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Snape is just nasty, right?



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maia01 said:
I think Snape was a good example of someone who never got over his love, and it turned him bitter. Of course there's more to it, but that's a start, lol.
posted over a year ago.
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Severus was already bitter to begin with. And I understand completely why.

Great essay, some of the responders seem to have rocks in their heads.
posted over a year ago.
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ComoLoca said:
Wow, that was long. So many good points in it. I'm liking James and the twins a lot less after reading the whole essay
posted over a year ago.
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Some of the things she brings up about the Twins I just don't remember reading, and I've read 3 through 7 more than once. Aside from that, yeah, I think she's spot on. Which was why I didn't reply there.
posted over a year ago.
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ComoLoca said:
^Yeah, me neither about the twins. Will have to go back to the books an read through it again as it's actually bugging me. Because I have to admit I agree with the writer that when the good characters do something highly questionable it tends to be glossed over, portrayed as necessary or all in good natured fun. And that needles me, because I don't like the idea of having dismissed and/or accepted such obviously deplorable actions.
posted over a year ago.
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ComoLoca said:
Plus I've always liked the twins, so I'm hoping the writer was either wrong or exaggerating situations.
posted over a year ago.
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What gets me is that there are so many people that have no problem with what James Potter did, not only to Severus, but to other people as well.
posted over a year ago.
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ComoLoca said:
I know! Me too! But it kind of reflects reality to a great extent. In real life popular and better looking people tend to be forgiven a lot easier than others. Their ill actions more likely to be given the benefit of doubt.

Snape and James sit at totally different ends of the spectrum and as such both the characters they interact with as well as a lot of the readers react to and judge any identical actions differently. It was bad enough that James was good looking, rich, sporty, charming, confident, popular * and* the hero's father, but to make things worse, Snape was ugly, poor, surly, alone and one of the hero's main antagonists. It was always much easier to believe that Snape's actions were motivated by ill will than James'. The Marauders, the trio, the twins, Dumbledore, etc of course all fall in the same boat as James.

I know I myself am guilty of such behaviour. I suppose that's what's really bugging me about the twins...
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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cunha27 said:
^So agree with you! It amazes me the extent people will go to so as not to tarnish their preconceived perfect image of a character. Bellow is a link to a great example of one such case. Ever wondered how someone could excuse the werewolf incident in the Shrieking Shack an place all the blame on "evil, nasty Snape"? How The Marauders were really the victims? Click on and have a read. I would have said it was laughable, but it found the whole thing sickeningly disturbing.

posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Snape was ugly, poor, surly, alone and one of the hero's main antagonists
And was the one I was automatically attracted to. I guess that's the true Hufflepuff in me, to feel such deep sympathy and compassion for such a person. That, and I am an abuse survivor, so I know that suffering myself.

I know some people will argue with me, but I think the doe was his Patronus not just because he loved Lily. I'll keep my reason to myself because I know this spot isn't safe from his haters.

As for Theresa Faustina's editorial, all I will say is, "I wonder if she feels the same eight years later." I can say much, much more, but...I won't. At least, not here.
posted over a year ago.
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jester616 said:
It's been over 2 years since I've read the books, and I am shocked to remember such things as James only attacking Sev when he had a group advantage, and the map.

The Prince's Tale brought me to tears not only for the poignancy of Sev's life, but also for myself. For the life of me, I still don't know what I did as a kid, but that's the point, right? You exist.

posted over a year ago.