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Skilene Question

What first got you into Skilene?

I can tell you mine was when I started reading fanfics, I remember the first Skilene one I read and ever since then I've been a bit obsessed with the couple.
knocktimerico posted over a year ago
 knocktimerico posted over a year ago
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Skilene Answers

Icicle1penguin said:
When I saw 'Haunted Habitat' I thought it was just a thing to show GIRL POWER! Then later I start to think, Does Skipper like Marlene? After the ending I got suspicious. Then I saw stuff on the INTERNET! Like this thing! Later I see Skipper and Marlene together like dancing(Roomies), the hug(Haunted Habitat) and all that stuff. Even though Skipper maks fun of her, I think it's that thing when someone messes around with someone because they like 'em.

(Edit: Actually, now that I think of it, Skipper's probably just being...Annoyingly Skipper-ish XD)

I see that Julien likes Marlene. WELL MARLENE IS NOT INTERESTED JULIEN! But if she does like him...

This could be a Skipper vs. Julien battle again.

(P.S. I'm OBSESSED with this show, so this is another thing I will get involved in!)

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posted over a year ago 
ilovepenguins said:
the idea of romance between a penguin and otter!
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posted over a year ago 
skipperluvs said:
I was in youtube looking for Penguins of madagascar episodes but I found a Skilene video instead and I saw it! I liked it!
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posted over a year ago 
yea that happened to me too, after I found out about it on FF I searched for PoM videos on youtube and saw a Skilene vid and clicked on it, the rest is history
knocktimerico posted over a year ago
wat`s ti called i wanna see it tell me plleeese*cute eyes*
penguinsfan posted over a year ago
it was Skipper and Marlene, the Ups and Downs
knocktimerico posted over a year ago
rebcam13 said:
When I saw my first Skilene video on YouTube. It was awesome! \m/ ^_^ \m/
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posted over a year ago 
\m/ (^_^) \m/
knocktimerico posted over a year ago
KowalskiTheLich said:
Actually all I did was scan the fanfiction list, occasionally clicking on a story or two. When I was done, I felt indifferent to the matter and when everyone else began to post Skilene stories (and Youtube videos) I decided to simply join the throng. Anymore I'm more into Marski but Skilene is still pretty good.
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posted over a year ago 
I HATE marski!
andresandru posted over a year ago
Peace, brother! So do I.
Gumball17 posted over a year ago
18wanda said:
I'm not sure. i just grew ino it I guess.
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posted over a year ago 
SJF_Penguin said:
I think in doing some general Internet browsing related to “The Penguins of Madagascar” I stumbled upon stories of fan fiction that put Skipper and Marlene together. I never would have imagined there being a Skilene had it not been for reading others’ stories on it; I wouldn’t have thought by just watching the show alone that Skipper and Marlene could be a couple.

Early on, I wasn’t sure what to make of Skilene. I then moved to having mixed feelings about the concept, and I now am a fan of it in general. My only mixed feelings now concern whether Skilene should be recognized on the show or not. But regardless of whether it is or isn’t, I wouldn’t want to see Skipper or Marlene with anybody else.
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posted over a year ago 
birdo123456 said:
when i started reading fanfics about them
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posted over a year ago 
kwlski4ever said:
When I saw Skilene videos on Youtube. Awwwww ! x3
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posted over a year ago 
IamAngel624 said:
I was into Skilene since I watched Haunted Habitat (my Skilene "Bad Boy" vid was actually the second Skilene video to ever be placed on YouTube; THAT'S how old-school a Skilene fan I am).

