The Heroes of Olympus Don't make me, JACKSON!!

GOLDEN1GIRL posted on Nov 10, 2012 at 11:27PM

Sup guys,
I am starting this forum but I'm not sure if people will read it so I'll give the first chappie and see how it goes. If no one reads it then I'll just delete it. Please read and comment on it.

(Oh and no demigods. All mortal.)
"Percy, touch me gain and I swear I will bitch slap you back to Olympus."
- Annabeth Chase: Don't. Make. Me. Jackson!
Annabeth is stuck in a dorm with Percy Jackson, her least favourite person at school much less the whole world.

Genre: Humor/Romance (Not yet)
Rating: T for language and se**al references. :D Don't worry, there isn't THAT much.

Other HoH characters.

I don't own the HoH series or the characters... Sadly.

I will keep updating because I see that people are starting to read and comment so I'll be posting about once a few days or a week.

Careful of the language but besides that it's a hilarious story.
The Percabeth fluff with come in later.

*I will also shoutout stories that I really like on fanfiction.*


last edited on May 20, 2013 at 08:16AM

The Heroes of Olympus 717 replies

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Showing Replies 301-350 of 717

over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
me. i wont be able to work on it until the weekend though. my teachers are homework happy
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Lol homework happy teachers...
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
Yay!! Mine are too, which is why I haven't been on here:(
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
today is: national dont text and drive day (but isnt that legally everyday?)
national talk like a pirate day (that should be every day)
and official pick on eli day (eil is a guy in my class) (every thursday is p.o.e day) (a teacher made that day) (i like that teacher)
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
National talk like a pirate day at our school,
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
okay i just found an old fanfic idea of mine. i think im gonna use it in my next chapter. it involves the game forfeits. but do you peoples know what forfeits is?
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
a forfeit is when you give up a game and let the opponent win, but what do you mean, the game forfeits? What game???
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
No I dont
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
I was gone for SUCH a long time! Look how many chapter I have to catch up with!
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
OMG I've been there
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
Okay so forfeits is a game. And when you let your oppenent win. But it's also a game. A person has as many cards as people playing. One of those cards is a joker. Whoever picks the joker has to do a forfeit, like doing a cartwheel or reciting the alphabet backwards and stuff like that. It's fun.
sugarpalstar commented…
I get it now! Thanks:) over a year ago
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
?????????????! Whats going on?
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
Finally caught up! :)
over a year ago kpgrace said…
Sounds fun!
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
Post soon!!:)
kpgrace commented…
Yes! Please! over a year ago
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
to... much... homework.........
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
big smile
dont get all freaked out im a typing zombie now
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Oh wait... I'm a huntress... I'm still alive;P
kpgrace commented…
LOL over a year ago
cinnominbubble commented…
:P over a year ago
over a year ago kpgrace said…
Could you maybe give us a time you think you will be done with the chapter? Because I am really bored and I can't wait to read it
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
ummmmmm maybe this weekend? idk if ill even be able to work on it until then but ill try to have it up by sunday afternoon at the latest. in my time.
ArtemisStag commented…
which im not certain is yours. over a year ago
ArtemisStag commented…
:) over a year ago
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
Well missy that is quite a long time so you need to HURRY UP!!! ;D
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
over a year ago GOLDEN1GIRL said…
OH MY GAWWWD PEOPLE!!! I CANNOT TELL YOU HOW SORRY I AM FOR NOT POSTING OVER 4 MONTHS (?)!!! i am currently overseas right now and back home, my laptop, phone, iPod, WIFI all got taken away from me or disconnected because i stayed at a party until very late.... so yeah... yeah i have no idea when im gonna get them back but my parents said that they are gonna give it back in about a few weeks. i know, harsh ayyy? anyways, my wifi has been like disconnected becasue of all sorts of reasons but im persuading my parents to get the internet back on again. so yeah, i have wifi at the hotel im currently staying at right now and im on my mums phone so im pretty rebel. I WAS SO SUPRISED WHEN I DECIDED TO VISIT THIS PAGE AND WHEN I SAW HOW MANY REPLIES THERE WERE I WAS LIKE WTFUDGE!?! coz like when i went, it was only 127 replies but now its like over 300!!! OMG IM SO PROUD OF YOU ALL!! i enjoyed the chapters a lot. for now, can you guys please keep writing but i promise i will make an effort (once i get all my electronics and wifi up and working again) to post. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!

