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Supernatural Stars Pick Their Favorite Episodes, Characters and Moments From the Series

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Supernatural Stars Pick Their Favorite Episodes, Characters and Moments From the Series
That\'s 200 hours of brotherly hugs, shotgun shells filled with rock salt, man tears, muscle cars, and all the monster hunting and world saving you could possibly want. The road so far has been a long and winding one, with more than one apocalypse thwarted and multiple trips to hell (and heaven) and back.
And with 200 episodes, there\'s probably been more fan-favorite, instantly iconic guest stars than on any other series, ever. From characters that only appeared once to one-offs that became series regulars, E! News rounded up some of
\'s best and most memorable guest stars to look back on their time on the show and pick their all-time favorite episodes, characters and moments from the series as a whole.
Favorite episode? "I was actually just rewatching the season I was in recently, season four, and I watched \'Yellow Fever,\' and I was like, ‘Oh my gosh, what a great episode!\' it was so good and that acting in that was fantastic. I loved it. That sticks out in my mind as one of my favorites. And another one that I love is \'Changing Channels,\' that was really fun. I like the ones that are playful rather than the actual scary arcs."
Favorite character? "I love Chuck. He\'s my favorite. There are so many, but Chuck and Charlie are my favorites."
Favorite moment? "My favorite scene that I was able to shoot was Ruby\'s big monologue at the end of the season. It was so fun to finally say why she did what she did and why it\'s important and then her death scene. I worked really hard on that and had a lot of fun doing it. It was a total role reversal for her from the entire season and that was my favorite. I was shocked because I didn\'t know what was happening and they kept so much under wraps and tied everything together really nicely."
Can she return? "Listen, never say never! I\'d love that but you have to ask [executive producer] Jeremy [Carver] at this point. I\'m always happy to work with the
Favorite episode? "There\'s one episode that I really love called \'The French Mistake.\'  I thought it was one of the cleverest things I\'ve ever seen on television. I absolutely loved the fact that the industry can poke fun at themselves and the actors. It was just fabulous to watch and is truly one of my favorite episodes I\'ve ever seen on TV. There\'s nothing else like it on TV."
Favorite character? "I love Rob Benedict\'s character. And Mark Sheppard, but he\'s now a regular. He\'s really wonderful. Osric Chau was great. And I love my character! [Laughs] There were just so many. What I love about
is they use a lot of seasoned actors as guest stars and when we do fan events, it\'s like a traveling theater troupe. Everyone is so experienced."
Favorite moment? "There\'s an episode where I unsink the Titanic so pretty much that entire episode was incredibly fun to do. I had a scene with Sam and Dean and they were like, ‘Why\'d you unsink the Titanic?!\' And I go, ‘Have you seen the movie?! I hated that song! That song drove me nuts!\' And then Céline Dion was an unemployed waitress somewhere. The writing is just the strength of the series! The creative team is just so brilliant. And that\'s why it\'s lasted so long."
Favorite episode? "I loved season eight\'s finale when the angels were falling. That was astounding to me. I know it\'s cliché but I love \'French Mistake!\' You see behind the scenes, and the winks and the nudges. And I hear the 200th has a lot of fun, inside jokes and comments too."
Favorite character? "Everybody loves Crowley! Everybody loves Castiel! Those go without saying. I miss Garth and personally Kim wishes Jim Beaver was everywhere I go. Right?! He brought so much to that show and to that relationship. I miss him. I was bawling reading [the episode with his death]."
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Favorite episode? "I\'m going to go old school on you. I\'m an apocalypse fan. I\'m a Mark Pelligrino-as-Lucifer man. I dig that whole season five arc. \'Swan Song\' to me is my favorite. I could deviate and go \'French Mistake\' which is hilarious and great and Sebastian\'s fabulous and it\'s such a great meta episode.
does that better than any other show of that genre.
does that phenomenally well where they\'ll fly as a straight arrow and every now and then deviate and shock the hell out of everybody. And that\'s \'French Mistake.\' But, pound for pound, I\'m a \'Swan Song\' guy. That whole bringing the car into the story and making it apart of the boys\' mythos and their genetic coding was just beautiful."
Favorite character? "I\'m an Abaddon fan. I would have said Crowley but Mark Sheppard\'s now a regular so I don\'t have to vote him in! I\'m a big fan of Pelligrino\'s Lucifer. I\'m a big fan of Rob Benedict as God/Chuck. But I thought what Pelligrino did—and I\'m not just saying this because I worked with him—his Lucifer is just fantastic. If I had to pick one, I would go Lucifer. Two, Abaddon tied with Benedict as God."
Favorite moment? "My favorite moment to shoot was when the Trickster revealed himself to be the archangel Gabriel. There\'s a certain amount of writing you expect in network television when you\'re a guest star and that superceded it by leaps and bounds. Jeremy Carver, who is now the showrunner, wrote the episode and it was just unbelievable to take a character who was just a one-off, not really involved in the story arc, and then insert that character in a grander way in the overarching arc of the season was brilliant and seamlessly executed and a hell of a surprise to audiences and the actor playing the character alike! It was a home run on their part."
Favorite episode? "If I was going to be a complete egomaniac, I\'d have to choose one of the episodes I did. The very first episode of the season that I did, I got to work with Jared Padalecki significantly and Jensen Ackles We had some great scenes together. The first time I joined the show, you worry about actors who have been doing it for 10 years, that they\'re going to be dialing it in, and I can tell you that it was such an awesome experience to realize how passionate these guys still are and how committed to it they still are. Jensen gave me 110 percent in every scene and I had a blast. When that turned into more episodes throughout the season, I was a very happy camper."