I just loved their interactions in Haunted Habitat. The slight bickering, Skipper protecting her, Marlene saving him, him patting her cheek, and then him complimenting her. It was just all so well-done. Their personalities just mashed wonderfully. I picked up on their compatibility right away. :)
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posted over a year ago 
wow you are old school XD
knocktimerico posted over a year ago
Metallica1147 said:
About a month ago I got board went on youtube and looked for pom videos then I found a skipper/Marlene video checked it out and I liked it. But the thing I don't get is that usual I don't like romance stuff that much, but this like the only I couple that I really thinks thats cute. And I still don't know why!!!
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posted over a year ago 
I know what you mean. In all the other TV shows I've ever watched, I had never been into pairing two characters that didn't have an officially recognized relationship together before. But "The Penguins of Madagascar" is a different kind of show on many levels -- it just so easily lends itself to being both cute and addictive.
SJF_Penguin2 posted over a year ago
dsprtpenguin said:
What got me into Skilene? Well, let me see, I started reading fan fics and watching their vids. And when I was watching I saw some spark flew up between the two!! So that got me into Skilene. :)
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posted over a year ago 
skippersbro123 said:
well i really like the pair Marlene And Skipper and then when i went to this website and i saw skilene and said to myself*skilene what's that then i read stories and i loved theme today
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posted over a year ago 
dustfinger said:
IDK i guess just watching them interact
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posted over a year ago 
Well..I got into skilene when I watched "Haunted Habitat". I loved it, and when they hugged, I thought that it might be just a good friendship, but when i saw "Miss Understanding", I knew it was meant to be! Plus, i'm completely obsessed with pairings for TV shows, and me.
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posted over a year ago 
Me tooo! :D
Icicle1penguin posted over a year ago
musicluv15 said:
I really don't know what got me into Skilene. I always did like it, but I would deny it before, thinking, "a penguin and an otter, together? That's just weird!"

But then I came across this site. On one site, hardly anyone likes Skilene. But on here, there are a lot more than I expected. I would end up checking out Skilene pictures, videos, and a fan-fic or two. About last week, I was, out of nowhere, offically in love with it.

While I'm not a huge fan of romance, I just find Skilene adorable.
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posted over a year ago 
kokorogirl said:
great question n.n
I suspected at first but then I forget and that is that you saw them together but somehow do not sopeche of them is that sometimes you see them together, other well apart, until after I saw haunted habitat started to believe more and seeing youtube excited me more and more and more at first you call after normal peri skipperxmarlene skilene descibri was nn and if one of the reasons why each passing day I get up and see
I love are so adorable

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posted over a year ago 
Marlenerulez said:
I started watching the show ages ago and now i'm a big fan of it and i kinda noticed the little romance between skipper and marlene had developed as i continued watching it, but what really made me love it were the scenes in haunted habitat and miss understanding, they were adorable and the fanfiction stories i have read have made me love them both even more_Skilene is awesome!!
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posted over a year ago 
andresandru said:
when i saw "miss understanded" y started thinking of them as a couple seeing the last part, but it wasnt until "the otter woman" where i realy thought them kissing, jugging and dating as a couple.
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posted over a year ago 
Saku15 said:
Haunted Habitant. Whe I saw first that ep I thought +Hey! These two're look cute together!". Until now I saw HH 10-15 times.
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Haunted Habitant. Whe I saw first that ep I thought +Hey! These two're look cute together!". Until now I saw HH 10-15 times.
posted over a year ago 
SummerPoM said:
Actually, it got me into Penguins of Madagascar too (I was a fan in 2009, but not a true fan like I am today and in 2010 I hated PoM).

I was in DeviantArt searching some Spandy pictures (I was crazy for it), and I found something like "Skilene and Spandy double wedding".
I thought: Skilene? What is it?
I clicked, and I saw "Skipper and Marlene".
I thought: Wait... I know them... they are from Penguins of Madagascar! I watched this cartoon!

Then I found more Skilene pages, pictures and now, I'm a fan!

And yeah, everybody knows that Julien has some feelings for Marlene. But yeah, she's not interested in him, that's what we see.

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Actually, it got me into Penguins of Madagascar too (I was a fan in 2009, but not a true fan like I am today and in 2010 I hated PoM).

