The Heroes of Olympus Don't make me, JACKSON!!

GOLDEN1GIRL posted on Nov 10, 2012 at 11:27PM

Sup guys,
I am starting this forum but I'm not sure if people will read it so I'll give the first chappie and see how it goes. If no one reads it then I'll just delete it. Please read and comment on it.

(Oh and no demigods. All mortal.)
"Percy, touch me gain and I swear I will bitch slap you back to Olympus."
- Annabeth Chase: Don't. Make. Me. Jackson!
Annabeth is stuck in a dorm with Percy Jackson, her least favourite person at school much less the whole world.

Genre: Humor/Romance (Not yet)
Rating: T for language and se**al references. :D Don't worry, there isn't THAT much.

Other HoH characters.

I don't own the HoH series or the characters... Sadly.

I will keep updating because I see that people are starting to read and comment so I'll be posting about once a few days or a week.

Careful of the language but besides that it's a hilarious story.
The Percabeth fluff with come in later.

*I will also shoutout stories that I really like on fanfiction.*


last edited on May 20, 2013 at 08:16AM

The Heroes of Olympus 717 replies

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Showing Replies 51-100 of 717

over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Lol, kk! I'm a Pacific time girl!
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Ok I Dunno what to say now.
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
POST! plzzz!!! im bored
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Did she abandon this forum? I hope not.
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Ralph-Does ANYONE have any 3s????????
Me-NO ONE PLAYS GO FISH RALPH! I mastered it when I was 8!
over a year ago teamleo said…
Cinnomin, according to golden girl you are supposed to post. We're you planning on doing that any time soon? Plz post!
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Lol. I remember someone saying that...
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
I am? I have officially no clue of what's going on!
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
I believe you were designated to post, Cinn.
So you should!!!!!!!
over a year ago teamleo said…
big smile
I agree with snow!!! Post!!!!!
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
YEAH!!! Squirrel agrees with me!
over a year ago yumalicious said…
Post soon!!!!
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
I wasn't here for 2 months! That's when I read last!
over a year ago pjlover447 said…
Apparently, Golden girl wants a CB to post for her. I'm guessing your CB? Anyways, post soon if you are!! And Great story Golden Girl!!
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
Please post I love this story so funny
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
First tell me what's going on!!!!
over a year ago teamleo said…
Read the last comment from Golden Girl. Then after that you have to talk to her because i am as confuzzled as you are.
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Fat chance. I is ze confuzzled queen of confuzzleness.i is confuzzled.
over a year ago GOLDEN1GIRL said…
OK SORRY EVERYONE FOR NOT BEING HERE FOR THE PAST CENTUARY... But I have a very good excuse. I have been and still am in the overseas right now where I have NO connection. I am so sorry.... But I will try and continue this forum so chill. But you guys will have to wait a few weeks before you here from me again. I promise I will continue but in the mean time CC might be able to post. If not then I will post. I am very sorry for all the confusion. :D I'm gonna brainstorm for the next chappie so gooda byeeee!!! ....for now....
over a year ago teamleo said…
OMG YOU ARE BACK!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!! IT HAS BEEN FOREVER!!!!!! Who is CC? Oh well, I hope you have fun overseas and please post soon!!!!!
over a year ago GOLDEN1GIRL said…
Oh whoops. I mean CB. Oh and yes ima back but just a thought... What of everyone posts? Well not everyone but people... You know what I mean right.. Just about 5 peeps max. We'll all take turns. Tell me what cha think.
over a year ago percysmiles said…
rats i was hoping that last comment was a few weeks ago then the chapter would be now oh well
have fun brain storming
fyi i love this story its one of my favourites its so different all the ones i read there in high school and your like
NO there in collage
love that
post soon
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're back!
over a year ago percysmiles said…
by the way i dont really like the ones posted by a lot of people because then the plot line is all over the place and the ending is weird
if you have 5 different co wrighters then there might be 5 different endings
and 5 different people fighting for the story to go there way
but thats my opion you you want to do that thats fine
i just might not like as much as i do now
i will still continue to read this but...
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
EXACTLY! I would do it, but I don't know where GG is going w/ this.
over a year ago teamleo said…
I would love to post but I have no idea where to start and stop so it goes along with your story. I would still love to read it though!
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
TL I think we should leave it to GG.
over a year ago teamleo said…
I agree.
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
C! Someone gets me!
over a year ago GOLDEN1GIRL said…
Here's what I've got so far for the next chappie. And I guess majority rules so I will be the only one posting. It's a short one though so I'm sorry. ...Enjoy?

