Smile Club
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added by daisygirl488
added by daisygirl488
added by swarla
added by BillyTalentLove
This video will make you smile :) or laugh :D or cry X'D again. lol
italian man
posted by BeyondtheTrees
I felt this song is perfect for this club.

You´re better then the best
I´m lucky just to linger in your light
Cooler than the flip side of my pillow that´s right.
Completely unaware.
Nothing can compare to where you send me
Lets me know that it´s ok
Yeah it´s ok
And the moments when my good times start to fade

You make me smile like the sun
Fall outta bed
Sing like a bird
Dizzy in my head
Spin like a record
Crazy on a Sunday night

You make me dance like a fool
Forget how to breathe
Shine like gold
Buzz like a bee
Just the thought of you can drive me wild
Oh, you make me smile

Even when you´re...
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added by AgyJude
added by daisygirl488
added by daisygirl488
added by daisygirl488
added by daisygirl488
added by daisygirl488
added by daisygirl488
added by AgyJude
added by AgyJude
added by BillyTalentLove
This video will make you smile :) or laugh :D or cry X'D
added by MindlessMaking
added by echkata