shira ice age Wall

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pinkmare said …
your right anubis210 John Leguizamo, said that "It sounds like they’re working on something. So hopefully the answer is YES, but I cannot say for sure" so yeah there's gonna be a fifth ice age hopefulley let's cross our fingers and they give diego and shira cubs Posted over a year ago
anubis210 commented…
they can't add a new character in now..and make her Diego's mate...just to stop making them...other wise there was no point over a year ago
pinkmare commented…
well we're just gonna have to wait and see what happens which is gonna be a long and i mean a long time over a year ago
anubis210 commented…
it wont be long..they let you know quick sometimes... over a year ago
pinkmare commented…
i suppose your right over a year ago
anubis210 said …
so there might be an ice age 5...hope they add Shira in that one..she did join the herd...a shame they never added buck back in it...except for that short moment Posted over a year ago
1kowalskilover commented…
she has to be in the herd there was a reason why buck didn't join over a year ago
pinkmare commented…
because buck wanted to stay with rudy that's why he was about the join until he heard rudy's roar over a year ago
Silver_Alpha commented…
They are @anubis. The gang finds the kid from the first movie and they go back and find buck and that's all I know over a year ago