”
Holly said “what’s up with you and Chuck?”
Amber laughed and says “nothing, he’s just a really nice kid.”
Holly laughs and says “he’s my half-brother. Son of Dionysus.”
Amber says “I saved him from a hellhound.”
She says “when?”
Amber says “a couple of months ago.” She shoots an arrow at her target and hits it in the center.
Holly says “why’re you so happy?”
Amber says “I found an excuse to stay for a while. I’m gonna become your brother’s personal trainer.”
She says “I have a lot of brothers, please be more specific.”
Amber laughs and says “I’m gonna get Chuck in-shape.”
She laughs and says “good, he needs it. He won’t even let Naia help him. Naia’s like, his best friend.”
Amber laughs and says “well he’s gonna let me help him. I actually got him in the sword arena for about an hour today.”
She says “whoa, that’s a first.”
Amber laughs and shoots another arrow at her target. It hits the center, unsurprisingly.
Holly says “how’ve you been?”
Amber says “don’t try and cover up the awkward, you’re trying to figure out what’s going through my head.”
She sighs and says “you know me too well…”
Amber laughs and says “I’ve just been thinking, if what happened was really the right thing.”
She says “you can’t be together anyways so there’s not really a point in trying to fix it.”
Amber says “I know… but they, they changed him. I thought that maybe somehow I could change him back.”
She says “Amber they brought out his inner Ares. This is who he’s meant to be, this is who he’s gonna be. The important factor is if you still love him.”
Amber says “I don’t even know anymore.” She fires another arrow, hitting the center.
She says “maybe you just need to figure it out, see if you miss him.”
Amber says “I miss the old him.”
She says “Amber there is no more of the old him… you need to understand that.”
Amber says “what he’s doing is in the best interest of the Olympians, we can sort it out whenever the war ends.”
Holly says “that’s a very adult decision.”
Amber says “well I’m gonna live to be eons old, I gotta start acting like it.”
Holly laughs and they both shoot arrows, only Amber’s hitting the center.
Holly says “let’s go to the sword arena, see if anything’s changed.”
Amber says “yeah, I got even better.”
Holly laughs and they go off to the sword arena.

Peter couldn’t believe his note had failed. He even used her biggest weak spot against her, but she was yet to come. He waited and waited for days, but she never came.
He was in a meeting with Kronos, six days after he sent Amber the note.
Kronos said “you told me she was coming.”
Peter said “Master, I understand your frustration, but I-”
Kronos says “this is possibly the most powerful goddess in the universe and you’re letting her slip through your puny little mortal fingers!”
He said “Master I am trying my best! She just won’t see reason!”
Kronos slams his hand on the table and says “you get one last chance, then I kill you and take the matter into my own hands. And I don’t think you want that, now do you?”
Peter lowered his head and says “I will try again, Master.”
Kronos said “good, now go. You take as long as you need, but no longer than a week. If you return without her, I take the matter and deal with it.”
Peter nodded and says “yes Master.”
Kronos says “do not fail me for a fourth time, Peter Johnson.”
Peter nodded and stood, understanding that he was dismissed from the meeting. He began to create his plan immediately.
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
Great chappie! It is fine........ That chapter is great
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Thanks! I'll try to write and post later....
over a year ago olympianglory said…
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Sorry it's so late, here's the chapter. Sorry if it's not so good, I wanted to get it out

Amber ended up staying at Camp until the day before she went back to school. Or so she planned. When she was getting packed up on her last day, someone knocked on her door. She opened it, and it was Naia.
Naia said “I don’t understand why you won’t stay here.”
Amber laughs and says “I want to continue to learn.”
Naia says “you learn stuff here!”
Amber says “yeah, I learn how to avoid monsters.”
Naia says “Chuck needs you. He’s not gonna keep up training if you leave.”
She says “then I’ll have to come back.”
Naia sighs and says “please?”
She laughed and said “I wanna stay, but I’m not done with mortal education just yet.”
Naia laughs and sighs at the same time.
Amber says “I promised Chuck I’d train him one more time before I go…”
Naia sighs and says “come say goodbye this time, alright?”
Amber nods and walks out of the cabin. She goes over to the strawberry fields, to look for Chuck. But he wasn’t there. She tapped someone on the shoulder and says “where’s Chuck?”
The guy points to the sword arena, which surprised her. She walked to the arena, and she saw something amazing. Chuck was fighting Holly. And he was winning.
She ran over and said “go Chuck!”
Holly says “yeah, thanks for the support Amber.”
Amber laughs.