Chapter 4:
Sweet Dreams.
Annabeth's POV.

As I lay on my pillow, I thought about the days that I have already been here. Classes don't start for another four days.

Yesturday had been hilarious. Thalia made Percy and Nico were a pink skirt with a strapless shirt.

Well, thats what you get for messing with Thalia.

It's funny because whenever they walk, their strapless tops slide down coz they don't have boobs and they keep pulling it up.

I checked the time. It was 2:35am.

I was about to go to sleep when I heard my bedroom door open.

I looked at the figure and realized that it was Percy.

I tried not to laugh at him because he was holding a Teddy of a dolphin.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you to 'knock before enter?'" I said as I quickly pulled the sheets over my exposed body.

I wore a tank top and short shorts to sleep.

"I just wanted a good night kiss." He said.

I threw whatever was in my reach: a tissue box.

I finally noticed that he was bare chested.

"You liking my abs?" He said raising one eyebrow.

"Eww, that's just yuck. I've seen hot guys that have way better abs than you do okay now get the heck outa my room!!"

"So... What will happen if I ask if I could snuggle in with you?" He asked innocently.

I fumed.

"Well, something a lot heavier than a tissue box will be coming your way." I snapped.

"And will that 'something' be Annabeth Chase?"

"Why you little- I outa-"

I grabbed the second nearest object which happened to be my biology textbook and threw it at the pig that was in my room.

He had the sense to run out of my room just in time as the thick book hit the back of my room door.

"Sweet dreams Annabeth!"

"Stupid pig!!"


Well, I'll try to post soon.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
over a year ago teamleo said…
Hahahaha I love it! To bad Annabeth doesn't like Percy yet. They woe make such a cute couple!! Thanks for posting!! Post soon!!
over a year ago pjlover447 said…
LOL!!! post soon!!!
over a year ago corrected said…
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Lola again
over a year ago MaKorra4LIFE said…
Update! Love this story.
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
over a year ago MaKorra4LIFE said…
Postifycation would be magnificent.
over a year ago corrected said…
i agree, now would be even more magnificent
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Postifycation will prevent world destruction.

corrected commented…
yes over a year ago
corrected commented…
y u bring ralph bacck? i dont even remember who he is but he sounds familiar over a year ago
over a year ago GOLDEN1GIRL said…
Hey guys. I'm sorry I haven't been updating and I'm not sure if I will keep going but ill do my best. Here's a little treat for you guys since I haven't updated lately. It's in Jason's POV but its not an actual chapter. So enjoy.

::: Jason's POV :::

The girl I met yesterday was beautiful.

I don't mean cute because a lot of girls are cute but they aren't beautiful.

She was unique and I liked her attitude- by what I saw today, she can be a total badass. But seriously, I've never seen a girl go off on Drew like that.

All the girls are intimidated by Drew because she was the queen bee.

"So Jase, met any cute girls lately?" My cousin Percy interrupted my thoughts.

Percy, me and Nico were out in Starbucks getting some coffee.

"Dude! I'm still with Drew!" I hissed.

Percy just shrugged like he couldn't care less.

"Speak of the *itch, here she is." Nico muttered.

They never really liked Drew from the start.

"I'm just warning you, if you guys start making out or anything like that, me and Nico are outa here." Percy said with a grimace.

"Guys, look, I don't like Drew anymore. I'm going to try and break the news to her that I want to stop our relationship."

The cheerfulness in both Nico and Percy's face gave me enough to know that I had better expect trouble.

"No need dear cuz, we will break the heartbreaking news slowly to her so that she won't have to go through the pain of heartbreak." Percy said solemnly.

This cannot be good.

"Hey baby, what are you doing here with these... people." She said pausing to acknowledge the fact that Percy and Nico were here with me.

"Yeah, and these people are right wanting to tell you that they have names." Nico retorted.

I sighed. Whatever they had in store was not going to be good.

"So babe, I was thinking, why don't we go out this Friday night, say movies?" She said ignoring Nico completely.

Friday night was when we all hung out- we all meant me, Percy, Nico, Thalia and Annabeth.

I was just about reply really politely when percy opened his mouth to speak.

"Well, first of all, Friday is when we all hang out so no can do AND secondly, let me say this very slowly so that you can process it through that squirrel brain of yours that... Well, quite frankly.... Jason wants me to tell you that you and him are over."

I watched from her face as they turned red to purple back to calm.

"And why would that be?" She asked coldly.

"Well, if he wanted our opinion, he could do so much better than a barbie doll." Nico piped in.

