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Magic Is Might


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Ok, if you haven't checked this out yet...

This is an interactive thing that's really a lot of fun. Harry Potter fans all over the world are participating. It's "Magic Is Might - News from the Ministry of Magic" and when you go to the site you become immersed in the Wizarding world as things happened in Deathly Hallows. You're reading the events in the news as they happened. You can post as whoever you want to be in the Wizarding world during that time. You can be pro-Rebellion, pro-Ministry, student, whatever. Some of the news posts have inspired flame-wars, and they've been spectacular. The best ones so far have been a slanderous news story insinuating that Remus Lupin in werewolf form attacked a Pureblood in London, and the overwhelming response was support for Remus, and then news story that Hermione was wanted for interrogation because she hadn't registered with the Muggle-born Registry and also on the suspicion that she murdered her parents.

So, as the "in-character" calander date is September 1, 1997, you all know what that means...


If you post, just stay in character and don't post anything we wouldn't know at that time. You'll get roasted by other players. Speculate certainly, insinuate to your heart's content though. Just have fun.
posted over a year ago.