Chuck grabs Holly’s knife and tears it from her grasp. He points both of their knives at her throat and says “be afraid…”
Amber laughs. He liked to say that whenever he won, as a joke.
Holly says “holy Schist Amber. You work with this kid for one week and suddenly he’s amazing!”
Amber says “I should make a demigod boot-camp.”
Chuck says “Camp monster butt-kicker.”
Amber laughed and says “it does have a charm to it, I won’t deny that.” She studied Chuck. He’d actually gotten a little more in shape since she started helping him.
Chuck handed Holly her sword and says “you ready Amber?”
She chuckles and says “I was born ready…”
He faces her, his knife drawn.
She says “spathi tis sofias.” Her sword appears. She points it in his direction, and he charges at her. They fight for a minute, and Chuck says “I know you’re trying to go easy on me. Give it all you got.”
Amber nodded and started slashing even harder. He somehow still kept his knife up. He reached for her sword handle, but she smacked his hand with the bottom of the handle on her sword. They fought for another minute, a crowd of people circling around them.
Naia runs over and says “oh my gods…”
Chuck reaches for the sword again but Amber reaches and takes his knife first. She sticks the point in the ground and points her knife at Chuck.
Naia says “how long was that?”
Chuck says “maybe two minutes…?”
Holly, who was watching, says “Chuck, no one lasts two minutes against Amber. No one lasts two seconds against Amber.”
Amber says “well I taught him myself.”
Naia says “we all tried to teach him the difference is he listened to you.”
Amber shrugs and says “I may just be a born teacher.”
Holly says “Amber you didn’t teach him to fight like a demigod you taught him to fight like a god.”
Chuck says “really?! That’s awesome!”
Amber laughs and says “if you want I’ll teach you guys too. But first, Chuck and Naia, you two fight.”
Naia sighs but draws her knife. She fights Chuck, and he beats her after a minute.
Holly says “I’m gonna go get Annabeth, you’re gonna train the three of us.”
Amber nodded and Holly ran off.
Chiron came galloping up to her and said “Amber. We need to speak.”
She nodded and says “is everything alright?”
He says “just come to the Big House.”
She nods and turns to Naia. She says “tell Holly I’ll be back in a minute.”
Chiron says “no, Amber. You won’t. You won’t be back in a minute.”
She says “what do you mean you said we’re just going to the Big House.”
He says “I told you to come there, I never said that was the only place you were going.”
She says “where are you sending me?”
He says “Amber just say goodbye to your friends and come to the Big House.”
She sighs but nods and turns to Naia. She says “apparently I won’t be back to teach you. I’ll see you soon, I swear.”
Chiron says “no you won’t Amber… no you won’t.”
She says “Chiron where am I going? I’m not a demigod, I don’t do quests.”
He says “it’s not a quest. Just come.” He gallops away without another word.
Amber turns back to Naia and hugs her and says “I’ll try to see you as soon as I can, but I don’t know where I’m going. And take care of Chuck…”
Chuck says “I can hear you!”
Amber says “exactly, so listen to Naia. That’s an order.”
Naia laughs and hugs Amber tight.
Amber says “I’ll hopefully see you within a couple of months.”
Naia nods and lets go of Amber.
Amber turns to Chuck and says “listen to Naia, alright? You’re like a little brother to me now, I don’t want my little brother dying.”
He laughs and she hugs him. She says “seriously though, listen to Naia. Whatever she does it’s to protect you.”
Naia says “she’s right Chuck.”
Chuck laughs and says “maybe I’ll see you soon Amber.”
She says “maybe…” without another word she starts to walk towards the Big House.
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Does anyone even give a damn about this freaking story because if not then I'm gonna postpone writing it for a while. So if you actually DO give a damn and are enjoying it and want to read more just leave a comment here
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Also, just letting you guys know, if no one says anything about keeping the story alive by the time I get home from school on Monday (it's gonna be about 2:30 but I may not be able to look until later that day) then I'm just gonna post-pone writing my story for now. I don't need people ignoring whatever I say on here, if I wanna be ignored I'll go to school, I'm always ignored by everyone there. So if no one posts on here by the time I look on Monday, then I'm just not gonna write anything for a while because I'm super super stressed and I am crying a lot now and I'm so stressed I even developed a twitch in my left eye and I don't have anyone to talk to about it. I don't have time to write something that no one is going to read, if you're gonna read it I'll keep writing but if no one says anything by Monday I'm gonna post-pone the story until I somehow get over my stress
over a year ago olympianglory said…
I've been reading, but I'm a little annoyed that anyone else who does refuses to post and say their appreciation.
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Thanks Olympia... I'll try to write another chapter and have it posted in the next few hours :)