Favorite character? "I\'ve got to say, Curtis Armstrong\'s work is amazing. I got to work with him playing Metatron and again, I\'m playing favoritism to my season but Curtis is great. He\'s an iconic actor and if you look at the power he had, he was literally god at one point! He almost made it."
Favorite moment? "There were a couple of them. There was a scene that Jensen and I had where he kidnaps my character Gadreel and he\'s got him tied up and he basically tortures him, just beating on him all day. We have this dialogue where you finally realize just how tortured Gadreel really is and how he almost has a death wish. He gets to the point where Dean is going to kill him and he wants it. He submits to it. It\'s a huge part of the story line that this angel is willing to go these lengths because he is so tortured. And then I also love my final scene where I do sacrifice myself to release Castiel from the prison. It was a great scene and that entire episode was a blast."
! Anything could happen. I\'m an angel! I can come back. I blew myself up but anything could happen. I could be back this season, you never know!"
Favorite episode? "My favorite episode is \'The French Mistake.\' Because it\'s just the best. It\'s my favorite by far. It was brilliant and daring and ridiculous."
Favorite episode? "I do have a favorite story line. At the end of season three, [creator] Eric [Kripke] came into my office and he said, \'You know how we\'re never ever doing angels on the show? I changed my mind. We\'re doing angels on the show. Over hiatus, go home and think about how not to make them cheesy or corny. I want them to be badass!\' And then in season four we came back with this fresh, creative energy because the angels were going to come to the show. That is probably my fondest experience in the writer\'s room, figuring out what that was going to be like. And then bringing Misha in, he blew the top off. That was like the best entrance in the history of the show. I remember watching dailies from that first episode and then I ran into Misha at a premiere party or something, and he thought he was just hired to do a couple episodes. Originally, he was. And I was like, ‘I don\'t think you\'re prepared for what the
fandom is, and they are going to love you. I think this is going to be major for you.\' And I\'m really happy that I was right about that. He\'s just fantastic. It\'s just the role of Misha Collins\' career. It\'s his signature role. I\'m so proud."
Favorite character? "I have a ton of favorites. I think we\'ve really lucked out in the casting department across the board. Kurt Fuller was amazing, Felicia Day is amazing, I\'m very fond of the character of Death, and I think the sequence set to music where he walks out of his car is one of my favorite sequences that [director] Phil Sgriccia ever shot."
Favorite episode? "One of my favorite episodes is \'The French Mistake.\' I think it\'s a fan favorite as well, and I love that
kind of goes off the rails like that and pokes fun at itself and just has fun while they\'re filming it. And one of my other favorites is \'Hammer of the Gods\' which is when Lucifer wreaks havoc on the Pagan gods."
Favorite character? "That\'s tough because everyone is just so, so strong. I hate to sound so democratic about it! My favorite guys are the brothers and the family relationship that they have. It\'s just so powerful."
Favorite moment? "Some of my favorite stuff wasn\'t so much the apocalyptic stuff, which was all really fun, but it was tormenting Sam and getting inside his head and being that little imp that wouldn\'t go away. That was really fun to do."
Can he return? "Lucifer is still around! You can\'t kill Lucifer! He\'s just in a cage right now with Adam. I think something has to happen. I think Crowley needs a little talking to. Hopefully they\'ll open the cage a little bit and let Lucifer out and see what happens. That would be fun."
Favorite episode? "My favorite episode would obviously be my own. \'Party On, Garth\' is probably my favorite. We were chasing a monster you could only see when you were drunk and being drunk onscreen is one of my favorite things to play. It\'s really hard but it\'s really fun. Also, it helped that I was drinking a little bit while I was shooting it which I think it technically illegal but I don\'t really care. I had to!"
Favorite character? "Kim Rhodes who plays Jodi Mills is one of my favorite people in life so I always love to see her on the show. I really love the Ghostfacers. And seriously, whoever casts this show is a genius."
Favorite moment? "My character is known for these big hugs he gives Dean at the end of every episode. That last episode I shot, \'Sharp Teeth,\' Dean hugs me first. In the scene, even though I was expecting it, I started crying. It really got me. It\'s a great moment and we caught it on camera and I\'m really proud of it."
Can he return? "I think the fact that they didn\'t kill me speaks to me coming back. When I shot my final episode it felt like a farewell but no one actually treated it like a farewell so I was like, ‘Maybe I\'m not going anywhere!\' And I haven\'t been salted and burned so I think I\'m good."
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Favorite episode? "I\'m a huge fan of some of the quirkier episodes like the Groundhog day episode or the one where they were inside the shows, \'Changing Channels.\' Obviously, the episodes that Charlie does also have very high-concept, tongue-in-cheek spins to them and that\'s me in real life as well! The darker, more emotional episodes are great but I like the weird ones."
Favorite character? "I just saw Tahmoh who I\'ve worked with for years on Joss [Whedon\'s] projects and I loved his turn, and his storyline with Cas. They should bring him back!"
Favorite moment? "I have to say, the LARPing episode has been my favorite, just because that was a custom outfit and I was really in shape. And then I totally nailed that knife twirly thing each time on camera! That whole episode was so much fun. Just well done on every level."
Favorite character? "Sheriff Mills is such a popular character! And Charlie is really popular, Osric\'s character is great, everybody has just been so great. I came into the series pretty late in the game, in season eight, so it\'s been great to jump in and to see who the fans have really taken to over the years."
Favorite moment? "Building up to my character\'s demise, she was really sassy and the way she spoke, she had this 1950\'s inflection on everything, and that was really fun to play with. And earlier last year I shot an episode called \'Mother\'s Little Helper\' and that was the backstory of my character. It was directed by Misha Collins and to be a part of that was really great."
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