CAN I MAKE A TEENY TINY REQUEST? can i upload the chapters that you guys wrote on fan fiction? if you wont allow it then its fine but people pretty much think i abandoned the story. if you allow it then i will make sure i write your names in my AN and i wont take any credit for it. PROMISE.

I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!! and @cinbub and all the other people who i cant remember, thank you for not giving up on the story!!!!!

over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
YUP! U be AWESOME! We no give up!
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
We must prevail!!! And GET A NEW CHAPTER SOON <cough> ArtemisStag <cough><cough>
kpgrace commented…
YES!!! over a year ago
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
Oh and you can upload my chapters:)
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
(>^_^)>.............................­.no post here
No post here................................<(^­_^&­lt;­)
/(#_#)\ I no find post:'(
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
ArtemisStag please POST!!!
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
Wow she's back! COOL! Well at least the story survived this long (all thanks to me :D)
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
Yeah, no thanks to the authors...
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Post soon
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
im sorry! I'm trying! (to post) and
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
here ya go.

fyi theres a sort of cliffhanger >:-)

Annabeth’s POV

I hate Percy Jackson.

There. I said it.

For the 200 millionth time.

So, I go back to my dorm and what do I see?

Percy Jackson, idiot of all idiots, (still with his dog, I might add) on my computer typing on my gmail with my diary open beside him.

And he had the nerve to smile.

“Hi! Annabeth! I need to tell you something!”

“What. Is. It.” I growled.

Percy raised his eyebrows at me, like he was surprised I was pissed.

He’ll be surprised when he can’t sit down.

“We’re having a party tonight!” He said, like he expected me to jump up and down and start blowing up balloons.

For a moment, I had no response.

“No,” I finally said after a minute. “We’re not.”

Percy rolled his eyes and sighed. “Well, let me rephrase it. I’m having a party at my dorm that also happens to be yours. Happy?”

I dropped my book bag on a couple of pillows. (Mangled and covered with dog hair, too-- I officially hate this university) I sank down onto the couch.

“No. What are you doing on my computer?”

He shrugged. “Mine broke.”

“What are you doing on my email?”

“I couldn’t figure out how to log out.”

I facepalm. Idiot. Maybe you press the logout button?

“And what are you doing with my diary?”

He glanced over to the leather-bound journal beside him.

“Oh! That’s what that is! It was open next to the computer!”

I try to think back. When I wrote in it last, next to the computer, I can’t remember exactly what I did after. It better not have been me.

“Did you read it?”

He looked a little embarrassed.

“I skimmed. Who’s Octavian?”

I exhaled deeply to keep from spontaneously combusting.

“He’s a new guy in my geography class-- now give me it back!”

Percy obediently handed the book over to me. I went into my room, shutting the door so he couldn’t see where I put it, then went back outside.

Percy was back to typing away on my gmail account.

I slammed the lid of the laptop on top of his fingers.

“Ow!” He yelped. “What was that for?”

“For using my computer and my email. Without permission.”

He looked at me skeptically. “You’d have given me permission?”

“Of course not. What’s this about a party?”

He sighed. “Tonight. Here. Can Mrs. O’Leary stay in your room?”

“Not if I’m in there.”

“Hopefully you won’t be. You’re invited.”

“Who else?”

He counted them off on his fingers. “Nico. Thalia. Thalia’s boyfriend. Jason. Piper. Connor and Travis. Rachel. Leo. Oh, and Nico’s sister. And her friend.”

I frowned. “But…. Bianca’s dead.”

Percy shook his head. “His other sister. You know her. Her name’s Hazel? Oh, and Frank. That’s the friend's name.”


He shrugged. “It’s Friday and it’s my turn to come up with something to do.”

Oh my gods. Percy is such an idiot. But I won’t kill him-- yet.

“Yet” being the operative word in that statement.

Nico POV

I was the last one to show up. The party was supposed to start at 7, but I only got there at 7:20.

I was the last person by around 5 minutes.

When I finally got into the dorm, the only reason anyone would have thought it was a party was the amount of people there. Percy’s effort was minimal. It was slightly less messy, the dog wasn’t there, there was music, and there was a “snack table”: bottles of Coke and a bowl of potato chips.

