Sonic and Mario All-Stars Club
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"Mario, bowser Jr is entering the castle grounds, should we attack, send out the troops?" A toad soldier ask, mario disagree, mario down a fire flower and head out,when mario sees him,he alone,no weapons no men, he seems panicking, " Mario, Mario, you got to help me,it took bowser" he said, it, mario load up his troop and he is off in search of,it, Luigi join him, meanwhile...."let me go" bowser roar, "oh you silly little reptile, once I have mario head on a sliver platter, I place yours as a trophy for my wall,what a ugly trophy you make" prince Apple said..... Mario investigate bowser lair,...
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Bowser great fleet comes above head, bowser's clown car comes down to him, he jumps in, bowser “come on", the prince grabs peach and run towards the clown car, Luigi looks at the prince's long blade he left behind on the ground, Luigi runs and pick it up, the prince grabs hold of the clown car as bowser steer it upwards toward his fleet, Luigi spins around and release the blade as it fly's straight into bowser's clown car causing it to spin out of control, the prince falls to the ground, before he could even move, the clown car comes crashing down over him, the explosion is loud as the flames...
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Peach looks out the top floor window, she sees Luigi and also Mario hurt on the ground, unsure if he alive, she push open the window and use her umbrella to get down safely, she runs towards Mario when she stops, she notice a fire next to her, she walks pass it and gets to Luigi, she taps him, he turn to her, he moves aside, letting her get to Mario, she kneel down and kiss Mario forehead, peach “Mario, please wake up, Mario ", prince Apple “enough, I want what is already mine, princess, you coming with me", peach looks back, the prince comes out of the flames, his suit is torn and black,...
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Luigi comes riding on his kart when he sees the prince and Mario in the distance, Mario appears dead like on the ground with the prince hovering over him, Luigi takes out the bomb-om from his back pocket, the prince looks up when he hears the motor, Luigi hit off the top of a hill and ram his kart right into the prince, they go flying away from Mario as Luigi flips out of his kart as it lands on the far end on top of the prince, the prince push the kart off the way, prince Apple “ha, you think that will stop me", he takes a step when he felt something at his feet, he looks down at the bomb-om at his feet, blinking red real fast like, prince Apple “is that a", Luigi picks up Mario hand as the explosion goes off, Luigi “Mario, Mario... ", he let go Mario hand as it falls flat on the ground, Luigi begins to tear up.
Mario swings fire in his punch, the prince jumps back, prince Apple “why do you want to fight me old man, don't try to play hero, its Mario I want to face", Mario swings again and again, the prince blocks, then Mario does a kick and knocks the prince down, the prince quickly picks himself up and backs away, prince Apple “you regret that, you want to fight, OK, let's fight", the prince swings his blade, Mario dodge the blow and jumps over the prince to his back where he kicks him in the back to the ground and then kicks his blade away, prince Apple “ must be Mario, just...
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Mario throw down the letter, he believe it a joke from Luigi, the next week, Mario was at peach castle eating dinner with her, when a random toad bust in, toad:“mario a man with a big blade and body armor on a black horse is heading this way", Mario stands up and order him to take the princess up to the top floor, he exit the castle, he now he belives the letter was not a joke, in the distance he see the prince upon his horse dashing fast towards the castle, Mario quickly finds a fire flower, he must be ready, it starts to rain and it picking up rather quickly, the prince arrive, he gets...
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Dear Mario

I'm the one you stolen peach from, on that first day, when I heard she was kidnapped by the great king koopa, I dropped everything and set out to bowser forbidden castle, but when I arrived, the great evil king was already in a pit of lava, when I returned, I heard the news, a plumber named Mario saved princess peach, the one I loved, I was going to marry her... But you took that from me, I'm writing you this letter so you can be ready, I want a good battle, I hid in shame for many years, since that day I only had one thing in take back what was always mines

Sincerely prince Apple