I was in DeviantArt searching some Spandy pictures (I was crazy for it), and I found something like "Skilene and Spandy double wedding". 
I thought: Skilene? [i]What[/i] is it?
I clicked, and I saw "Skipper and Marlene".
I thought: Wait... I know them... they are from Penguins of Madagascar! I watched this cartoon!

Then I found more Skilene pages, pictures and now, I'm a fan! 

And yeah, everybody knows that Julien has some feelings for Marlene. But yeah, she's not interested in him, that's what we see.
posted over a year ago 
pomfan2 said:
I was just listening to a love song by Savage Garden and well, I suddenly thought of Skipper and Marlene, and then wrote a fanfic, drew fanart...And you know what? I used to HATE Skilene earlier! I'm surprised at my self how I came to love it as my most fav pairing !!
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posted over a year ago 
PoMroxx said:
....well..i first got suspicious in "hunted habitat" because of the end..then i went on youtube and saw these "Skeline" i searched on the enternet and found all these stuff about them being in love (secertly) and other stuff.and in "otter gone wild" and "otter things had happened" julein seems to like marlene.and then there were clips of where they sorta hug and dance.... :) i'm just so obsessed w/ PoM!!!!!! and skeline rules!!!!!(but so does being friends)
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posted over a year ago 
SkippX101 said:
WOW!!!! i will never forget the day i thought of Skilene...Me and my sister were watching Otter gone wild, then i started getting annoyed.A voice inside my head was like...NO WAY Skipper is 4 her!!!Then when i watched haunted habitat and then i suddenly screened "Yes!!! Come on...Say something sweet Skipper" After i said those words...

i looked on the internet and googled "Skipper and Marlene pics" then the word Skilene came up and i was just hooked! :P (Scary that this happend in 2010...Wow its been a long time!) And they still havnt made Skilene happen! Whαt's up with that?!
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posted over a year ago 
I was a fan in 2009, but in 2010 i became obsessed!!! I cant believe i only found fanpop a month ago!...But i have 2 say that my fav song for Skilene is Forever by Chris Brown. (I wish i knew how 2 make a music video) :P
SkippX101 posted over a year ago
Matchmaker11 said:
I got suspicious of them while watching an episode. I think it was The Hidden. I wondered,"Hmm, I wonder if they like each other..." I always loved to pair up character.(I still do. Hence the name matchmaker) I just became to like it more and more. Eventually I looked it up online, and as they say the rest is history...
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posted over a year ago 
xDark_Angelx said:
Rarely, do I go into the fandom of pairings for any show (this isn't the first time, of course; Zutara love still <3). But this show is different that way.

I did notice how their friendship began in "Haunted Habitat," and after that, I could see it growing and building up as they became really close, good friends. I couldn't deny the cuteness of them being together. Especially since I began reading Penguins of Madagascar fanfiction and I noticed a few Skilene fanfictons that I partially enjoyed. As time went on, and I grew more observant of things and paid attention to even the little things, I realized that despite how some people disagree, they have a friendship that could have the potential of being a couple.
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posted over a year ago 
Jessie_platypus said:
Hola, antes que nada espero que no les moleste que hable en español pero mi ingles es horrible y muchos no lo entenderían.

A mi, al principio de la serie nunca note la pareja yo solo los veía como dos amigos, después de un tiempo deje de ver la serie e inicie a ver otra serie diferente, entonces cuando buscaba fics de esa serie me encontré con un crossovers de los pinguinos con esa serie y ese fic contenía Skilene y desde entonces volví a ver a lo pinguinos en internet hasta cuando vi el episodio "la otra nutria" supe que Skipper en verdad la amaba ademas de sus otras pistas y automáticamente me volví fan Skilene y adicta a la serie y desde entonces leo, dibujo y escribo Skilene =D

I´m sorry but only speak spanish

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posted over a year ago 
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