She turned purple again.

"Oh yeah? Like who?" She challenged.

"Like that super hot chick that just walked in here." Percy said thumping Nico on the chest.

I turned to see who percy was talking about and you'll probably guessed who but there was Piper McLean looking as amazing as ever.


People, here is the next official chapter of my awesome story. So enjoy!!

Chapter 5.
The revenge of Annabeth...
Annabeth's POV:

I was having the sleep of my life. It was like my bed was heated from the side because I felt all warm and fuzzy.

I scooted over to the warmth and snuggled.

The warmth wrapped its arms around my body and started rubbing my arms.

Wait a second.

No no no, this cannot be happening.

I opened my eyes as squinted in the dark.

Surely enough, there was the idiot in my bed.

I was about to shout at him and throw him off my bed but then I had a crazy idea.

I went out of my bed and tiptoed to the fridge not wanting to wake up the now drooling percy.

Note to self: buy a new bed.

I opened the top of the fridge to where the ice cubes were stored.

I know what your thinking... Oh yeah.

I was so going to enjoy this.

I placed about five ice cubes in a small bowl and tiptoed back into my room.

Percy was a deep sleeper but just to be sure, I nudged him with my hand.

He didn't stir.


But then, I had another idea.

Geez, ideas just come popping into my mind when Percy's in my bed... And all you dirty minded people... NOT LIKE THAT.

The other day, I had gone to buy some whipped cream for my pancakes and there was still a bit left.

I got the whipped cream from the pantry and hurried back into my room.

I set up my video camera so that I would be able to humiliate percy.

Phase one.

Percy had one of his arms outstretched so I whipped up some cream lightly on his right palm.

Then, I tickle his nose with a feather until he started twitching and finally, he wiped his right hand over his nose.

Now, he had whipped cream all over his face.

It took me all my willpower not to burst out laughing.

Percy sure was a very deep sleeper because even after that, he still would be sleeping.

Phase two.

Percy wore a singlet which I thought looked pretty sexy because it showed his muscular arms-

OKAY, moving on.

I got my bowl of ice and carefully slide them down Percy's singlet.

The second the first ice cube hit his skin, he screamed like a girl, jumped off the bed and started jiggling to get the ice out of his singlet.

This time, I didn't hold back.

I burst out laughing and clutched my sides till my ribs hurt.

He rolled his eyes but he looked red in the face.

I got that all on video and first thing in the morning, I'm going to show it to Thalia.

"First of all before you say anything, WHAT THE HECK WHERE YOU DOING ON MY BED??" I said nearly shouting.

"What? You know I am battling with my hormones." He replied with a smirk.

"You make me sick." I retorted.

I did not want to register what he had said.

"Well, I do try." He said bowing.

I shoved him out of the door and made sure he didn't get back in.

I wonder if he really liked me.

No, it's just not possible. It's just... Gross... Ew.

It was four in the morning and I no longer could sleep so I went out and sat on the couch.

I switched the tv on when the door I Percy's room opened as well.

Percy stepped out bare chested.

I kept my eyes on the tv.

"Mind if I join? I couldn't sleep after the excitement of last night." He said making it sound so... Wrong.

"Whatever." I said.

He plopped himself next to me and casually yawned stretching his arms slowly around my shoulders.

"Percy, touch me one more time and I will have you out of the window before you can say mommy." I threatened.

He instantly withdrew his arm and looked around.

"I'm going to take a shower." I said getting up.

I saw him grin but completely wiped it off when He saw me glaring at him.


I brought my clothes that I was going to wear for today: skinny jeans with a light blue sweater that said 'Off Limits.' Meaning, I'm too good for you.

I got into the shower and closed the door but guess what I forgot to do?

Yep, me, Annabeth Chase forgot to lock the door while the perverty Jackson was in the same apartment as her.


If nobody comments in the next 5 days then I will completely abandon the story. :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Please don't...I lurvs this story!
over a year ago corrected said…
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
NOOOO!!! im new, but i luv this story! plzzzzzzzzz dont!!
over a year ago GOLDEN1GIRL said…
Thanks guys for commenting. I guess i will continue the story... i am working on the next chapter and i promise i will update during next week. :) Oh and keep commenting! ;)
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
over a year ago teamleo said…
OMG so glad that this wasn't posted five days ago!!!! I would've shot myself if you ended the story! Awesome chapter!!!!! Please post soon!!!
rainbow_girl commented…
SAME!!! over a year ago
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
over a year ago corrected said…
not me