Honestly, why did I expect any more?

I saw Hazel chatting with Frank, awkward as ever. They were doing what they always did: maybe-kinda-sorta-flirting. Not really. Yet it was clear that they were. It was confusing.

Piper was there too, with Jason. Thank the gods he had gotten rid of Drew. Piper was much more tolerable.

Annabeth was chatting with Thalia, as always. Connor and Travis were doing something-- probably something that they shouldn’t be doing. Leo and Rachel were being awkward-- seriously, they could rival Frank and Hazel. But where was Percy?

I sat down on the couch containing Thalia and Annabeth.

“So are we just going to do nothing the whole night, or did Percy actually do something that involves thinking?”

Annabeth whips her head around. Apparently she hadn’t noticed me.

She shook her head. “Percy’s being Percy,” she told me. “I think. He was acting all weird--weirder--when I came home.”

I shrugged. “He’s been acting weirder lately.”

Suddenly, Percy appeared (covered in dog hair--of course) with 12 cards in his hand, grinning like a lunatic.

Oh, crap, I thought. This isn’t going to be good.

Piper POV

As soon as I saw Percy with those cards, I knew that we were all in trouble.

Jason had been telling me that Percy was getting better at card tricks, card games, anything involving the slight of hand.

And he had told me about forfeits.

(going over the rules for anyone who skipped over my post where i explained what it is) Forfeits is a party game. The dealer holds cards, one for each guest. One of these cards is a joker. Whoever draws that card needs to pick a slip of paper from a hat. Written on this piece of paper is a “forfeit”, a silly act for the person to perform. You keep playing until all the slips have been drawn.

And its kind of a rule that everyone needs to play.

“Get over here!” He said, and everyone who hadn’t noticed him yet did. We all died inside.

Seeing our expressions, he grinned. “It’s not that bad. Besides, no one has anything better to do here.”

We all nodded. It was true.

“Okay, so. Pick a card, any card.” He said, overing the deck to Thaila.

She rolled her eyes and picked.

She showed us the card. It was the three of clubs.

It sort of went around the circle like that. I picked the king of hearts.

Finally, he got to the Stoll boys. Travis picked a card. It was the joker.

I sort of had to smile as he picked a slip of paper.

He read it out loud. “You must do a handstand.”

He managed it-- for a about a second. Then he toppled over into the snack table.

Percy collected the cards and offered it to Thalia again. She muttered something that sounded a little like “ship”.

She turned it over. It was the joker.

She picked a slip. It said “You must do a cartwheel”.

She performed the task like a gymnast. She managed to vault over the coffee table while doing it, earning a round of applesauce.

So it went on like that for a while. People started warming to the idea as they did a forfeit. Hazel had to bend over backwards, Jason had to pick up a sock from behind the sofa, Frank had to say the alphabet backwards, Rachel had to jump on the table and act like a monkey, Nico had to sing the national anthem, and we all had to go and buy earplugs.

It was fun-- until Annabeth had to sort of murder everyone. Never anger Annabeth, Percy. Never never never. (wait that sounds like she actually did murder people. she didnt. dont worry. that much.)

(Did you notice the spellcheck word? whoever finds it gets cake (its not that hard to find)

And dont worry, ill post more. like tomorrow. nobody post more in de meanwhile. im just evil like that. >:-)
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
Great... But POST!!!
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Overing? That's not a word!
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
@cinnominbuble where did i put overing?.... (searching) whatever thats not the one im talking about.
@sugarpalstar maybe tomorrow... maybe later (im just evil like that) >:-)
I FOUND THE WORD! !!!!!!! IT WAS APPLESAUCE!!! IT WAS SUPPOSE TO BE APPLAUSE!!!! -looks arounx- WHARERZ MY CAKE?!?!?!?!!! lol sorry im really tired :p over a year ago
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
ohhhhh now i see overing. sorry that was my misspelling of offering. but thats still not it.
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Ship? Forfeits instead of forfeit's?UGH I VANT CAKE!!!!!
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
I don't care about cake, I want somebody to POST or HoH to come out!!!
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
over a year ago kpgrace said…
Great post!!! But PLEASE post another on soon!!
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
none of you have found it yet.......... its in the last three paragraphs. like the third one from the bottom. im surprised no ones gotten it yet.