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The Mentalist Fan Site



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posted over a year ago.
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I'm working on this fantasy where I've been naughty and Jane has to put me into a trance to get to the truth ... incorporating that scene where he observes this one p.o.i. (person of interest), is messy and then comments that messy girls are good in bed...
awe... I'd swear off all men forever if I could just have a minute to ...
I guess genetics are partly to play, Simon..., but your kind of sexy is ... earned.
You are a witty, wonderfully engaging, greatful, humble, sexy, sexy, Aussie man! (at least in all the interveiw footage I've seen of you, anyway.). Great job of taking it "on the chin", is it? And Congratulations on your success!
I love your glasses! Thanks for making legal blindness sexy!
posted over a year ago.